Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

17 Mar


I think I misinterpreted the issue initially. If you are stuck in Thetima after defeating the Chapter boss the initial fix I suggested should work, if you just arrived in Thetima then you should be able to just use the zone transition in the top left of the map.


You should be able to walk past her and use the zone transition in the top left of the map.


Could you give a description of what happened the first time you came through the zone? There should have been a cutscene that played the first time you get there which then spawns an NPC to bring you forward. Did this not happen? Did you leave the scene prior to this completing and coming back here caused the break?


Yeah the Player.log will show your previous session while the Player-prev.log will show the session prior to that.


Just knowing your timezone works fine enough. I’ll take a look at this log and pass the info along.


We’re investigating this and issues similar to this on our end.


I’ll take a look into this, thanks for the additional info.


We have a potential lead on this internally, thanks for the report.


Hi there,

I’m sorry that we don’t have a solution here. Unfortunately I don’t think this problem applies in this situation: the players that needed to contact their ISPs about these addresses were unable to get past the Login / Play Online screen, whereas it appears that everyone in this thread is able to get to the character selection screen.

Also, if that was the problem, I would expect to see this in your Player.log: Curl error 28: Failed to connect to port 443 after 168405 ms: Timed out. Since it isn’t there, you were able to successfully connect to this address.

Sometimes WinMTR (and similar tools) shows a “Connection Timed Out” because the various points in between you and the destination may de-prioritize or block Ping traffic, while allowing actual traffic through.

It is still possible that this could be an ISP issue, but it’s not related to this load balancer. We’re still investigating. Unfortunately it’s taking ...

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All this information is much appreciated, I’m working on gathering as much data as I can on this issue from this thread and others.


If you have a log from this occurring, could you post it? Also knowing what your region is along with the regions of the people you’re playing with could be helpful.


What region are you in? Have you had any success getting in on other characters?


We’re currently looking into issues concerning this.

You could potentially try hitting “Leave Game” after entering the game for the first time and then attempting the Dungeon again instead of fully closing out of the game.


Are you playing Solo Online or with a Party?


This should only be a visual bug. We have a fix coming soon. Thanks for the report.

16 Mar


Originally posted by mrturret

Can it be added in the future?

While it is technically not impossible, we have no plans to do so and I wouldn't expect it.


Originally posted by BluntlyB

Oh wow I didn't even realize. Thanks!

Just to add, the class agnostic items in these slots are only used for unique item bases.


Creating the system to also have LAN functionality would have pushed back this release another year.