LEAGUE CLIENT: League client log files now adhere to a maximum file size
This is the biggest buff this patch
we love our league community, but want to make sure you have space on your PC for other games :)
LEAGUE CLIENT: League client log files now adhere to a maximum file size
This is the biggest buff this patch
we love our league community, but want to make sure you have space on your PC for other games :)
Now hopefully this patch will stop resetting the client and making it think I have just opened it after a long time of not playing. It's getting annoying having summoners reset every time and having it pop up WELCOME TO SEASON 2020.
We have put in changes in 10.20 that should alleviate this issue for client settings. We are working with another team to address a bug with some in-game settings not saving properly.
Both katarina R and samira R do spin to win, though, kids!
Spinning is the one true way to win
He is a two-bit hack, a designer who had one good design (Jhin) that he has been coasting on since, while otherwise leaving a trail of bad designs. And the Rengar rework, while better for the players, left Rengar as another no counterplay champ that just kills you because you had the audacity to leave spawn. Thats the other big issue with him, he thinks counterplay is optional, and that creating champs that intentionally have no counterplay is fine.
its tru
samira R does not apply on hits or grievous wounds
Sure! Samira mains, on their subreddit, are hoping for a buff. Everyone else is just hoping for a nerf. Reddit was, is and will be a dividing place.
I know you said Riot is putting pre-season stuff this early up to have proper time to test things, I really hope nothing is set-in-stone yet and if something looks out of line, it'll be adjusted.
Nothing set in stone!
nope runaans still ranged only atm
Do crits count as on hit, so if Kata built Crit each dagger of her Ult would have a chance to crit?
katarina R does not crit or lifesteal
Woah. How does the active work on ranged champs then?
tiamat does not have an active anymore (but there is a different item with that active)
its not atm
Not wanting to be rude, glad you are here and contributing from Riot's side, but recent champion releases and just the general evidence from the past few seasons show that whatever the internal play testing shows that has little to do with reality. Sorry.
It's ok that's not rude. I guess it's all we can do and we do our best. Would also like to point out that reddit opinion doesn't always align with the data we collect, either.
I really, really appreciate the assurance. I've been worrying about this since the jungle changes were announced, so thank you so much for taking a moment to assuage my fears.
If you don't mind, I don't even know if this is something you can say yes or no to, but: Do you guys intend for Taliyah to be able to jungle, and plan on balancing her as such? I'm kind of always worried about losing my favourite jungler, so it'd be nice to at least know if she might fall out of the jungle at some point, or if Riot intends to keep her there.
I sadly can't commit to saying we'll support Taliyah jungle (I just don't know longterm) but I will state that she's fairly unique in the jungle which is something we tend to value. She's good there on live so we havent touched her recently but who knows what the future holds
tiamat still has a small internal CD iirc
I think we sort of can, because the omnivamp should heal off of the burn... But we have no idea how strong the burn is (I'm assuming it has a base value that they forgot to list, because if the number listed is real then it's literally useless early), and I doubt it adds up to anything near 6 HP per second. So yeah, RIP.
Honestly, after running some napkin math, I'm actually a little worried. I went through the numbers on Taliyah, and I don't think the omnivamp is going to add up to the healing from Talisman, unless the burn is sufficiently strong. Coupled with the kiting changes and the very likely significantly reduced raptor healing... I'm concerned.
There is a base value, yep!
Also don't worry about individual champs being in a rough state, the aim is to make sure if someone is struggling in the new jungle we address it so that they don't stay on the strugglebus.
Drakos was right! we shouldnt meme things like UOL is our 5th seed and shit like this BUT we should and will cheer for them. this team always came so short to make into groups. I really want them to do it. LETSGO!
That's an attitude I can get behind. 👏👏
Can add a AP mythic option for enchanters without mana please?
AP Enchanters is the only class without a good item in this update
The current Athene's Unholy Grail can be a really nice option for a Mythic item, something like that:
2600 gold
+50 Ability Power
+20% Ability Haste
+100% base mana regeneration
+20% Heal and Shield Power
UNIQUE: Gain 50% of the pre-mitigation damage dealt to champions as Blood Charges, up to 150 − 300 (based on level). Healing or shielding another ally consumes charges equal to 100% of the heal or shield, to heal them, up to the original effect amount.
UNIQUE – DISSONANCE: Gain +5 ability power for every additional 25% base mana regeneration.
Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +5% Heal and Shield Power.
I don't know if the balance is good but if necessary, buffing or nerfting is okay
Which enchanter are you thinking of that doesn't use Mana?
Hello, I am here.
Hey everyone, This is the thread for feedback on the new shop interface and the update to item icons. We’re most interested in how you are learning the new interface and starting to see the increased speed and intuitiveness of finding the items you need. Feedback on any of these features is welcome:
There are a few features still coming that aren’t yet in the build, expect these coming in the next few weeks:
We know that this is a big change, so don’t freak out if it’s not immediately clicking in y...
Read more External link →Hey everyone, The massive item system overhaul is coming to PBE. This is the thread for all feedback related to:
Some of the new items don’t have final VFX or SFX yet, so if you see something that looks placeholder expect it to be updated soon. We most appreciate feedback around item choice and satisfaction. We won’t turn away any balance feedback, but PBE isn’t the best environment for balance reads because most players haven’t played enough games for matchmaking to be accurate.
There is a lot to absorb, so take your time playing and give us as much feedback as you can. We’re reading and absorbing all of it.
Riot Scruffy
External link →Hey boss, some first impression feedback from me.
1) I don't like how HEAVILY streamlined the jungle is going to be next season.
Machete vs. Talisman nuance gone.
Kiting skill expression gone.
It's OK if jungle is unpopular... Somethings should take time to learn and be challenging. Dumbing down the game is NOT a solution. League has design pillars it has to adhere to, please stop taking away nuances from the game. It alienates skilled and veteran players who have put hours into getting better.
2) And why is Dusk Blade allowed to give a champion theme mechanic (like stealth) to others?
Thank you.
1) This is a tricky subject and I certainly don't want to come across as dismissing your view point here. Machete vs. Talisman is very rarely a decision point for most champions. It was "This one is for your champ or you're trolling". Kiting is still there for what it's worth, but the difference now shouldn't be "plat jungler goes for first gank at 100% Health" versus "Silver player exits jungle at 40% Health, dies and is essentially out of the game" due to the way they make subtle optimizations of a PvE game element.
For some players, these optimizations are what make League awesome, and I do respect those players! However, when they are no longer optimizations but rather a fairly subtle but vital requirement for some of our champions to be able to function as junglers, it's not good news for the role. Bringing the barrier to entry for jungling down ensures there's a healthy amount of people excited to try and master the role.
Again, you are right in that some pl...
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