League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by blueragemage

Riot's on vacation, hopefully they actively balance the game mode on PBE when they come back

We plan on doing a pass at balance before it goes live and also during the event each patch of the event. Taric is for sure getting nerfed before it goes live

01 Jul


Duos later?


Originally posted by Mike_BEASTon

nice maths. At first glance i assumed it was surely a buff, but i ran them myself and come to the same conclusion. https://i.imgur.com/AWDZAeG.png

If you play soloQ and you don't plan to get to 4 items, don't take the new IE.

And get what? Remember galeforce is getting pretty hard nerfed. I agree now that this isnt really a marksman IE buff, but for champs that only decide between IE and galeforce (e.g. Jhin, Jinx, Aphelios), I think IE will now win out generally.

Also, Yone/Yasuo crit damage is hard coded I think, so I wonder if IE crit modifier will even affect them if they dont also go and change their numbers.

Yasuo and Yone multiply their total crit damage by 90%. Everything that modifies it carries over.


Win or lose, we go curling.


Go team!

30 Jun


These features were cut for time.

When faced with getting it out at all versus adding additional features we biased towards shipping. We are investigating what it would take to allow larger party sizes, customs, as well as adding challenges, mastery, and other things from our several miles long todo list.

Not likely for the first run, but something we will strongly consider for future runs of the mode. Obviously if we were to make it permanent we would want to support social play here. We have friends too!!!! (I mean I don’t but I assume other rioters do.)


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Axes I recall you mentioning in the dev video that you experimented with Panth throwing his spear and using a short sword until he picked it up again, could you share why you cut that idea since it seemed like it could work his shield

That's a deep cut...

Ultimately a thematic thing. We wanted to capture a hoplite in a phalanx as much as possible given he's a single character. Swapping between weapons is a different fantasy.

The gameplay associated also didn't reaaallly pan out. There was some cool stuff like throwing the spear, having it stick in the ground, then shield bashing enemies onto the spear, but it was way too difficult in practice, much cooler in theory than it was in game.

Could definitely still be something there, but ultimately it wasn't Pantheon.


Originally posted by sabrio204

It really feels like Riot hates shields sometimes, since over the years we ended up having less sword-and-board characters.

Poppy was reworked to lose her shield, and same for Taric.

Pantheon was on my short list of champions I wanted to personally update specifically because I love shield fighters. But yeah we haven't done a lot with them.


Originally posted by BasicallyMogar


Vex’s original gameplay, designed by Nathan “Lutzburg” Lutz, created portals that extended the distance allied missiles traveled. You’d essentially have Miss Fortune ults that went double distance, Blitzcrank hooks from out of nowhere, and all these other really scary, but really cool experiences. Except there was one problem: It cost multiple years of VFX budget.

That’s not an exaggeration. Nearly every missile ability in League needed to be completely redone with updated VFX just to interact with Vex’s kit. And that just wasn’t feasible.

Y'all were close, but no the tech was not done.

Specifically, anything that increases how long a missile lives in the world requires us to redo all the VFX. So there's a lot of possible missile manipulation we can still do, but there are some strange limits that don't exist for any real player-facing reason but are actually hard limits we won't be able to bypass.

29 Jun


Originally posted by JhinPotion

Yeah, I gotta be honest, the complaints about Naafiri being the strongest were really funny. Guy took an obvious opinion by the character as fact - it's like what the powerscaling community loves to do. I'm glad you're clearing up the dagger issue, though. I think she's an awesome concept, besides that. You guys did a good job.

Glad you are enjoying her as much as we do!


Originally posted by Radiant_Shelter688

Yes, I just noticed you guys deleted the "Not even the blade" line from her biography.

If I could give my two cents, respectfully, I think the piece by piece bit was confusing for sure, but still made sense if you assumed the deleted line applied to "remained" and not the tearing and biting.

I think the problem was mixing this line with the dagger described as "mangled" in the later parts of the story. At least that's where my confusion stemmed from.

This was the original (found it!). The piece by piece is referring to the man and his horse! They were ...unfortunately eaten morsel by morsel :'( RIP

Jaws snapped at the man and his horse from all sides, tearing at them, devouring them piece by piece until nothing remained.

Not even the blade.


Originally posted by Radiant_Shelter688

Hello, I apologize for the confusion. I quoted it from the League Wiki in the Early Life section and mistakenly assumed it was sourced. I'll clean up my original comment with a precision.

Thanks for your communication by the way, highly appreciate it!

Np! the original text was something along the lines of hounds consuming bite by bite until nothing was left, not even the blade.

To clarify (because honestly I would get confused by it as well :P ), we didn't explicitly say the dogs ate the dagger piece by piece, rather, after the frenzy nothing was left.
I would imagine even Naafiri herself doesn't quite understand what had happened :D


Originally posted by patmax17


This was an (pretty minor and forgivable, IMO) oversight by the writer, and I'm glad Riot is going to correct it. I wish they just owned the f**k up (I don't believe they intended it to be metaphorical, to me it's a lot more understandable if it was just an oversight), but it's still better than being stubborn

We wanted to use shattered because points to her state of mind. I think the imagery was taken a bit too far and I can see how folks can interpret it as breaking the weapon, especially since lots of regions do not consume league lore in english. Aka if its confusing in english, it's probably 10x in other translated languages. Our narrative folks are in our day to day development including the marketing assets, Hounds of Iron. We actually specifically used similar imagery and was very careful to show the whole blade as things "shatter". I think if we made a mistake its probably easier to just call out the mistake than to take this route!


Eyyy! Hello fellow crocheter! This is super cool and absolutely adorable :)


Originally posted by Quirky_Lychee_693

Jaws snapped at the man and his horse from all sides, tearing at them, devouring them piece by piece until nothing remained.

Not even the blade.

"Piece by piece" clearly talks about man+horse. This only says that the blade was swallowed, not in pieces.

Some dog could have swallowed the blade whole and this still works.

One minor adjustment :D hounds might have not eaten the blade either. Its just that its not longer there. What happened? hmmmm.......


Originally posted by Zarerion

The Reddit post in question complained about a) Naafiri being the strongest and b) the shattering of the blade.

A) was a very obvious case of an unreliable narrator being taken way too literal B) wasn’t quite as obvious, and I believe the criticism was warranted to a degree.

If I was a Darkin I would think I'm the strongest too heh.


Originally posted by Radiant_Shelter688

So looking at these comments, when did the narrative suddenly turn into "but dude it was clearly metaphorical" or "dude it's an unreliable narrator" as if it's the readers' fault for not distinguishing figurative speech in a completely literal text with absolutely no signs of metaphorical meaning?

her mangled dagger embedded within the body of each dog.

and the hounds bite into the blade, causing it to shatter

Both these stories are in third person, and there is no metaphor here at all. The text is quite clear.

and the hounds bite into the blade, causing it to shatter

Hihi! Would love to know where the second quote came from. I don't think I've seen it before and would like to clean it up if its out there somewhere.


Originally posted by Alakazam_5head

Can someone please clarify for me whether these pets or literal or metaphorical?

metaphorical as well >:D There are no random floating hands in runeterra as I know of today!
But literal irl cause pet the dog man


Originally posted by Riley_

Riot Phreak




Originally posted by TropoMJ

Thank you for paying attention to specifically those spots. The Q slow has been a point of contention for a long time and the AP ratio on the heal has always been lacking. It’s great to see champions having their less satisfying areas shored up and it would be cool to see this done for more champions.

I'd actually be super interested to hear from people what champs have spots like this and what those spots are.

Feel free to jump into replies to pitch stuff!