League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Jan


Originally posted by Striker_977

Hello RiotTony,

CPU: Ryzen 5 1500x

GPU : Zotac 1060 GTX mini 6GB

RAM : 16GB 2.7GHz Dual channel

SSD: standard 500MB read/write

Running at 1920x1080

Tried all above modifications, FPS drops happen all the time, Game starts with 300fps, then drops to 110 over the course of 3 min.

Is it possible to list all the game.cfg commadns that can be used in the given file,

The command "MillisecondsToSleepWhileSuspended=0" helped me with altabbing,

Now the current issue is that the game just stops using rescources, CPU and GPU usage drop below 10% at some moments, while it shgould be above 40% at least. I've tried reinstalling GPU drivers rolling back BIOS updates ETC. Adjusting the Nvidia settings doesn't help,

If anything else is needed let me know.

Your hardware should run at an average of 110 - 120 fps. Which you seem to be getting already. Frame drop over the length of the game is expected.

Your CPU will never hit 100% as we don't fully populate 8 threads to 100%. 40% would imply at least 3 fully saturated threads - we don't do that.

Does your game drop to lower than 110fps for an extended period of time? If so, send me an RPD and I'll take a look.

Other than that, if you want League to run faster, you'll need a faster CPU.


Nothing wrong with dodging, doesn’t hurt anyone else except you. Banning your ally’s champ is probably one of the worst things you can do in League, though.


Also use WASD controls coming from old RTS games and am a big fan, my thinking is that your mouse hand should almost never have downtime, you're moving your character or aiming an ability almost constantly for the entire game, while your keyboard hand is frequently not doing much at all. Even in the middle of a fight, you have 4 abilities + some items, some of which will have longish cooldowns, but the clicking never stops.


Originally posted by Jannukaz

  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5600X
  • GPU: RTX 3070
  • GPU driver version: 528.02
  • Reproduction rate: Every game.

Game starts at 200 fps, but falls down to consistently mostly between 90-115 fps. This gets worse the more the game progresses, and I have even seen myself drop below 60 in some teamfights.

Have tried most fixes, but to no avail. Only thing I've yet to try is reinstalling league and or formatting windows (won't do that).

  • What overlays are you running?: Blitz (tried with and without, no change).
  • Did running the game in DX9 mode help?: No

RPD file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KFmgCSE5mw20oSaHGJ6xWDiDqcKfgZ3Z/view?usp=sharing

Your GPU performance is all over the place. Are you running a 3rd party frame capper or GPU optimiser?

What happens when you frame cap to something other than 120fps? For example, 240? You should be able to run at around 144 for the most part.


Originally posted by PowerStocker

How many CPU cores does this game use? From the looks of it, system resources are underutilized while fps dips.

It will use 1 core to 100%, another core to about 20% and multiple others to a lesser extent. Most players run at about 18% load, but there are some that will hit 100% (depending on hardware of course).


Originally posted by irisetoweebhood

RIP Kayle another patch forgotten

Currently doing some Kayle work. Should have stuff to share soon


Originally posted by Pelagius_Hipbone

Now who tf is wiwwia.

Edit: Oh it’s Lillia lol

U w U O w O


Originally posted by Proxnite

Gotcha. Speaking of relics from the old system, I’ll shamelessly ask about another relic of the old system that is Noct’s E targeting. I know you guys in the past have added smart targeting to stuff like Sej’s stun and pre-nerf prowlers where it prioritized champs rather than the minions they’re near if your cursor wasn’t 100% on the enemy champ, can something similar be added to Noct’s fear?

While I can’t speak for everyone, I know I can count on Noct’s toes how many times I’ve wanted to use my one CC on the caster minion next to the person I ulted rather than the champ themselves: zero. I’m sure that minion had it coming but it’d be less frustrating if the spell prioritized someone a little higher off the ground. And while toggling “target champs only” helps sometimes, it’s a pain to have to manage and toggle on and off constantly when a permanent solution has been implemented in the past for similar scenarios.

Thanks and happy cake day!!

Interesting timing, I was having this discussion with fellow devs after we played against a nocturne that made this mistake a few times. I definitely thinks its worth a look and I'll bring it up.

17 Jan


Originally posted by moody_P

thoughts on volibear?

We talked about Volibear a bit today. His top lane is tragic but could use some work other than just increasing numbers. It’s a known problem space that will be prioritized in a fashion more similar to Annie/Orianna than, say, a one-line change like we usually do.


Orianna buffs, very poggers.


Originally posted by LouiseLea

Are you guys monitoring Zac at all? He has been overperforming all patch in multiple roles.

Happy to see Annie getting a bit bigger of a buff, she’s struggling rn :(

Zac is not included because of Demonic and (near) future work to Virtue, so we are opting to not Riot Special. Plus grevious wounds and marksman changes will have unexpected effects on a class-by-class basis.


Annie buffs are going to be a bit bigger than previously stated for 13.2 since she dropped a bit more win-rate in 13.1 as archangels popularity increased.


Originally posted by Proxnite

jungle eggs will no longer show up in the shop as vamp items

Huh, I can’t believe I only just realized they were eggs to begin with. I mean it makes perfect sense, I just never looked at them long enough to notice anything but their colors.

Its because their tags were copied from machete and or talisman. Just a relic of the old system.


Originally posted by PandaCarry

Hi riot devs, i believe that you guys are looking in the wrong areas to resolve this issue. I have a career in cybersecurity and have noticed that lolbins (windows native executables) are being executed and run while in game and suspect that hackers are able to make connections into players computers to do this. Over the past several weeks I noticed that this happens only while in league of legends games or TFT games even with a fresh install of windows and can be reproducible every time. I have tried everything under the sun to prevent this from happening but cant figure out how they are able to make connections into players computers. This also results in me going from 240 constant fps in game until they have a foothold into my computer and will stay around 130 fps the entire game after minions are spawned. The only time i was able to resolve myself of these issues was block all connections being made out from riot executable minus the legitimate ones using binisofts windows fire...

Read more

I'll check it out, but the symptoms you are describing are expected behaviour as far as frame rate is concerned. The FPS will drop after minion spawn and will stay lower (and get even lower) as the game progresses.

I wonder if some in game data reporting is causing this. Which connections did you enable/block?

16 Jan


Originally posted by fflexx_

Ok, i’ll do that when I play my next game and report back.

Thanks. All this information helps. I appreciate it. If you can share an RPD, that'd be really helpful.


Originally posted by fflexx_

It ranges any where from 400 to 300 and feels really bad to play, the drop in frames is noticeable and stutters occur. I’ve tried with v-sync, should I try with vsync+gsync and uncapped frames again?

Yeah. Very high frame rates suffer from a floating point precision issue, causing some jankiness. I would frame cap to 240 and run without vsync or gsync.


Originally posted by fflexx_

Yeah, if I have it on uncapped my fps are all over the place.

What do you mean by “all over the place”? Is it a problem if the fps is too high? Do you have vsync off?


Originally posted by fflexx_

Yeah that was only a short term test, I now have it at 200 and it still seems to drop to 199 and stutter/microstutter and it's actually really debilitating in team fights.

Do you need to frame cap at all?


Originally posted by fflexx_

Hi Tony, at the time I was locking it through Nvidea Control Panel, I tried this for about 2 weeks to no avail and the stuttering has only got worse, i've reset my PC and everything, League is the only game I encounter this issue on. (I locked it to 190 with Gsync to see if it would help, I have a 165hz monitor so maybe it needs to be under the frame rate.)

If you want to frame cap, only use the in game capping. It seems like anything else can cause stuttering.


Originally posted by fflexx_

CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700KF @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz

GPU: Nvidea 3070

GPU driver version: 527.56

Reproduction rate: (eg every game or once every 10 games) Every game

Optionally (you don’t have to do these, but this information may help)

What overlays are you running (Blitz etc)? No

Did running the game in DX9 mode help? (You can do this via settings/Game/Prefer DX9 Legacy Mode) Barely

Did running with SMT/Hyperthreading turned off help? Y/N No



Note, I've locked my frame rate to 190fps to try to see if that will help however i'm still experiencing micro-stuttering and this fps issue, it may not all be related however it's worth me giving it a try.

190fps? How are you locking to that frame rate?