Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

14 Mar


Originally posted by eliel77

That's nice to hear. Could you elaborate it a little more ? On alts we would gain stability faster (more stability from each echo done ?)

Not yet


Originally posted by Odd-Emu2592

I would love to see that integrated into the loot filter. So a rule in the loot filter would allow you to define a stash tab additionally to the coloring options. Then, when dumping items into your stash, the loot filter would be applied the same way to identify the tab the item should go to.

That would allow to define those rules on a pretty detailed level based on a system that's already in a game and players are already using. 

It would require to add additional options to the loot filter, though, like being able to define rules for LP, or being able to filter for keys etc. 

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I see you trying to get me to add LP to the loot filter. Gotta get up pretty early in the afternoon to sneak one by me.


Originally posted by MadxxDog

Any ETA for Blessings changes? It was one of the reasons that I unistalled the game ATM.

No, it's not implemented yet.


Originally posted by amouthforwar

the fact that this is a thing concerns me but I guess that explains why I'll get a ton of duplicates of the same items even in the same run...

I'm curious what concerns you about this. It's basically just a relative rarity system.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you are having issues loading Offline characters please try the following;

  • Assuming you are on Windows, you can go to this area on your PC:

C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Saves

Note: In order to see the [AppData] folder you must have “Hidden Folders” visible And there you should be able to see all of your save files. These files can be opened on notepad and there you’d be able to see the character name/level/etc. There are backups of each save file with the ending [.bak] extension. If you can find your character in one of those save files you can restore it by simply removing the [.bak] extension [do not delete the entire folder - only the extension]

  • Go to the Saves directory mentioned in the original post C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Saves and sort your files by Date Modified to make identifying the culprits a little easier.
  • ...
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    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ve released a small client update to fix the LE-52 for new accounts - Patch If you are experiencing this issue, please restart steam and download the patch. Thank you for your patience.


Originally posted by Leo_Heart

It needs to be both imo. Also make an option where your highest corruption apply to all monos. spamming monos for weeks to get to a corruption that challenges your build is bad design. I almost always give up before empowered monos become hard or challenging content. Running the same easy content over and over and over and over again to get to your desired difficulty is just so bafflingly bad

I'm not saying that we won't ever do something like that, just that the thing that we've decided on in a design meeting was around stability.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

That does not sound related no. That sounds like the game is crashing trying to load. Try checking your log files to see if they contain more information:

– If you haven’t tried verifying the game files through Steam, that’s always a great first step as it resolves a significant number of problems.


Originally posted by AustinYQM

I want to mark a GROUP to have an affinity lol

Group Affinity: has 2LP

find the next open spot that the item fits in in any tab

I'm suddenly trying to think of how to do both.


Just a slight correction from the original post, the alt monolith catch-up we have planned is not around corruption but rather stability.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

If anyone experiencing this error would be able to provide their log file with their report, it would be much appreciated.

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    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers.

We are aware of an issue causing new accounts to encounter an LE-52 error upon trying to enter character creation/login for the first time. Existing accounts and characters are not affected. We are investigating and will provide an update within one hour.

Latest Update

Update 2024-03-14T03:24:00Z :
We’ve released a small client update to fix the LE-52 for new accounts - Patch If you are experiencing this issue, please restart steam and download the patch. Thank you for your patience.

Previous Updates

Update 2024-03-14T02:24:00Z :
We have a strong lead on the issue which we are currently pursuing. We will check back in with another update within the next hour.

13 Mar


Originally posted by Redblade_

And this does nothing to rectify the issue though, the gold is still deleted by the server and lost. What I'm wondering is how it was even possible with a freshly patched client to enter a town that was running on the old version of the game in the first place.

Any instanced game I've played before have not allowed this to happen.

Town Servers stay alive because people are in them. We just need to account for it going forward. Apologies


Originally posted by DestHUN

Thanks for the reply! I am not an expert on this topic,but why is it possible to join to a server that has older version then the client? I think if you didn't allow that to happen, that would solve the issues, and you wouldnt need to shut down everything all at once.

Yea. Essentially some people were still sitting in an old server version since we didn’t force people out of the game/out of an old server. Something we need to account for going forward


This happened momentarily while people were still on servers (mostly town servers) that were alive still right after the patch dropped. This should no longer be the case. Apologies for the inconvenience for anyone that paid the previous patch gold amount for a stash tab during that time - we're discussing how we can handle that better going forward which may just be a momentary bit of downtime so we can spin down all servers and bring them back up under the new version.
(We're working to add an in-game chat announcement feature so we can say things like "servers are coming down momentarily in 15 minutes")


We're aware that chat filters are currently blocking a number of words in other languages that are false positives and discussing how we're going to address it. Sorry that this is currently happening


commenting so I can find this and read after my meetings - looks like a well organized post


Blessings: We agree that the current system could be improved. I think Ive said this elsewhere, so I'll say it here: The current idea is to make it so that you unlock blessings instead of hard replacing them and the unlocked versions would keep the highest roll of that blessing type. We're trying to find time to scope that in.

Dungeons: Good feedback - We want to do some larger dungeon updates but I think in the shorter term we could make it so that there's not so many barriers spawning for pathing at the very least.

Legendary Crafting: Re: not wanting to go through a whole dungeon to get the reward. Open to hearing community suggestions. This needs to be something that is earned.

Stash tab affinities: planned

Campaign skipping: Yes, the way this functions is more... in-world/up to players to find/uncover than something like a "skip som...

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We’ll be expanding the end game systems quite a lot in the 1.x series patches. The monolith was built to be a baseline that we can continue expanding on.

While we do already have some solid plans for additional end game content, if you guys have any suggestions for what you’d like to see you could create a thread and I’d read through all of it and share it with the team. Love collaborating on things like that with you all


Originally posted by Skcuszeps

Fixed some instances of players facing backwards after a scene transition

I thought this was normal. I've never spawned in facing the direction I'm supposed to go on a map transition and just thought it was weird

If you guys see any more of these let us know which zone. We’ve made a systematic fix for this so that we can easily rotate the direction if we find any that remain facing incorrectly