Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

27 May


Absolutely! I am keenly interested in stash tab feedback and will be updating it for sure.


Thanks, we’ll look into this.


Thanks for the kind words bud. Hearing that people are enjoying the game is what gets me up in the morning.


Remove the .txt from the end of this file and put it in your Saves folder, should fix it for you.

Epoch_Local_Global_Data_Beta.txt (60.7 KB)


Just for future reference if you rename it to have .txt at the end you can upload it direct.

I’ll be sending it back as a txt file and you’ll have to remove that part to get it to work.


OK, so I’m not entirely sure why this happened but I can fix it if you send me your Epoch_Local_Global_Data_Beta file.


We got there! Remove the txt from this and put it in your saves folder and you’re good to go. That was tricky but I think I could do it again if needed.
Epoch_Local_Global_Data_Beta.txt (48.6 KB)

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry to hear about this! Could you post your log file? You can upload it using the button.

Moving from #bug-reports to ...

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0.7.8 includes Chapter 8 of the story, and starts in Heoborea because that’s where Chapter 7 ends.

If you haven’t played since October, the latest chapter available then was Chapter 6, which ends in the Immortal Summit in the Imperial Era. You’ll need to fight the boss again, then you can continue the story.

If you did some endgame (monolith/arena) on that character at the time, you might be overleveled for the new story content. Just a heads up.

26 May


What’s going on here is that if you kill the enemy you targeted with the initial damage of Smite, the Fissure isn’t created. I saw that the only time it didn’t happen in your video was when you targeted a small enemy, and then tested it myself.

Thanks for the report! We’ll look into a fix.


Thanks. I believe the damage is converted, just the tag isn’t being updated, so it won’t count as a Void Spell for things like the Void Knight mastery bonus. We’ll get a fix for this soon.


Yea, sorry was just about to say that it wouldn’t. Somewhere in that giant file, there is a small mistake and it’s preventing the whole thing from loading. I’m working on finding it.


In the Last Epoch folder, one up from Saves, can you delete the version.txt file and try putting the save file back in the folder from scratch again?


sorry for the multi replies. I’m just confused. I opened the wrong file. thanks.


Can you send me your Epoch_Local_Global_Data_Beta file?
(the one that you backed up last night)


Yup, that’s exactly what I was expecting to see. Thanks for the video.


Hi Firezeeb, is this using any SSF characters?


Crap…ok I’m on it! Thanks for the detailed report.


The Ruined Shrine zone has this issue-- it will be fixed in 0.7.8b. Could you post your log file in a different thread for the chat issue? Thanks!


I believe this is a bug we’re aware of with a particular skill node, though we implemented a fix in the past.

Could you upload a screenshot of each of your skill and passive trees?

Restarting the game should fix this. Thanks!