League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Sep


Originally posted by 201one201

Tank items look far too weak, they're basically playing in season 10 still while everyone elses items do so much more than before. At least some of them can build AD fighters items but the AP focused ones are done.

This has not been the case in playtesting. Tanks are still brutal.


Originally posted by curllyq

They f**ked Rumble with liandries. Liandries is Rumbles core item and now that it gives mana he can't buy it and they didn't really give him an item to replace it. His best bet is probably the spell vamp item but i don't think it provides enough hp.

Get Demonic Embrace 2nd for him instead.


Originally posted by xNesku

I remember a while back the observer for NA was high Diamond. I'm not sure about EU, but KR has Master level spectators. If you're higher elo than you're going to naturally sense where the fights are going to take place. Also really minor details that can be super important to highlight for the viewers. The more game knowledge you have, the better you are as an observer.

People in my soloq's usually think I'm from the balance team, does that count? :(


Originally posted by [deleted]


He started out as a pro player for Team Alternate and was then invited to cast S2 worlds for the German stream, he cast for the German stream for a while after Team Alternate split and when that closed down he was invited to become the first observer EU LCS had! :D

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Originally posted by Fuzzikopf

Just makes me appreciate you guys even more, keep smurfing!
You also worked on EU Masters, didn't you? Cause I noticed some really great observer moments at EUM as well.

Yeah not all of the days but most of them i worked as Observer two who is doing Replays, picture in picture in the corner etc

"Bard trying to get to his home planet" eu masters had great moments to replay ^^

iam glad you noticed thank you :)

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Originally posted by Fuzzikopf

LEC and LCK observers have spoiled us too much

sorry, not sorry


Originally posted by veilsofrealitydotcom

love frosk and drakos



Originally posted by semenbakedcookies

These casters have 0 respect for SUP. Kinda sad

Frosk has been praising SUP for finding plays when behind and just said she loved Supermassive.


Originally posted by Elrushe9

As a G2 fan Some of my favorite moments are casted by him never will I ever forgot about the moment when he said "the gap be damned, champions can fall, gods can bleed, where were you when the west rose up to conquer champions." not only that but the way he gives other casters especially Caedrel atm the time and spotlight to give their insights on how the draft, how the x team is gonna win and etc. Quickshot is just Amazing

♥️ one small thing I've not seen too often but wanted to share with you. When G2 beat SKT it was the day after TL beat iG and I wanted a win moment to capture the success of both teams and the defeat of iG and SKT. Really proud of that one myself.


Hyped to see what you all think!


Originally posted by SeizureLizard

This won't affect your ability to get watch mission credit

Fix whatever metric you use to count games watched, I've watched literally every single game of Worlds so far this year through your site and it was only counted as two. This happens every single year for Worlds, and it always counts inaccurately

Hi SeizureLizard,

Can you tell me anything else about your watch setup (browser, device, etc.)? As an FYI sometimes ad blockers or other script blocking software will cause the service not to work. Additionally, always make sure you are logged in!


Hello friends, We had a service issue leading into the start of the first live game, but it was just resolved. This won't affect your ability to get watch mission credit for game 1, but I know it's super frustrating. I apologize for the issue :(


Hello friends, We had a service issue leading into the start of the first live game, but it was just resolved. This won't affect your ability to get watch mission credit for game 1, but I know it's super frustrating. I apologize for the issue :(

28 Sep


Originally posted by YesIUseJarvan

+1 for Niles. I think that kid has real potential and it's a shame him and other native top laners are left to rot in Academy and lower leagues.

+1000000 for Niles


Thanks for the report! Can you send me your r3d logs for those games and a crash dump if you have one? Are you also using any third party apps like Blitz? If so, try disabling them and seeing if the crash still occurs.

27 Sep


Originally posted by Sdaco

Quickshot: 2/0/1 is Uniboy worst showing at worlds yet.

Uniboy: Hold my beer

FFS I giga cursed UOL with that statement....


Originally posted by Undesiredbeast

As long as it's a joke then it's alright. He has the desire to win LEC and perform at worlds, so this is more like an off-season activity than a reconversion.

Of course. Caedrel is still a really talented player and I struggle to see him not on a pro team next year!


It's been a real pleasure to work with him leading up to the event. He worked super hard to make sure he was prepped for the play-ins teams and he responds to feedback so positively. We need to convince him to retire early >.>


Originally posted by Strehle

Hey, just wanted to say that I really love this format! It's very nice to listen to and there is a great balance between analytical insight and jokes/memes. Keep it up!

Thanks so much! Glad you are enjoying it.