League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Jan


Originally posted by GalaxySmash

Oh hey its my favorite caster turned game designer, Jatt

Oh hey I love that guy!


Originally posted by DustyBum

Oh I did not know that, well good for him I’m sure he’ll get compensated significantly better

Casting is actually a pretty high-paying profession. I make less as a game designer.


Phreak diff per usual


Oh hey its my favorite caster turned game designer, Jatt


Originally posted by Bjans3n

I hope riot is making the experience better for everyone. making it easier for new and long time players, fixing most of the client and reworking it.

What i think riot is doing is entirely different but that's because my hope in riot has deteriorated the last few years

Sorry about that. We will try and earn it back!


Originally posted by TalaHusky

Based on other threads in the sub, apparently indie game dev do nothing, need money, only fix valorant. Regardless, have definitely seen some nice quality come out of QOL for the client and being much smoother compared to last year.

That team is so good. Its thankless work mostly, but they keep hammering away at the beast.


Originally posted by NubecitaDiminuta

a real cinematic?



Vlad Q.

Simple. Elegant. It suck.

Has a nice rhythm to it. I suck. I suck again. Third time run quick big suck.


Originally posted by BarackProbama

We are looking into a number of improvements to ranked. One of the things we are considering is increasing the "variance", which is just fancy speak for LP gains and losses.

A good rule of thumb is that if you log on, play a few games, and have a good night a promotion between divisions should probably be in the cards. (Credit to my boss Dean Ayala for the slice of life analogy.)

No timelines, because dev reasons, but aware!

Yes I know that is not an analogy but I own my mistakes god damn it.


We are looking into a number of improvements to ranked. One of the things we are considering is increasing the "variance", which is just fancy speak for LP gains and losses.

A good rule of thumb is that if you log on, play a few games, and have a good night a promotion between divisions should probably be in the cards. (Credit to my boss Dean Ayala for the slice of life analogy.)

No timelines, because dev reasons, but aware!


Originally posted by swigganicks

Now that’s what I call communication!

Jokes aside, that’s really interesting how you guys manage the memory budget of the game. I never really considered how it affects potential features and new additions to the game.

I actually like communicating!

My dilemma is always that gamedev has a number of complexities but I always feel like the community in general isn't super interested in what is standing between them and the stuff they want. So I want to strike a balance between a few things:

  1. Keeping y'all in the loop
  2. Building appropriate hype for things I am excited about
  3. Not stepping on another dev's toes
  4. Not spoiling surprises
  5. Not overpromising
  6. Not making infinite excuses
  7. Educating where I can
  8. Keeping my own sanity (People have been pretty rude to me before)

Whenever I write things I try to keep all of this in mind. Makes it harder. Still worth though!

14 Jan


Originally posted by Bjans3n

Rework most of the game, make it easier in the future to work on. It's a investment but it'll be more fun for players and easier to use by devs. Client seems to be a huge one

wat do u think we r doin rn?


This work is in discovery right now! That means we are actively looking at the emote system to determine a few things:

  • What do we like about it
  • What do we want to change
  • What are our capabilities (what do we have on hand vs. what do we need to build to accomplish our goals)

Expanding the emote wheel is kind of a given conceptually. f*ck yeah more emotes!

But in the worst case expanding from the current 5 on the wheel to the intended 9 increases the # of unique emotes the game has to load by 40. If you want to add more emote triggers (like the current ace/victory) that number goes even further up.

If those are all animated you have a reasonable change in memory required by the game. We manage the memory on League pretty tightly because we operate on a wide variety of machines around the world. Whenever memory goes up, standard practice is to do optimization work elsewhere in the game to try and get it back. New ping whee...

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Originally posted by CF-Developer85

you mean 13.2 or 13.2 or do you mean february?

Ah sorry I do mean 13.2 or 13.3 XD. what year is it...


Originally posted by Retrodonte

Hi, thanks for answering here. Something I wish for RGMs is to have more and less overproduced gamemodes. I feel like back in the day other from dark star, odyssey and star guardians, gamemodes were much more silly but we had more variety. Like they would throw one for all there, didn't change the rules of any map in comparison to normals in sr or twisted treeline and aram in howling abyss, and have them be the same thing changing maps.

For example hexakill in sr, hexakill in tt, ofa in sr, ofa in ha. Nowadays it seems like riot tries to bring out perfect gamemodes which alter a lot of rules that we were familiar with (and that imo makes the new thing about the gamemode shine less, it's also tedious to put up with a new "gamemodes meta", for ex: rushing turret plates in gamemodes which give you a ton of gold early and distorts a lot what should be similar to a normal game). I would prefer to have "less balanced" games with normal death timers and gold earning but maybe I'm ...

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Hey there! I'm Graydiance, a game designer who swapped over to Modes from Wild Rift with the new year! I'm one of the designers now working on ARAM, and I can confirm we're actively looking into timers and other frustration points, like the turret rubble. Coming from Wild Rift, I'm learning a lot about how the games are both very similar and very different. One thing holds true in both - League's a game where often the best way to make sure the game ends is to remove people from the map. But, this isn't exactly fun, and we recognize that and emphatically agree with how the community feels.

We are trying a variety of solutions to make sure that if we change something frustrating, we aren't creating a different pain immediately. I didn't want to overshoot a death timer change in 13.1 because we didn't have a lot of time to test whether games would stall out with the Hexgates. We're doing that diligence now and will have something to share soon. We may not g...

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Meddler would know why the personalization content roadmap was so sparce in season start this year, one of the highlights in years past was hearing about more new skins and thematics and only hearing about a smaller list and 1 new thematic was a bit slow

The skins team was one of the groups that needed some rebuilding and support in 2022. We should be able to deliver about the same amount of personalization content in 2023 as in 2022, weren't in a position to have someone speak to it cohesively as much when we were filming those videos though. One thing we'll be particularly focused on as well is having new thematics for biggest events (Worlds, MSI, Summer etc), rather than going back to established ones like Project, Star Guardian etc again


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Is there any small chance that the incomplete, cutting room floor, concept art version of the 2023 cinematic be released? That would make up so much for this year. IT literally could just have random LoL music playing over it that is how good the Music team is now.

If we don't end up going forward with some or all of the original intent then yeah, I'd be down to work on getting a bunch of concept art out. Don't want to do so just yet in case we conclude best option is to complete things as originally planned (would undercut things if so)


Originally posted by iDobleC

Are you currently working with items only? Or are there any other projects that you'll be working on? Hope that the new job is going well and Idk if this feedback is useful but if you guys could add a lil bit more "oomph" to Evenshroud I would love you all!

ADC changes for next patch have some systems changes and some light champion buffs (don't get your hopes up on the champion stuff, it's small). In general, tactics are going to be up to the designer. I really like systems stuff so I gravitate there naturally. Could be a weakness, could be that it's frequently the right place.


Originally posted by A_Very_Horny_Zed

Are you partly responsible for the AD item changes? Not to stroke your ego but they're all good changes. Hoping to see Lethality items not be dog some time soon, feels bad that they were forgotten during this preseason's big shake-up.

Have crit items hit PBE yet? I only submitted them to PBE this afternoon so IDK when they reach y'all.

Essence Reaver was someone else as were the fighter items that this thread is about.