Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

01 Feb


I know Kain replied I want to add: I have personally sat for countless hours to try to reproduce that frustrating Sigil Of Hope bug internally and never could do it. I remember we did manage to find and plug a couple holes of how it could be triggered but we never found the root cause. It unfortunately can still be triggered somehow on your version of the game. All I can say is Eleventh Hour QA love the game just as much as the player base, we want to find and resolve bugs as fast as find them because we want your play experience to be the quality product we want to play ourselves.

I’m sorry for your frustration, and personally I feel your pain because it’s one of those bugs for me that is in the back of my mind that it’s lurking in the shadows. On a positive note, I haven’t seen bug pop up since our multiplayer integration on our end. We might have unexpectedly culled it. If it does happen to pop up again, it will be much easier to find the problem with how abilities are set...

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31 Jan


Originally posted by Valcrion

Awesomesauce. I was busy with work and was not able to attend anything. Did not even try to so as not to take up a slot. Have been hearing good things from several streamers about the event so far. Looking forward to playing it myself.

The next event doesn't really have slots to take up so if you're interested in even checking it out for a little bit, you can sign up no problem.


Originally posted by 1trickana

Yeah I don't see the 10k even getting filled up, no need to worry

The 10k is more like a guideline than an actual rule. We can go over.


Poison does base 40 damage.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there, and welcome to the forums!

I’m sorry to hear about your experience. The “black circle overflow” bug has in fact been noted for a while, though it’s had different causes - many of which have been fixed. This is something I myself actually encountered and reported back before joining the team here! That specific case, with my feedback, was able to be identified and fixed, though as mentioned there is still a way to cause it.

We do get infrequent reports about this issue, however we’ve not been able to reproduce it internally, nor have any reports been able to find a way to reliably reproduce the issue (or at least reported a reproduction case) for us to reliably investigate.

All bugs are bugs we want to fix, however we also need to prioritize bugs. With this one in particular, it’s a bug which is rare to happen, and doesn’t currently have a known reproduction. This means to address it, we would need to pull apart any and all related code to try to ide...

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    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t see that in the post :wink: haha. See you then!

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers!

This past weekend we held our first of multiple multiplayer events, the “Invitational”, which went exceptionally well. The aim of this event was to gather feedback, test our live operations procedures, and give the community their first full look at playing together with friends in Last Epoch. We were able to capture a ton of significant data and feedback to help us prepare for the multiplayer release coming with Last Epoch: Convergence on March 9th.

From what we observed, many of the participants thoroughly enjoyed the new and updated campaign zones, all the VFX, SFX, and music changes, which was fantastic to hear. We also received a lot of positive feedback regarding the ease of grouping up, and generally feeling great playing together for hours on end, outside of a few minor bugs (we’re on them!). Some issues that we are aware of and have been actively working on did rear their heads during this event, such as server-side performance in end-game act...

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30 Jan

29 Jan


Please keep in mind that the numbers may change before 0.9, and some of them have placeholder 2D art.

28 Jan


Originally posted by hansod1

I always thought that this referred to the rarity of the tiles that appeared, not a rarity bonus on the loot itself. Like, if you're farming black sun the unique helm node would appear more often.

This is correct. At higher corruption you're more likely to uncover echoes with rarer rewards such as exalted items or unique items. However the items from any individual reward type aren't affected by corruption, just level.

27 Jan

26 Jan


I can see the removed post about that third party selling site. I'm not sure if it works or not but just to be super clear, it is a steam account with the game already activated on it. This tells me that they probably activated it through our website and you'll have to get the email credentials associated with the Epoch account along side the steam account or else you'll have problems down the road.

25 Jan


Originally posted by AndyBarolo

Does Harvest now scale with attack speed?

It has always scaled with attack speed. You might be thinking of Tempest Strike which doesn't.

23 Jan

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yea, I’m just the worst sometimes eh?

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well this has backfired horribly. I was attempting to gather information on exactly where the line was for them, not spark a debate on the topic. I think it’s safe to say that it’s at least a little bit a subjective term in certain contexts. Yes it can be taken literally and as soon as you have two players involved, it’s technically multiplayer but we often used terms to describe games that fit into general genres that aren’t quite literal.

Take ARPG for example, it’s a different genre than Action RPG even though ARPG means Action RPG. These subtle differences in terminology tell us a lot about the game. In this case, most notably, the camera angle is generally completely different.

I’m sorry to have thrown this so far off topic.