League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Jan


Originally posted by d3vissi

Hey Tony,

Thanks for the reply.

I do not recall using ani GPU frame capping or optimisation software. I use MSI afterburner a little bit to oc my gpu however I've been using it for a long time before game started behaving that way.

What are your suggestions about the CPU issue u saw?

Thanks in advance

Try disabling Afterburner and let me know if it helps.

As for the load increasing, that has to be something else running on your computer. League can't use 70% of your CPU - it doesn't utilise enough threads.


Originally posted by SLYFX_Gaming

I get this same thing. game starts fine. Minions show themselves im still fine. Until i touch my mouse then i go from 144 fps to 80-90 and my screen appears to shake with each step. It's worse when walking up or down lane vs side to side which is why im lead to believe this is a vsync or refresh rate issue within league since it only happens in league.

I have tried with vsync off and vsync on. Neither fixes it. Which is why ive figured it to be a "inside of league" issue tht Riot needs to handle.

cpu ryzen 9 7900x
gpu 6950xt

i never have issues when im playing anything else. and i stream all the time while playing. Sometimes i can get a successful test run out of a practice match. But in any actual game, it stops working. but it doesnt stop as the minions enter my screen. it stops as i make my next move at tht point.

What do you plug your mouse into? Directly into your computer or via a hub of some form (a monitor for example)? And what is the update frequency of your mouse? (Polling rate?)

And, as always, RPD files help me diagnose problems. Without them I'm just guessing.


Originally posted by Serpic_RU

CPU: i7 10700k

GPU: 3070

GPU driver version: 528.02

RAM: 64

Overlay: Rivatuner Statistic Server (part of MSI Afterburner)


In 90% of cases, the performance is normal and stays at around 140+ FPS (144 cup). But in huge fights (in this log it is 15:58 minutes) there is a drop in FPS by about 30-40, which makes the game feel completely different.

That RPD only contains data for 5 minutes of a game, I'll need more than that to help.

Okay, but if all the problems occur after 5 minutes of playing?

RPDs give me a view of the frame times for the entire game. Which is why I need to see a full game (not practicetool) to be able to determine if you're experiencing normal or degraded performance.

I see your frame drop at 15 minutes - It's triggered by some large GPU stalls, followed by 2 250ms stalls, which seem to be primarily input related. The input is probably due to Windows events flooding the event queue after the stalls.

Try turning off Afterburner. It can play badly with League.


Originally posted by HaoSs07

-CPU: 5800x

-GPU: 3070

-GPU driver version: 528.02

-Reproduction rate: every game

-What overlays are you running : mobalistyc but tried with it off, same fps drops

-Did running the game in DX9 mode help?: did not try

-Did running with SMT/Hyperthreading turned off help?: did not try

-RPD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u67DVY_5BWjnycw0cgezgeHUG8P_izGc/view?usp=sharing

Can't say exactly at what time happend, but had some huge FPS drops ( thot's how i ended up here), at one point i tought the game just froze..

Yeah. You had a 4 second stall about 6 minutes into game. And your frame rate is consistently bad. Are you running any 3rd party frame capping or GPU optimisation applications?

19 Jan


Originally posted by d3vissi

Hello Riot Tony,Hope you are having great day, here is my set according to your instructions:

CPU: Amd ryzen 5 2600

GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1060 6gb windforce II OC

GPU driver version: 528.02

Reproduction rate: Every single match, around 3 minutes in FPS drop from ~170 to around 60-90 and game stutters like crazy. (this refers to both league and tft)

What overlays are you running: I'm using blitz but if i disable it, nothing changes

Did running the game in DX9 mode help? (You can do this via settings/Game/Prefer DX9 Legacy Mode): haven't tried it yer, im gonna update asap

RPD file link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-MBCY-TegNgL91dqi6lBo4FvtDSxI-mo/view?usp=share_link

BTW. I've got 2 monitors and the problem occurs especi...

Read more

Yeah - that game looks bad. Do not try DX9, do not try SMT - they were only when trying to find a very specific problem which has since been fixed. Are you running any 3rd party GPU frame capping or optimisation tools?

That game seems to have had an issue with CPU load increasing from 10% at the start to 70% by the end of game. That normally implies that something else is running or your CPU is throttling itself.


Originally posted by Treethan__

I literally emailed you guys about bots a year ago. Guess what you guys said you’d look into and never fixed? I’ll wait

So the thing about bots is: it’s unlikely to ever be 100% fixed. It’s a constant war between very clever folks trying to circumvent systems and folks building systems to prevent exploits.

I look at the measure of success as more like: how likely are players to experience bots in their games. If the answer is “extremely f*cking unlikely” than we are doing a good job. If it’s “pretty likely” then we need to push harder.

It’s entirely possible that the bots you emailed someone about years ago literally no longer work due to the efforts of our anti-cheat teams. But in that same period, new bots and exploits were developed.

My perspective is that we can do better here, because of course we can always do better here. But I wouldn’t suggest we aren’t doing anything ever. The anti-cheat team is super talented and full of folks working very hard on the problem.


It’s not about how much you can lift (your winrate) It’s about how good you look (winning)

Note: I do not deal with balance don’t tell me what to do about balance poke Phrox or Phlox or some other weirdo with the same name.


Looking into it today. Thanks for the heads up.


Originally posted by Dangercritter

Could we have a way to search certain champions in the emote select? I have no idea what the Neeko emotes are called, all I know is I want to use them when I play Neeko

This is part of the work we are exploring!


Originally posted by Xanlis

except this is an overall graph, it doesnt take MMR, meanwhile ARAM does have MMR... this is why its toxic af

In fairness, back when I did it I had two buckets, average and High Elo (Top 1%) and the goal was that they didn't move in EITHER bucket.

18 Jan


Originally posted by OilOfOlaz

and that we didn't get jankos screaming, odo with a baseball bat and the usual shit.

even though I literally could watch Jankos screaming KURWA JEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for hours, its still gotten a bit stale over the years.

I concur


which animal name would you like us to replace with YasuoMaster2 next patch


Originally posted by SemanDemon22

Pastrytime getting involved with shoulder content is awesome. His series where he did historic plays and went in depth on players was soo good (can’t remember the name but it was along w the masterminds and the meteos show). Can’t wait to see what he’s cooking up.

A lot of memes with a healthy dose of storytelling.


Originally posted by srukta

Wait. Enders not called Christy? He's Christopher?

i have never been called christopher in my entire life but for some unknown reason it is my legal name


Originally posted by fflexx_

I've played a few games, issue seems even worse my RPD is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r-ukS\_G2GB4pWXYBdQ3uLHss7BafK3TM/view?usp=share\_link

Yeah. That is really odd. Every second, there is a spike for a few frames. Those spikes are ruining your frame rate - if they weren't there you'd be running nicely. I can see where you've tried different frame caps, and that didn't make a difference.

I suspect something external is stealing CPU cycles? I dunno - this one's weird. Do you have anything running which does stuff once every second?


Originally posted by abbr04

Im using laptop and I was playing in Garena the fps is normal, after tranfering to RIOT the fps is weird for me

CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 4900HS
GPU: 1660 ti max-q

I'm starting the match with 100++fps and then getting lower
RDP : League_prefDUMB.rdp

Yeah. That is odd. The only difference from Garena might be DX9 vs DX11 by default.

See if DX9 works for you, then let me know.

From that RPD, the GPU is running quite slow.


Originally posted by Striker_977

I get what you are saying, thing is, before it used 30-40% cpu and gpu now it just drops below 10% I get fps below 60 now, they usually were around the 140-144mark,


Here is the RPD that I've found , also if this line could be explained in some way
"***.***.**.** **** *****************************== ********" "-Product=LoL" "-PlayerID=*********" "-GameID=*********" "-GameBaseDir=D:\Riot Games\League of Legends" "-Region=EUNE" "-PlatformID=EUN1" "-Locale=en_GB" "-SkipBuild" "-EnableCrashpad=true" "-EnableLNP" "-UseDX11=1:1" "-UseMetal=0:1" "-UseNewX3D" "-UseNewX3DFramebuffers" "-RiotClientPort=*****" "-RiotClientAuthToken=**************"

I'm just curious about the frambuffer? It's not CPU related, as OC the CPU does not yield in more fps or a performance boost

That RPD is only from a practiceTool game of just over a minute long. Not much use to me - one from a longer game would be more useful.

What you've found are just command line args - the Frame buffers are just an internal thing in our engine. Its been there for ages.


Originally posted by uhahany009

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600H
GPU: RTX 3060 Laptop GPU
GPU driver version: 528.02
Reproduction rate: always
Optionally (you don’t have to do these, but this information may help)What overlays are you running (Blitz etc)? blitz
Did running the game in DX9 mode help? (You can do this via settings/Game/Prefer DX9 Legacy Mode) didnt help
Did running with SMT/Hyperthreading turned off help? Y/N No

I start with 144fps and with time its going lower and lower till i start feeling that game is laging and its really hard to play. Tried already everything.


That HW should be able to average 110 to 120fps. That RPD only contains data for 5 minutes of a game, I'll need more than that to help.

Although, your GPU seems to be spiking and taking longer than it should. Are you using 3rd party frame capping or GPU optimisation apps? What power setting are you running - if you're not running High Performance than your machine will be throttled by the OS. You're also running with Vsync on - that could slow you down depending on your monitors refresh rate.


Originally posted by PhyNxFyre

Some items with ability haste removed still show up in the shop filter

Yup, lot of incorrect tagging going on there. Will try to make another pass at those ASAP.