League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Oct


Soooo good - lol

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Gaboesh1

Ow you are the guy that reworked shaco and listened to the shaco players with all the changes. Bro I love you, thanks for being so awesome

Thank you! I appreciate it.


Originally posted by AzuBK

Thank you! I am alive, just buried in preseasons :)

ty for fixing LeBlanc too <3

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SuicidalDarmausgang

oh my, you are alive

Thank you for fixing shaco, much love peepoWideHappy

Thank you! I am alive, just buried in preseasons :)

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tealtigertmr

Are there any riot employees that comment/look on r/LeaguePBE ? Or do they not have flairs?

I know people are supposed to talk on the pbe subreddit but I only ever see riot replies on the main.

Thank you for looking at all! I’m just curious

Edit:also what’s the difference between r/LeaguePBE and r/PBE

Yes. We're picking up lots of bugs from r/LeaguePBE, and we have folks specifically looking there to gather feedback and disseminate it to the team. You'll just see responses here sometimes because this is a sub a lot of us are used to browsing when e.g. our game is building or what-have-you, and if we can hop in and provide an answer we'll do it.

14 Oct

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This happened during a tuning pass and will be fixed, along with other items that have this issue!


Originally posted by pm_me_your_Yi_plays

Oh no, why are you fired? (If that's not under a NDA)

New job, not fired :)


Originally posted by IESAirman

Isn't this a direct violation of Art.89 of the Declaration of Memedependence which you clearly signed here?


Can confirm this is in breach. I'll be sure to reprimand G2.


This. This is the content we need.

Originally posted by KingRayne

12 hour work days? how common is that?

personal choice. most coworkers have lives and everyone is actively encouraged to take time off and not work extra hours.

industry generally seems to disagree though.


Originally posted by TheAlmightyChanka

Hey I have a Question, do all Champions in ARAM have the same chance of being selected? I have seen Samira 4 times in a spam of 10 games however, I noticed a champion like Fiddlesticks doesn't appear as much

as a Fiddle main that pains me

All champions have an equal chance of being picked, but are rolled from each player's pool of owned champions. So if a champion is owned by more players, they will be more likely to appear.


Originally posted by ordinaryhappenings

Does ARAM have its own MMR ladder or is it simply fed from ranked SR and/or normal SR? Thanks :)

ARAM has its own MMR.


Originally posted by The-F-Key

It's quite possible that the reason is it's that I'm just really bad at the game.

Maybe I'll have more success once things are live and a few balance passes are made.

Lmao. There's definitely a ton of relearning to do. Also some champs will just be weak as some benefit more or less from the new item system compared to the old. We'll make sure the tank class isn't unviable or anything come release or post release.

Leona top is low-key insane if you get a good matchup ;)


Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

I know I'm a bit late, but I was just wondering when we might see such tactics being put into the PBE (and what they might be). Unless I missed something, it doesn't seem like the current PBE patch has done this yet.

Let me chat with team. I've been on tooltips and making item onhits benefit from lifesteal this week.


Originally posted by The-F-Key

Please, I'm desperate to be able to play tanks and not go pop.

Tell our buddy working on them we want to not die, not deal more damage.

So personally I've found massive success playing tanks in internal playtests. I'm not sure what the disparity is here, might be unusual situations I'm getting into or something.


Originally posted by draggles


we worked with the apple team a LOT to show off some genuine gameplay moments from Wild Rift that live up to the League PC standard (and yes, that Ashe arrow moves, but it's more like Sion drift, you don't have total control)

and michael chow got to say "dope" in an apple pres so i think we all win here

It was wild to see Chow out there, congrats team! (also draggles get them to remove my Riot flair, LOL)


Originally posted by Aunii

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.

13 Oct


Originally posted by Not_Maple

im hoping that each skin is basically a legendary with new vo, vfx, and emotes for each one. it would be extremely disappointing if it were basically legendary with 2 chromas you can choose in champ select.

Hoping that more folks have gotten to see her features now that she's on PBE but since we've seen a lot of comparisons to bundles and variants I wanted to jump in and confirm some features. These are comparisons between forms and not base champion vs. skin for reference: Each form will have some overlapping VO and some unique, matching up with where Seraphine is at in her journey. They each have different VFX, dances, and other animations. They each have a separate animated splash (these are more different than a variant or prestige splash typically is). They each have new SFX, as well as a dynamic music system that reacts to how many allies you're nearby (each form uses a different track).


Originally posted by rygoon37

i'm still apprehensive about this, especially as a player who likes practicing kiting in practice tool and feels good when my practice pays off in game (winning scuttle fights because of higher hp etc). it seems this change is trying to basically take that advantage that was earned by practice away. another reason for my apprehension is due to niche picks such as twitch jungle that basically rely 100% on kiting to clear with any semblance of healthiness, that will probably be forgotten about when tuning comes with the changes.

i guess i won't really know how it pans out until i play it in PBE/prepatch, but i just think you guys are going about this the wrong way when it comes to making jungling more approachable. as you say, it's the macro that mainly makes the jungle hard, and imo, there is no way to make that more approachable, so doing this simply harms the junglers who can already cope with the macro required for the role, and enjoy refining the micro aspects as a bonus...

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I'm glad you're concerned about this stuff, it makes sure we're on top of issues that might otherwise fall through the cracks or be pushed to the side. I'd be happy to hear your experiences with clearing on some of these champs if you had the time to pop on PBE and try it out!