League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Jul


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

wait you only started working on this -after- the backlash for no cinematic and people realising riot had done nothing for years? What was the original plan for releasing anything ever lmao

I started work on the prototype at the end of last year while the rest of the team shipped the ARAM changes. The goal was to ship it at the end of this year but the backlash pushed the time forward, that’s all

08 Jul

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Originally posted by C9-F1R3L0L1

S tier botlane btw

Interesting start

07 Jul


Originally posted by Manwalrus12

sources tell me it was Manny



Orianna sometime in Season 4/5. I remember I killed their jungler then they all clumped to try to end the game and I went from one kill to a penta basically instantly with QWR.

06 Jul


Originally posted by Jozoz

The rework wasn’t perfect (nothing ever is) but it absolutely bought us a lot more room.

Let me push back a bit on this point. This implies you can now buff Yuumi, which I'm not sure is true.

She already had to go to this awful winrate to not be omnipresent in pro play.

I agree that the stats are not as bad, but I don't see how the problem has meaningfully changed. Buffing Yuumi now just puts her back in pro play. The conceptual problem remains just as true as it was pre-rework.

Seems to me that without more changes to her mechanics, she will just be rotting in 45% winrate graveyard zone like so many other problem champions before her. Can you elaborate on if that fear is valid?

Last time we tried to kick Yuumi out of pro play she went to 39% win rate. At the very least, consider this a buffed state from where she was in February.

Ideally yeah I'd like a version of Yuumi that was scarce in pro, rewarding for her mains, and approachable for newer League of Legends players. It's also not the most pressing task at the moment.

05 Jul


Originally posted by kntril

"Learn as much". You guys didnt learn it with the aram changes, especially you were the one turning down every feedback from the community. Deathtimers too long? "they are doing what they are supposed to do [..] stopping game from stalling to infinity [...]". Yeah right. Clearly you were wrong and you didnt accept any feedback of it.

We changed a bunch of the ARAM stuff, how didn’t we learn from it? My goal when I talk on social media is to explain our thought process and why we made the decisions we made to create a conversation. Like I say every time; if something doesn’t work, we change it, and clearly we are willing to change the very things you’re talking about. But it’s really hard to talk about the design and discuss it with y’all when people are so hungry to throw you into the fire.


Originally posted by UnknownfromME

Doubt you'll see this, but I'm really trying to tell Riot whenever I have an opportunity. I'm a long time player and this game mode is a blast. Easily one of the most interesting things you've done since maybe the Nexus Blitz attempt, and it's a lot of fun. I've been spamming this on PBE and I have never done that for any champion or game mode before.

Is the mode imperfect and in need of balance? Sure. But that is a relatively easy fix compared to the mode itself being fundamentally unfun, which it is not. Aside from individual champion balance, augments can always be tweaked and added or removed over time.

I appreciate it! Thank you for the kind words.

04 Jul


Originally posted by saruthesage

Wow this rework is such a success! All they had to do was get Yuumi down to 45% soloqueue winrate and she’s finally not a pro staple (but still picked a decent amount)!

I know this is rage baiting but I’ll repeat what I said last time:

At her current state she is resting at the same win rate and 70% lower pro presence than Worlds 2022. That is a meaningful success. The rework wasn’t perfect (nothing ever is) but it absolutely bought us a lot more room.


Originally posted by KaraveIIe

Pros are not good enough to make the judgment calls themselves. They pick trash all the time and dont play good champs for several seasons until one korean guys pulls it out once and then its 'meta' for 5 seasons straight.

In CS:GO, nobody played the SG because it was a 'COD noob gun', then valve buffed it by 300$ (not changing the shooting characteristics of the gun), pros played it, it got nerfed back to the original price, and still pros were crying because the gun was so unfair. Later it got nerfed to death. The gun existed in the op spot for 5 years. In CSGO there are only 2 viable rifles for Ts (economy wise) and they were too stubborn to realize that one of them was op. Pros dont know f**king shit.

Ksante has an 48% wr in pro play and a sub 50% wr in challenger. The champ is not overpowered, he's just flexible and thats it.

And can you please explain why Ksante doesn't win a lot of games in hands of the best players when hes so op?

'Win rate d...

Read more

The SG/AUG in CS:GO from ~4 years ago or whatever is just such a great crystallized example for "wow, pros really don't have it all figured out."


Originally posted by WoonStruck

IE is already more performant than Galeforce on a large swath of champions. This is the same issue Statikk Shiv has on AD characters: It's good and players are wrong to claim it's weak.

How can you make this claim if you're saying IE shouldn't be built first? That data is not exactly clear, so making this strong claim seems like a pretty questionable choice without any supporting evidence.

Items built second and later are intrinsically represented by significantly higher winrates as a form of survivorship bias. This is generally acknowledged as fact and will be peoples' knowledge going in, unless you wish to showcase why it is not the case here.

Statikk isn't the same at all, considering in many cases statikk is being rushed, unlike IE.

I agree with the IE changes overall, but the optics here are pretty poor.

Practically every public stats site separates win rates by slot. You can find the evidence yourself extremely easily.


Originally posted by aaashmoreee

but also Silver players can't play Gwen, so 🤷‍♂️.

it hurts seeing this sort of comment from the official balance team :( Mr. Phreak I wanna play my favourite girl, when I can pick her again without trolling? I wanna go snip...

Quite literally my advice is to get good. Gwen requires a high level of mastery. So go master her.

Compared to champions like Ryze who absolutely require coordination to get maximum value, Gwen is a pretty self-sufficient fighter.

03 Jul


Originally posted by gumayusiL9

this just makes adc more op in pro play where games last way longer and adcs are able to scale. why not give buffs oriented to soloq instead?

ADC popularity is at its lowest in low MMR, where games go the longest. So giving Iron-Silver players a promise of late game power is pretty reasonable. Also, new toys do a good job of bumping play rate. Both 13.1b and 13.10 spiked bot lane pick rate. The same thing happened with jungle in 12.22

For pro play, I'm more concerned with ensuring carry champions are pro-viable in top and mid. If top lane is a lot of Jax vs. Gwen vs. Rumble vs. Renekton, you'd be hard-pressed to call it an "ADC" meta when Gwen can just solo-kill Aphelios like we saw at MSI. Certainly not a fun experience for many ADC players, but also Silver players can't play Gwen, so 🤷‍♂️.

Finally, pro players play Challenger solo queue and scrims, both of which are incredibly fast-paced and snowbally on average. I'm sure there will be some degree of "Let's just get 4 item Jinx and then we win," which wouldn't be great. But if she has to face up against 4 item Gwen it probably works itself out.


Originally posted by Vanaquish231

But tanks tend to have weak lane phase due to how strong they can be in team fights.

Tanks are meant to have an acceptable laning phase so they can play League of Legends in the 1v1 for at least a while.


Originally posted by Wide_Geologist3316

Should definitely hold Riot to a higher standard.. They've been working on this game mode for literally years. It's kind of pathetic... I get the excitement for new content in a familiar game, but it really feels like riot did the minimum here.

Other than some unnecessary flashy visuals, it really feels like a half cooked concept with way too much RNG.

How is there 1 perk that's just ocean soul when you can get one that rolls 3 random souls..

We started dev on this mode like seven months ago and rushed it out so that players would have something sick for the summer event. Definitely agree there’s stuff that we can improve, and I’m hopeful people give the mode a shot so we can learn as much as we can for a second swing

02 Jul


Originally posted by Javonetor

Quickshot was given the heads up to use Trevor shirt for what i can see hahaha

haha it's Trevor Noah merch :P


Originally posted by MorbidTales1984

Does quickshot have a tee on with his own name on it? I like that confidence

haha it's Trevor Noah merch :P


Originally posted by tenkono

Also wanted to note NS performance today has improved! I thought they griefed it when they lost first baron, but all of them were really coordinated on every teamfight. My highlight was them baiting Baron to rescue Dndn.

FIESTA, Jiwoo, Peter, Sylvie, and Dndn deserve this win.

The baron bait was amazing, hard agree. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a rescue like that.


Originally posted by UngodlyPain

Any reason you chose to "buff" ie like this instead of say giving it more AD or anything. Or AS or MS to match gale?

The biggest complaint I saw about IE was it was mediocre early. So buffing it's late game and nerfing it's early game doesn't seem like it'll help much unless you just want Galeforce to be the early game crit mythic and IE the late game one... but I could just see it devolving to people buying gale and at 3 items selling it for IE. Or something.

It's a buff.

You shouldn't buy IE first. That's obviously a bad idea for an item that multiplies your other purchases. Most players have thankfully realized that. It's essentially equal on 2nd item and immediately better the instant you buy a component of your third. An item that is always equal or pure upside is a strict buff. You don't need sarcastic air quotes. It's a buff.

IE is already more performant than Galeforce on a large swath of champions. This is the same issue Statikk Shiv has on AD characters: It's good and players are wrong to claim it's weak.

But because they're wrong, it shows up in the patch notes to say, "No really, try it!"

Also ADCs aren't weak. They don't need a significant amount of extra power. But it's good to re-shape them away from Galeforce as the most common mythic. Ironically, pro players are much better about skipping the active item for the power-positive options that already exist.


Originally posted by Way2Competitive

New augment just dropped

Furiously scribbling notes over here