I think that is a slight misconception that more is harder. Mostly because we already blew way past that point. If we were to release 3-5 champs a year, we wouldn't reach 200 till 8-13 years.
The realistic difference between 166 to 200 is actually not that much. Especially because new champs are one of biggest ways to bring in opt-in content into the core game that changes the way game is played. Opt-in meant that the bulk of the complexity is on the player that choses to play the champion (though some champs breaks that more than others).
However, I do think its healthy for us to rebalance some of the effort and bring other types of content as well as finding opportunities to update our roster that isn't just big overhaul VGUs or explore other game modes! It brings variety, surprises and delighters to the overall game!
Champs team is also thinking about how to bring back some of that magic during release moments along with other teams. While there is le...
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