League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Oct


Originally posted by Thrownawayagainagain

What does Valorant have to do with this? That's a completely different team at Riot; this is like saying 'They made Briar instead of giving Skarner a Legendary skin'; complete nonsense.

na let him cook. I want to hear how NOMS not having a build-your-own burger bar is preventing every champion from having a legendary skin.


Originally posted by senkichi

On the other hand, your shit eating grin after drawing just four civil wars might have been large enough to seriously injure your face. Might be better that they brought out Mr Negative Expressions, he sacrificed himself so you didn't end up looking like Pac Man.

Would have actually just started laughing.


Originally posted by Need-Help123456777

What's your favorite part of working on champions?

Well I have a gameplay background so I really love making new abilities. For every spell that reaches players there's tons that we've tried which weren't fair but were hilarious, or didn't fit with that character's kit or theme, or that trashed framerate or internal test servers, or a million other reasons it wasn't chosen.

Making so much gameplay and trimming it down to the best parts is tons of fun and hard work. Even still we won't always get it right, but if it's a fun experience players want to keep playing then I'm happy. And if it's not, I want to change it.


Originally posted by Boudynasr

is this your first champion? hope its a banger but a bit worried that it might be the K'Sante of 2023 lol [pro play jailed 45% WR champ]

First champion that I've led the direction of.

I worked with Squad5 on Milio, but by the time I came on he was already a fire boy with range extension and a cleanse. I made the Q, and worked with him to flesh out and polish the rest of the kit.

Before I came to work on champs I worked on Wild Rift where I did the tutorials and Guilds, plus a couple other things.

Prior to that I've worked on a number of titles in the industry as a tech designer or gameplay programmer like Bioshock, Borderlands, XCOM, Disney Infinity, and a bunch of titles you've likely never heard of.


Originally posted by Boudynasr

a quick glance at the comments and damn people hate tf out of August lol, maybe I'm minority but will miss that bald dude

His Ws were much more than his Ls imo

It's cause all I do is ruin the game


Originally posted by pyromanniacc

IIRC,(might be wrong) but i believe it was EndlessPillows who made him the designer of Yuumi and ksante and i believe Yone,Pyke Xayah and Rakan

EndlessPillows and Maxw3ll did early explorations of Hwei last year, but I've been the lead designer on the project and designed his kit under August's team leadership.

Squad5 has been a terrific colleague and sounding board on the champion. Hoboboy helped a tremendous amount with implementation and some later exploration, and Maxw3ll and August contributed some to implementation themselves as well. Champion development is a team effort.

Direct your hate to me, I'm powered by it! Can't wait!


Having worked with both Squad5 and August, I'll just say that I'm excited for both of their new roles. August isn't leaving League and his passion and creativity will be seen, no doubt.

Squad5 deserves this position and is a trustworthy leader, designer, and person. He has a proven track record of high quality champions and is constantly pushing for better work from his team.

Good luck man, you earned it!

19 Oct


Originally posted by Sharuken7




10% No LCS or LEC teams make knockouts

50% something that no one played all year long becomes 100% pick/ban after quarterfinals

90% At most two LCS/LEC teams make knockouts

18 Oct


Originally posted by AobaSona

Thanks for the insight. The change I was worried about though was the W mana cost going from 0-90 to 80-100. 30 more at the early game seems like a lot when her base mana is going from 440 to 360.

(plus I think basic abilities costing 100+ mana always feels kinda wrong somehow)

Her base mana went down and her base mana regen went into the stratosphere.

She's got the same regen and W cost profile of Sona. I mirrored other enchanter mana/costs.

17 Oct


Originally posted by AobaSona

Are the current changes final? A lot of peopled liked the faster Q missile speed buff but it was just reverted. Plus the W mana cost nerf along with the base mana nerf is a bit rough. Will there be follow up for her if she ends up bad?

I think Q speed is a good change for Mid/Support but the internal feedback was that these changes were too much power so we had to start cutting somewhere.

I'm a big believer in E rank-up and AS Growth to help mid specifically. The re-shape to Q damage is a support buff at all points in time and largely a buff to APC/Mid. The W changes should be a huge feels win for support as well (better at applying Echoes of Helia and Censer, stronger synergy with Redemption and such if you choose) but the heal cut marks a substantial power decrease overall, which is the primary nerf of the change list.

If she's weak everywhere, Q missile speed is the first buff I'm putting in. If she's OP, we have to find something else to cut.


Originally posted by ThotianaGrande

because yall didn’t balance her properly around mid like we were promised?? She couldn’t lane against most laners especially with shit like horrendous 19 base armor like make it make sense? All the mid players went bot because of a balancing failure you guys permitted you guys never truly prioritized mid even when she was released like we were promised. If you guys actually went through with what was expected and killed support seraphine way earlier then we wouldn’t have this issue. Yall keep f**king forcing mages to become supports and it’s frankly exhausting and disgusting

She was like a 53% win rate mid laner on release.


Originally posted by ImSpooks

But then why are Brand and Zyra for jungle buffed when they have no pick rate at all? This is even more niche than sera mid.

Seraphine was not a popular mid laner even when strong. Brand and Zyra have never really had the chance. For reference, either Zyra or Brand Jungle is currently closer to Seraphine Mid's pick rate than Seraphine Mid is to Support. And Brand/Zyra jungle are quite bad.


Originally posted by RanaDelLey

yeah, it's august's turn now.

Challenger here I come


Originally posted by ImSpooks

The reason Seraphine mid has no popularity is because there is simply no reason to play it over apc, because apc is simply more broken. Matchups for bot lane are much better and you have an ally to power you up. If sera apc had similar win rates to mid, sera mid would've been picked more and I can guarantee you this. So I think its important to keep mid lane in mind when balancing apc.

At launch Seraphine only had play rate in mid and support. And it was overwhelmingly support even though support sucked and mid was OP.

Then the power levels got closer together. Mid Seraphine disappeared and support Seraphine is now 16x the pick rate on the same power level.

Then high MMR players discovered that Seraphine Bot is OP. So now she has some pick rate there in high MMR.

That's the entire history. Claiming anything else is straight up gaslighting.


Originally posted by MikuShikhu

Wasn't she literally described as a "melodic mid-lane mage with massive potential" in her spotlight?

And then no one played her there 🤷‍♂️


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

The amazing thing about Seraphine is letting me queue for support/bot while still having a fun champion that lets me play the game at the same level in two roles. All the match-up and macro knowledge I have is still vital in the role, compared to what I used to queue before Sera's release of support/mid to play something boring like Malz.

Sera plays like a botlaner unlike ziggs or veigar and doesn't require cheese team comps to be good like say karma bot. She wants to scale with items and team fight, she isn't focused on zero interaction push your tower down in the same way. Both other botlane players and myself are going to have a lot less fun in the games I'd now have to go ziggs.

Killing Seraphine bot is genuinely damaging for mine and many other higher elo support players entire game experience

Neat, now quote the part where I said "Kill Seraphine bot"