Hmm I wonder if I could ever get a job working in video games…
Hmm I wonder if I could ever get a job working in video games…
stuff like the recent surrender work you can look forward to seeing come through more consistently in the coming months.
This is what urks people though, cause why is the surrender changes higher priority than X? Could we elaborate where something like that falls on the inner tier list of priorities?
Don't get me wrong, it makes perfect sense what you said and these still are features debately important at some point, but we're kinda leaving best judgement in your hands here and I wouldn't call surrender vote's changes top of anyone's list compared to various client issues, egregious hextech/event systems, UI clarity, spectator, etc.
There's lots of stuff to consider when prioritizing but a simple framework is value vs. cost. How valuable is it to do a thing (there's a lot to unpack there) vs. how expensive is it and what else could we be doing with those people/resources at any time. This was a lower value (not low, value is all relative) lower cost type of change, which often sit under higher value / medium cost types of changes, but then the game gets dusty if we don't make an intentional effort to sweep the floor every once and a while with stuff like this.
For the examples you mentioned, one factor is what people with what specialties are actually available at any given time. On my team (Summoner's Rift Team, we do the balance / preseason changes) we had capacity from a gameplay engineer and a game designer. The game designer is very familiar with the gameplay experience and provided better rules for the surrender system, and the gameplay engineer was able to implement them. That game desi...
Read moreIs the team really THAT small you can't have two things being made at once?
I know "throw more people at it" isn't the solution but come on
The team's not just working on one thing, Quick Play is just the biggest most public facing thing they're working on which is why I mention it, but for something like this we're in the realm of "is this the 10th most important thing? The 20th most important thing?"
There's a balance to strike between being reactive and staying focused, because if we pick up every good small scope idea that comes through we'll never get stuff like Arena/Preseason done, but I also do strongly believe we've leaned too much in that "focus on the big thing" direction over the last few years and am interested in putting out more of these types of experience upgrade changes - stuff like the recent surrender work you can look forward to seeing come through more consistently in the coming months.
Would this be nice? Yes probably.
Is this important? No.
Will Riot do this using a third of their annual budget because it broke the client entirely? Sadly a possibility.
First two lines here really, we do actually have a design for this because it is a good idea but the team's working on getting Quick Play out to y'all right now.
"I refuse to credit Hai with this play. There is no way he said 'Yo, Jensen, body these fools.' It just doesn't work that way."
That was Jatt and me right? Wasn't his initial line "body these guys, and we good" and then I paraphrased him as "body these fools"?
IDK I'm sure you've watched the clip and I'm wrong here.
What about Leblanc? I feel like there has always been a slight capacity towards some sort of AD/AA-focused builds on LB.
I know there's actually been quite the audience for AD LeBlanc. I think it'd be cool to support it. Something like E provides on-hit damage to the target she's leashing, probably something else as well.
Honestly not sure overall. It's not something I've given much thought to.
appreciate the reply nonetheless!
No problem! Next dev video should be coming out early next week
I'm 90% sure it's gonna be back and the 10% is only because Riot has made some sketchy decisions before
I'd love to see the stats on play rate (paging /u/Riot_Riru are you guys willing or intending to share/publish?) but I gotta imagine anecdotally it was sufficiently popular
me and my buddy IRL played a ton of it because we didn't always have 3+ online for SR draft and we didn't always have a guaranteed window of time so Arena fit perfectly into 9 minute blocks
and considering they released more than 1 balance patch I have to think this means they're serious about the mode
it is definitely the most polished Featured Game Mode that isn't TFT (which is autochess clone and not really League, surprised it used the same client even), since probably ARAM
We don't have any plans to share specific numbers at the moment, but I can say we do talk about how Arena has been doing and what we're thinking about for the future of Arena and other game modes in the next dev update video.
Sorry for the non-answer, but the next video will help answer a lot of these questions.
When designing new champs we have to consider the fact that many players, all the way up to challenger, don't read tooltips. If a champ has a mechanic that can only be learned by reading a TT, it is likely that a good chunk of players will not know it exists.
All my tooltip fixes for nothing...
Read moreWould it be possible for game designers to actively code in single-patch exceptions to the recommendation system when they make a big change to a champion that they expect will make the current popular build no longer viable? (Like when Azir's recommended skill order was intentionally hard-coded to be W max after his rework.)
Not every player can be expected to do the theorycraft necessary to figure out the implications of all patch changes. So it would be great if the recommender could err on the side of caution to avoid recommending something completely troll.
For example, if you make a big change to Zeri to remove Triforce synergy, then the recommender should stop recommending Triforce for one patch. If it turns out that Triforce is still good on Zeri after the nerf, then the recommender will go right back to recommending it on the next patch, and for that one patch where Triforce wasn't being recommended, well at least those players who autopilot recommended bui...
We've done this before. Removed Divine Sunderer from Jax's rec items for a patch (he has ALWAYS been significantly stronger with Trinity Force) and his winrate went up as people swapped over!
The difficulty with manually setting things is upkeep and maintenance. The reason we do automated rec items is to ensure the majority of champs have good rec items for the majority of the time. In the old system where we manually set everything it was easy for entire classes of champs to fall through the cracks when an item or meta changed
Would help if the tooltips would have all the info that is involved with that skill tho. Lot's of times there's vague descriptions and no real numbers.
Extra tooltip clarity wouldn't help for what I'm talking about. Some players simply do not read tooltips. This is one of the reasons its good to make things extra clear through VFX/SFX/Anims when possible.
When designing new champs we have to consider the fact that many players, all the way up to challenger, don't read tooltips. If a champ has a mechanic that can only be learned by reading a TT, it is likely that a good chunk of players will not know it exists.
Thank you for the kind words! We definitely haven’t seen the last of Arena; the team is discussing the future plans for the mode and none of the options on the table involve abandoning it. Brightmoon and Meddler will have a dev update soon that includes what the next steps are for the mode.
Gotta love when the biggest budget ever doesnt allow for things to be made properly on time
I’m starting to think that quote was a bad idea. 🥲
Budgets take a fairly long time to manifest into tangible products. I work on a time horizon that stretches to 2026.
I think I also disagree with your premise. The feature has a low defect rate and meets the needs of many players. If it did not, I would not expect the usage that we are seeing. That it does not meet a pretty large and well established case (saving shards for mastery) is a bummer, but it’s not the only or the largest case.
Your response is a good PR move, but was the months of time spent on this feature really just thinking about server load? Surely it wasn't spent on the simple UI that has you click one button? There couldn't have been any improvements made in that time? We're talking even more months for a relatively simple solution (im a swe). Do you guys not have many resources as a team or something? Why is it so bad?
If you compressed all the time it took and said no one had any other responsibilities I think it would have looked like: - UX Design: 1 week - Art/Sound: 1 week - Engineering: 4 weeks (less sure of this, but ballpark) - Quality: 1 week
But no one is only working on something like this. We have multiple longer-term projects, shorter term things in other areas, and work that just isn’t visible in the same way all happening at the same time. A for instance: the engineering team responsible for this was also working on backend store improvements, longer-term feature bets, the essence emporium, and various other things I probably am not fully aware of.
I am not and never would suggest that there aren’t improvements we could make do both our development platforms as well as our internal processes. (We are always working on both) I will defend the talent and care of the humans making things at Riot to the ends of the earth. They f*cking rule.
Thanks for your response. What you said here:
The scripts/tools you mind find out in the wild are fine when one person uses them, but if everyone used them on large inventories there would be chaos.
Are you saying that using the loot disenchanter tool from Github would not get your account banned for using 3rd party tools?
I am not commenting on whether or not they violate our terms of service, but reflecting on the amount of load they add to our services as a game. I do not actually know what their relationship to the TOS are.
mordekaiser does % damage -> ad fighters will now have more health for you to % damage off -> riftmaker is healing you more
voila. you are buffed
All according to keikaku
Só according to you shyvana ap is high quality gameplay. Ok
Just the most gameplay.
🤓☝️ Ackshually, not only i have read everything there is to read about Sylas, the War, what petricite is, but I've also did a paper for school about what the properties of a hypothetical stone/wood hybrid would be, including fantasy variants capable of absorbing and releasing magic, electricity, heat conductivity and humidity/porousness meters (idk if porousness is a word, 3rd language English)
I know what petricite is. I'm just saying that, if you were to be whipped by something like a chain whip connected to live electricity the physical damage you would sustain is clearly higher than the electrical damage.
Im ok, for example with the Explosion on Q2 dealing/scaling exclusively off of AP. Just wondering, why does the Q1, whipping the chains, scale only off of AP
Entirely depends on the voltage/amperage, no?
Anyways I'm just being weird. I think Sylas scaling his passive with Sorc Shoes is pretty reasonable.
And I suppose that AP ratios are more commonly found on utility and defensive scalings rather than just raw damage, right? For example, AP Trynd and Yi (degenerate gameplay aside) have a marked difference in the benefit they get from their utility abilities compared to their normal builds. Or AP Volibear getting AS from his passive and a bigass shield from his E compared to bruiser or tank builds. By contrast most AD scalings are just damage, right? Though I guess giving an otherwise utility-based ability extra damage changes the play pattern in its own right, like one-time AD Malzahar's voidlings or current armor pen Yorick's ghouls, it's just that AP champs already tend to have AP scaling on their damage dealing builds so an AD ratio would just he a worse (or better, if the numbers are wrong) version of their usual pattern.
Yeah I think it's somewhat harder to make AD version of mages work unless there are already pretty obvious hooks.
AD Lux unironically could work.