Dude reading is hard >.<
Dude reading is hard >.<
Right click to sell was working for me last night, it took me about 15 seconds to figure out what was going on with selling in my first game last night but after that it wasn't so bad. It might be clearer if the inventory background popped more when you were in the shop? Almost like an extension of the shop.
Yeah this is something we are considering, among other options for making the HUD inventory a bit more obvious. Thanks for the feedback!
Read moreI'm probably not the first to write this, but I see a big problem in the design of some items / mechanics and by that I mean:
1 some of them are overloaded (the same design when you reworked Irelia, instead of giving a couple of mechanics to the champion and the player's skill made him strong, leaving the skillset simple "for the most part", you put 2-4 mechanics in each ability and the strength comes from the numbers and not the player skill, doesnt matter how good you are at Adc if Zed with a new "Duskblade of Draktharr" gets 3 mechanics from 1 item: bonus dmg/slow/passive kill reset), instead of this just make each item passive/active strong in 1 direction only
Before proposing solutions how i see new items, I would like to know why you rename mechanics for no reason: (lethality/Ability Haste), I believe that mechanics should have a consistent logic in their names so that players do not ask why this is called like that when there is a more logical name for it arm...
1 some of them are overloaded (the same design when you reworked Irelia, instead of giving a couple of mechanics to the champion and the player's skill made him strong, leaving the skillset simple "for the most part", you put 2-4 mechanics in each ability and the strength comes from the numbers and not the player skill, doesnt matter how good you are at Adc if Zed with a new "Duskblade of Draktharr" gets 3 mechanics from 1 item: bonus dmg/slow/passive kill reset), instead of this just make each item passive/active strong in 1 direction only
I disagree on Duskblade. The damage is mainly there to add impact and satisfaction to the slow. We'd have been happy with an item that just slows the target for a brief moment, but these effects always feel nicer when they come with a small amount of bonus damage.
Read moreBefore proposing solutions how i see new items, I would like to know why you rename mechanics for no reason: (lethality/Ability...
So did you changed how true damage works? Currently true damage is not affected by any damage reduction nigher amplifier. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/True_damage
That is inconsistently applied across the game right now. I'll grab some examples (first that comes to mind is that the formerly named Ninja Tabis reduce Camille's 2nd Q Attack by 12%, despite being true damage), but if we make the call that we DO NOT amp true damage (I agree with it not being reduced btw), I'll come back and correct my post above later.
Does anyone know if Horizon Focus amps true damage from champions like Vel'Koz? It feels like it's supposed to be the dedicated artillery/combo mage item but if it doesn't amp true damage it's literally useless on velkoz, and that feels kinda bad as it's one of the few really standout items for him? /u/Rovient u/RiotPetrie
It absolutely should! If it does not, this is a bug.
Read moreI'm probably not the first to write this, but I see a big problem in the design of some items / mechanics and by that I mean:
1 some of them are overloaded (the same design when you reworked Irelia, instead of giving a couple of mechanics to the champion and the player's skill made him strong, leaving the skillset simple "for the most part", you put 2-4 mechanics in each ability and the strength comes from the numbers and not the player skill, doesnt matter how good you are at Adc if Zed with a new "Duskblade of Draktharr" gets 3 mechanics from 1 item: bonus dmg/slow/passive kill reset), instead of this just make each item passive/active strong in 1 direction only
Before proposing solutions how i see new items, I would like to know why you rename mechanics for no reason: (lethality/Ability Haste), I believe that mechanics should have a consistent logic in their names so that players do not ask why this is called like that when there is a more logical name for it arm...
Great post. Remind me to respond to this one later!
oh my god the caster is so hot
which one?
Can you make the shop able to scale up or down to different sizes :(
For me, my shop is very large and it takes up way too much of my screen!
This is coming soon, it will scale to the right size for every resolution.
It'll slow some machete users down. You're trading 35 damage on hit for 60 damage over 5 seconds. 2 autos outdamages the DoT, so champions like Warwick or rengar who are mostly single target will struggle I think
ETA: Tested kindred clear and it did feel a little bit slower
So weird mechanic time. The burn deals one tick of damage every time you autoattack a monster, so machete junglers aren't as hurt as you would expect. (They still obviously are missing their prev item so we'll make sure they're in a good place once the dust settles)
Is spell haste going to add another “creep” into the game? Are we just going going to have URF all the time with how accessible and stackable that new stat is?
only time will tell
I actually tested titanic on her and that still procs normally as opposed to once per ult. In terms of viability... well I think you know how that plays out.
yeah heheheh
Theres a weird interplay between the AP+HP items (Demonic Embrace, Rylai, AP+HP Mythics) and Lich/Nashors on hit, and then the more ad focused on hits (Botrk Titanic) where they all kinda loop into each other. I'm theoretically very happy with it, we'll see how it pans out in reality though.
ok, maybe adcs wont be the problem with ranged tiamar... what about some tanks with range like thresh or urgot? rakan maybe?
urgots gonna have a blast
Tested it on PBE, it doesn't have an internal CD (it procs on every hit of Kat's R) but her passive only applies on hits to CHAMPIONS so you can't one shot waves.
its internal cd is like, .1s
also it can only trigger once per spell/attack cast ID according to stash(?) but this seems inconsistent with my own testing. Haven't dug into it personally though.
I adjusted her passive last night to only apply on hits to champs (august didn't realize when he posted)
edit: I dug into it. Ravenous is limited once per spell/attack, Titanic is not. Suspect this will be unified.
Not having access to my own Inventory inside the shop feels weird, also I'm having trouble understanding how to sell items.
You sell items in a few different ways:
1. Select it in your inventory and then click the sell button in the shop
2. Drag the item from your inventory into the shop
3. (Coming soon) right click an item in your inventory
The fact that it wasn't clear is valuable feedback though, thank you!
where do you see the pink border for unfinished icons?
In the shop itself. The items that are unfinished should be Very Obvious
It's only been 15 minutes but I love the store, it feels so responsive and modern and smooth, a lot better than I expected. I really like the boots interface.
Please for the love of god update the icons for Heal and Exhaust summoner spells
Please for the love of god update the icons for Heal and Exhaust summoner spells
If you keep pushing me I'm going to make them worse.
In all seriousness, the summoner spell icons were not part of this update. We may revisit them at a later date if we think we can make meaningful improvements to their clarity/fantasy.
Are Tiamat and the Hydras intended to be available for ranged champions now?
Edit: Also upon upgrading Ixtali Warstone I appear to lose my control wards stored
That seems like a bug, thanks for the report!
The item icons are smaller? But yeah the art just seems smaller compared to the box on some items. Hard to see.
The item icons are smaller? But yeah the art just seems smaller compared to the box on some items. Hard to see.
They are currently smaller than on live. We are experimenting with different sizes and paddings to find the best balance between readability and density.
I remember a while back the observer for NA was high Diamond. I'm not sure about EU, but KR has Master level spectators. If you're higher elo than you're going to naturally sense where the fights are going to take place. Also really minor details that can be super important to highlight for the viewers. The more game knowledge you have, the better you are as an observer.
While being high ranked is a plus, it's certainly not a pre-requisite to becoming a good observer.
You are right that game knowledge is important, but you can have good game knowledge without having the time or mechanics to reach a high rank in LoL, and I wouldn't want to discourage passionate and thoughtful gold players from thinking they can never become a good observer.
As a producer, what I look for in observers are: Do they work well with others? Can they communicate clearly and decisively in a live production environment? Are they able to consistently prioritize the right action to show? (teamfight vs gank). I don't think being highly ranked are pre-requisites for any of these skills.
That will get you 85% of the way, and then the additional 15% comes from practice and experience. Can you tell when a player is baiting for a fight? Watching that play out might be more interesting than what jungle camp is being taken (or maybe not!) Do we have time to sh...
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