League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Oct


Originally posted by AobaSona

there will still be some of the restricted chromas (League Partner program etc)

Aren't those usually available though, just for 10k BE instead of the regular price?

Ah crap, you're right. Ok, not the best example...


Originally posted by AobaSona

How does that work for future seasons though? And for Piltover/Zaun characters who are in the game but not in Arcane?

I fully support bringing certain things from Arcane to main canon (Silco, Vander, Jayce/Viktor friendship and creating hextech), but by this point the two timelines have already diverged a lot.

Echo's Forge game for example is literally impossible to coexist with Arcane in the same universe.

While Arcane doesn't show the full Piltover/Zaun cast, it's not intended to come across as characters not shown can't exist in that world at all. We don't show Mundo for example in Season 1, but that's not taking the stance that Mundo isn't or can't be a part of that shared canon, just that any given story can only include so many characters before it becomes overloaded.


Originally posted by Solash1

Are you able to touch a bit on Legends of Runeterra? I know a lotta people are unsure if that game's events and stories are meant to be canon as sometimes it occasionally conflicts with established lore (The Petricite Colossi for example). Would be nice to know whether LoR's stories are also in this converged canon, or if there's any stories shown in that game that Riot would wanna retcon or change

A lot of LoR's stuff is consistent with this unified canon already. Some bits will need to be updated though whenever we next release something in those parts of the lore.

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Originally posted by SlothKing123

/u/Reav3 Are you or any other rioters able to confirm what type of mage Hwei is? Has been a long time since we've gotten something other than a burst mage.

A deep and complex one


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotMeddler if you guys are moving away from short stories, what will become of the universe and the interactive map. I get those there niche outlets with engaging with IP content, but they were central hub for all League lore

They're not going anywhere right now. I say right now because at some point (ideas thrown around, nothing yet committed) we might go through and overhaul how we present lore stuff like that on the web. Current focus though is on getting the content and consistency right internally however and figuring out where that should be reflected in different games/other experiences, before looking at supporting channels like Universe


Originally posted by ahambagaplease

Not having to remember which list of chromas is available is so good. Super annoying saving essence only from those chromas to not be available

Obligatory note - there will still be some of the restricted chromas (League Partner program etc) that aren't emporium eligible regardless, so still won't be included, even if the full eligible range is.

Edit: As pointed out below, the LPP chromas are actually available just at a higher price than regular chromas. If you could pretend I'd used a better example that's actually restricted that would be much appreciated...


Originally posted by CelioHogane

That's not what they said...

Arcane is canon. League is also in that same canon.


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Is this a confirmation that Aatrox will be featured in a cinematic? Officially?

Because if so, I am fully onboard with the direction of how things are going. I hope he's included in the upcoming cinematic. I really, really do.

I mean, it's not just some random Aatrox image that got accidentally copy/pasted into that exact moment if that's what you're asking...


Originally posted by Mana_Croissant

Arcane being canon is a VERY tricky one. Not only this means many champion as they say will need lore update (and if i did not miss it CAMILLE is one of them so i hope they won’t forget her) but also can we talk about VIKTOR ?

One of my limited problems (there are very few) with Arcane is that Viktor is portrayed too good to fall into the level of full machinery he is in the game. How will they even connect him to his game counterpart at this point without it feeling too forced or ruining his character ? Arcane is one of my favorite shows in YEARS and i would hate if the next season fails to live up the quality of the first one because they have to connect it to the game so i actually prefered when Arcane was its own thing so they were not fully bound by it. Now every playable character has to survive, Viktor has to become a machine and Jinx will remain on loose as the crazy person she is so the ending is already there and they have to obey it

Camille - yep, we'll definitely get her integrated into things. Still figuring out details, but confident we can make her feel a part of the cohesive whole

Viktor - I mean, can't spoil anything for Season 2 of course, but certainly more Viktor development to see. As per the larger lore conversation here we're also not going to be just picking one existing portrayal and forcing everything to move towards that, it's about doing adjustments where needed to get a cohesive whole. If that means some tweaks to game Viktor are needed, in ways that are still consistent with the core of who he is of course, definitely open to that too


Originally posted by AzerFraze

which is the base Skarner? The one in the vid or the one on top in the blog?

/u/reav3 to answer questions since I'm not SME :) but I think it's the blog gifs (but still not finalized)


Can't wait for the new champs :D


Originally posted by Sjroap

.. With literally no information at all, but at least it's alive!

My bad! I forgot to link the /dev blogs in the YouTube description. But the Champion Roadmap is here: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/champion-roadmap-october-2023/


One thing worth mentioning is that champions almost always have more Armor than MR, which means converting adaptive damage to magic is inherently a buff. There may be some required follow-up for mages as a result of these changes, but anything that puts the tooltip damage of Electrocute lower for LeBlanc than for Talon is probably actually correct. It means LeBlanc’s power budget can be more about her kit and less about her keystone.

11 Oct


Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

ASU probably finished before the nerfs and they forgot to nerf asu too.

Started* before the nerfs.

At a certain point you have to fork Jax's data. You then start replacing files (model, animations, VO, etc.). Anything changed to the other "version" of Jax doesn't propagate. Eventually you merge everything back in and bam, Jax update. Of course it's our mistake for not catching it. But essentially that's what happened, though a bit oversimplified.


Originally posted by dmnwarrior

I just tested it, your jungle item didn't actually decrease. It seems that if you kill the camp whilst in your Q, it doesn't actually give you the bonus XP from killing the monster with a jungle item. Surely this is a bug.

Yep. Fixed soon, though. We're micropatching this issue.


Originally posted by __kique

it happens if you're untargetable when the camp dies, yi's Q for example

Thanks for chiming in. That should be fixed by the changes above.


Originally posted by kammos_

Will the bug making Illaoi literally unplayable right now also be micropatched?



Originally posted by Makiavelzx

I assume the micro patch will also fix it when it comes to untargetable people ? Same bug happens with Master Yi Q, Maokai W etc
