Read moreI want to understand this problem more and dug deeper. During the game, I started logging through WPR and stopped at the moment when the FPS dropped a lot (from 140 to 80, right at the time of death). Having opened this log (the size is about 11GB, by the way), I saw that at that moment the CPU and GPU time was occupied by the dwm.exe process
Thanks for the ETL. Looks like you have external applications causing issues. You're running OBS, Overwolf, Discord, Afterburner, amongst others. When the game seems to slow down, PhoneExperienceHost is accessing your registry. No idea why. Also, even the taskmanager has a measurable impact on performance.
I would recommend running without anything else in the background (as much as possible). Turn off Afterburner, Overwolf, OBS and anything else which might use your CPU or GPU and try again. Send me an RPD and, if you're keen, and ETL could be handy. (but do the RPD without the WPR running first).
And I have to say thanks for that ETL - its very interesting and has highlighted a couple of things that might be performance issues that we can address internally.