League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Jan


Originally posted by Reshir

Fingers crossed that Phreak is in charge of them since he actually understands ADC problems

Phreak will be supported by myself and a few other analysts who are knowledgeable about the problem space and ADC gameplay at a high level.


Originally posted by Chantrak

Do players still get all the chromas for ranks below the one they achieved?



Originally posted by Kenny328

While you're here I was looking forward to the "Off Screen Pings" that were teased as well. Is this completely scrapped or also coming in the future?

Coming but delayed


Originally posted by TheirBelovedAbsentee

I'm actually boycotting the game until Riot starts sending handwritten letters containing patch notes delivered by mail to my address.

Can we reach some kind of compromise here?


Originally posted by Tchaikmate

The only reason I ever keep Shaco as a perma ban is due to his boxes. Can I ask your thoughts on that, because don't his boxes go directly against Riot's gameplay philosophy of counterplay?

I don't mind playing against a Shaco: I mind playing against his boxes. The fact that his boxes contain 3 aspects that disregard any counterplay for melee users (invisibility, damage, cc) is undeniably and objectively frustrating to play against, yes? Melee users literally can't walk up to his boxes, even knowing where they are, without taking damage and cc. I can't play the game against any decent shaco player, with any decent cdr, who knows how to play around his boxes...literally.

I've had games where my team actually couldn't touch Shaco, like it was urf, because his boxes 100% prevented our constant movement and reliable tracking of him, while also taking damage while he remains untouched and not interacting with us at all. We literally...

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Sorry, I can't really respond with a design take. I'm just a Shaco enjoyer who works on VALORANT!


Originally posted by A_Vastayan

Let's hope u/phroxz0n sees this thread and decides to reply. Maybe he's checking Reddit more than Twitter. Even if the project is cancelled, we'd really like to hear it and not just let it vanish over time like if it was never talked about.

Still planned, just some tech issues. We can't ship this feature using the AOE targeting reticle that was shown in the vid, it just looks terrible


Originally posted by GalaxySmash

Hey I've seen this one, this is a classic

Hey, I know this guy!


Hey I've seen this one, this is a classic


Originally posted by bz6

I believe the Challenges titles are bugged again /u/Barackprobama?

This happened before a while back where there was a bug that leaked into the client and changed the actual names with placeholder ones.

We're aware of the issue and fixing it!

I am tilted by this bug coming back.


Originally posted by Hyoudou

He also listened to almost every detail the Shaco VFX's PBE thread update.

u/RiotSirhaian if you read this, thank you.



Originally posted by NooNooVacuumCleaner

Apologies for the late response -
from the 1/01/2023 - 10/01/2023 (NZT) this was happening with regular games as well as TFT games.
I have not experienced it as of today, however will let you know and provide the respective rpd file if it does occur again.


Wow. Regular too? If it happens to you again in a regular game, please send me an RPD.


Originally posted by JungleEnjoyer

Really, we just want to see more of the clown in the game.

Still not going to show up in any of my games.

Oh come on! There are much more ban-worthy champs these days! (I'm a Shaco one-trick.)


Originally posted by Skander10

Sorry if i was rude i know ur just doing ur job but it's really frustrating playing on low fps all of a sudden.

Yeah. I know. The players here want to play and can't due to performance issues. That sucks.

Part of the problem is expectations. League will not run at a constant frame rate (unless you pick a low frame cap).

But the other part of the problem is we keep adding in new stuff to the game, and new stuff means more processing which means a slower game. So we need to keep optimising. It's tricky.


Originally posted by darkacesp

The cinematics say it all, Valorant got a good cinematic with Revelation, plus the Lotus and new Skin trailers. Saw so many content creators watching and hyping up the Valorant characters in the cinematic. Maybe because it’s a smaller roster.

League got a Flyover of Summoner’s Rift that screams Intern project, even though it might not have been.

A league season cinematic with some actual unknown lore would be nice, with animated league characters. It doesn’t matter if the characters are new or old, but seeing some lore aspect or whatever wouldn’t be bad.


Also this is a side note, but can League actually get a good battle pass? Something that rewards us over an entire season instead of something we buy over and over again. Especially now that the season is splitting up. Fortnite and Valorant and OW have I feel genuinely better passes that don’t make you immediately grind in a period of a couple weeks.

Having a pass every event feels super...

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Originally posted by Dracyoshi

I don't doubt that League of Legends is receiving just as much attention from Riot developers as other Riot IPs, but I understand why so many people are perceiving it that way. When I glance at a game like Valorant or Wild Rift, I see a game that's packed with polish in every corner. Everything is up to modern standards.

But when I look at League of Legends, I see the poor condition of the engine and client, along with the state that a lot of older champions are in with their low-quality models and animations, and then think to myself "this is being neglected."

Neglect usually occurs because of a lack of attention and care, something that makes it easy to jump to the conclusion that Riot isn't paying as much attention to League of Legends as their other IPs.

So it doesn't necessarily matter if Riot is giving more attention to champion development, skin development and balancing than the entirety of Valorant. For as long as there are aspects of the game whic...

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As I said, everything has a cost, and everything takes time. If you want to update an old champ, that means that you have to take away headcount from making new content, or fixing something else, or building X new feature. I can't speak as much to say, giving a new skin to Zilean, or doing a VGU for another champ, except to reiterate the same point. In tech, you always have to weigh tradeoffs. I've worked for many years in software development, and you wouldn't believe some of the debt that exist, or bugs that exist, that just never get addressed. I think the same thing applies here.

In regards to communication, I didn't even know that sub existed btw, but I think much of our comms are available on social media. You can follow most of our designers, producers, etc. on twitter, or watch August on Twitch, or watch our dev videos, or read our blog, and get a lot of this info. There isn't necessarily a one stop shop, but you can pretty easily find it if you google for it.

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Originally posted by Tywacole

Was I wonder is if the chroma is locked too. Like I if I get diamond then decay to plat, do I get the diamond chroma at the end of the split ?

The Chroma is based on your actual rank when the season ends, so in your example you would get the Plat chroma. You also can't lose the skin once you've earned it, so for example a player who is Gold or above and has 80 split points will have the skin unlocked even if they demote to Silver but don't have 1600.


Originally posted by Skander10

all these people down below are suffering from similiar issues and u are actually telling me that's normal? and the issue is fixed ????????????????????????????

Yes. The problem I was chasing is fixed. It was only on Ryzen CPUs so it didn't affect you.

Of course, there are other performance issues, which is why I'm still here, collecting RPDs from people, trying to help where I can.

10 Jan


Originally posted by wayofLA

I appreciate the post. But I just want to give you a piece of my perspective (and possibly others). I have faith in riot to deliver a great product for us league fans but it just doesn’t sit well with many people when we see Valorant, TFT, Wild Rift getting all this attention (not to mention the butchering of the LCS), and us League fans left out to fry with little to no communication for quite some time. Moving forward being transparent would be extremely appreciated by the fans and beneficial to you all at Riot as well. I hope that makes sense.

What attention is Valorant, TFT, and Wild Rift getting that League isn't? And what communication are you looking for?


Originally posted by KoolKatsarecool

Wait are there any Rioters who actually work?

I'm trying my best here yo