League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Oct


Originally posted by LtSarahKerrigan

Hi there, aram player here. Will aram balance team ever consider ability tweaks specific to aram? Specifically powerful zoning tools, e.g. Ziggs E, Veigar cage duration? It's probably been thought of before, I'd just like to know why/why not. Thanks!

Yes, that's something we're considering, especially after the success of doing things like that in URF. We can't commit to anything at the moment, though.


Originally posted by rygoon37

why are you making it so that kiting camps isn't as effective in season 11? is it to help newer players to the role? if so, i don't think that will help the issue of jungle being so unpopular. it's unpopular because you are responsible for the whole team, and if you mess up it affects everyone, not just your enemy laner. it suffers the same issue as tanking in an mmo, and I don't think it's solved by making it easier.

if that isn't the reason, why are you doing it? it just seems to lower the skillcap of something people liked to refine, and could wildly change the viability of some champions, especially niche picks such as twitch jungle, that rely heavily upon good kiting.

It's definitely true that this isn't the whole reason jungle is a hard role to get into, we're not expecting to just solve it all. Imagine there's a bunch of legos on the floor and it makes entering a room really painful, sure picking up 10% of the legos doesn't solve the problem but it does make it hurt a bit less.

Aside from that, there's still plenty of kiting and massive amounts of depth to the role (the complexity for jungle is still way higher than lanes in a macro sense imo) so its not like the role is donezo. Some of the changes (like Gromp hp restore) should actually make pathing more dynamic in the upcoming season. As with all changes we'll see how they land and revisit them if need be


Originally posted by Jragon713

Ah, maybe it's time to finally give up on Conqueror... at least Axamuk's brings back the old true damage conversion.

Thanks for being so responsive!

Axamuk's definitely feels really good on him!


Originally posted by Alarie51

I will admit i havent been keeping up due to work overload but i saw the kiting changes when they were announced and it worries me in general (i think its a bad and unnecessary change) but in particular for junglers that rely on kiting to be able to clear in a healthy state (lillia, taliyah and evelynn come to mind). In case those particular cases havent been addressed yet, is that something on your radar or something you're planning on fixing? Or does the whole camp changelist make it a non issue and im worried for no reason?

It's definitely on our radar as a 'must watch' so that they don't fall through the cracks and end up terrible.

We've not run into major issues with these kiters (they can still kite for sure) but if something ends up feeling a lot worse for them we're absolutely interested in helping out


Originally posted by Jragon713

I do enjoy watching pros pop off on it, and personally I'm doing quite fine down at my very-much-not-pro level, so at worst, I'd honestly even be okay with his jungle-ability remaining the same as it currently is. But I'm worried that the new kiting changes and health-per-burn turning into omnivamp will actually make his initial clear(s) even worse, so I figured I'd see what you guys thought!

Maybe we could get a tiny buff to his passive, for consistency?

"Damage to secondary targets executes minions below 25 health." -> "Damage to secondary targets executes minions and monsters below 25 health."

We've actually had a few playtests on him and they seemed viable, it was a fleet build iirc


Originally posted by L1veShyn3

Is it possible for the team to begin showing a bit of bias? Or have you tried this before and it went terribley?

There are certain champs that just feel dogshit or blatantly OP. Like akali stats might not show how strong she really is because aram players cant always play her. As opposed to sona who is largely being told to just stay off of aram

Doesnt it feel like aram should be balanced with a bias of fun over competitive integrity?

ARAM isn't a ranked or competitive game mode, so I (personally, not speaking for the team) don't have a problem with biasing for fun over competitive integrity.

However, we need to find a good measure for "fun" here. We could use pickrate, which does tell us SOMETHING about how fun a champ is to play, but many of the champions people complain about are high pickrate themselves. So unless we can isolate a good measure of what people consider "fun" to play as or against in ARAM, we can't really do this without biasing the game towards what WE consider fun (rather than what the players themselves consider fun). Does that make sense?


Originally posted by Jragon713

I'm specifically working on the Jungle in preseason so if you have any feedback for that please do let me know!

Does that include jungle-oriented champion changes? I know you guys for some reason have shifted away from Sylas' intended roles being mid/jg to now being mid/top, but I'm not asking for him to be a meta jungler, I just don't love that his jg winrate is ~4% lower than his mid/top winrates.

It does indeed. Sadly I think there were really big pro concerns when Sylas was a flex pick between mid and jungle. I'm personally a big fan of Sylas jungle but I cant really make the call that thats his primary role.

Fwiw pros are seeing success on the champion right now so this might be one of tbose 'viable in pro but bad for everyone else' chars too


Originally posted by r4zenas

what about premades? How do you normalize solo vs 3/4/5 premade win rates?

We don't take this into account, under the assumption that a champion is equally likely to be rolled no matter what sort of premade is in the lobby - so it shouldn't impact the statistics.


Originally posted by L1veShyn3

Does the team ever play aram or are the statistics 100% of your reasoning for changes?

We do play ARAM, but anecdotal experience is very biased compared to statistics. We're all in NA, in medium-high ELO, etc. The statistics allow us to get a complete picture of what's happening in ARAM worldwide, with hopefully as little bias as possible as long as we are careful in what lessons we are drawing from them.


Originally posted by bz6

no additional feedback just because practice tool is down.

still want to reiterate though:

1) the healing within the jungle makes it feels WAY less dangerous, and that's boring.

2) make invading great again.

3) there is also something about different camps having different mechanics that added some sauce to the jungle (smite buffs). recent example is the removal of gromp double crit on first 2 hits, like that gives some personality and doesnt make the jungle bland.

Healing was actually nerfed on this deploy (omnivamp down) and there were some bugs contributing here too.

As for mechanics, do you think gromp double crit added more texture to pathing/decisions than Gromp healing based on missing HP?


Originally posted by Erthad

Tank items continue to be trash.

There are only 2 non mythic magic resist items for tanks since Force of Nature was removed.

Frozen Heart is the only source of mana

The Mythics all have split resists again.

Not the tank item owner so I don't have context on the other stuff but I believe FoN should still be there, if it isn't it's a bug.


Hello everyone!

We've made some adjustments to ARAM to accommodate the new item system.


  • Guardian items count as Legendary items for Mythic passives
  • Guardian item efficiency increased
  • Guardian items sell for 70% of cost rather than 40%
  • Guardian's Orb now grants health regen to manaless champions
  • Guardian's Blade, with health, AD, and Ability Haste, added
  • Nearby minion deaths grant 6 gold rather than 5
  • Passive income and kill gold up 10%


  • Allow players to engage with the Mythic item system and get farther into their builds before games are decided
  • Let players delay committing to a Mythic, if desired, until they get a chance to feel out the game
  • All champions should have a Guardian's item they feel good about building
  • Players don't feel bad delaying their build by buying a Guardian item
... Read more External link →

Originally posted by FlyingLotus_Beats

And look, Rioters here memeing when the game is one spark away from a Californian wildfire. Not one update on preseason items in over a week, not to mention all the Seraphine criticism that they are willingly turning a blind eye to. Closed the boards because they can't take actual criticism but will happily be paid six figures to meme on reddit with the hivemind.

Preseason PBE updated today my friend, should be lots of changes (including tons of spicy new icons) for you to try out.

I'm specifically working on the Jungle in preseason so if you have any feedback for that please do let me know!

Originally posted by FlyingLotus_Beats

And look, Rioters here memeing when the game is one spark away from a Californian wildfire. Not one update on preseason items in over a week, not to mention all the Seraphine criticism that they are willingly turning a blind eye to. Closed the boards because they can't take actual criticism but will happily be paid six figures to meme on reddit with the hivemind.

preseason items are on a on/off cycle on pbe, so last week was an off week where iterations were done internally but not pushed to pbe. i can't speak for seraphine

srry ur right, we stopped working on league. I've been spending the 12 hour I work each day exclusively reading reddit and sh*tposting and nothing else


Originally posted by rage1212

As a Kha Player on rift, whenever we get Kha in aram, my friends just give him to me. Every time it’s just a free win. I still wonder how people lose with kha in aram

Because they don't have experience with him, like you do! I wouldn't know the first thing to do with him if I got him in ARAM.

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Originally posted by [deleted]

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.

EDIT: Thanks for Silver lol

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.


Thank you <3. Has been a dream making League champs for the last 8 years :D

Hopefully the next one lives up to your expectations.


Originally posted by Riot_Blizz

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.


Originally posted by Auberaun

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.


Originally posted by EndlessPillows

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.

You really have no idea who August is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the certainlyT touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, jinx gnar jhin and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.