master yi also doenst get full exp when he is in alpha strike. I WAS IN ALPHA.
It appears that's the same bug as the Shaco one and will be fixed by the micropatch.
master yi also doenst get full exp when he is in alpha strike. I WAS IN ALPHA.
It appears that's the same bug as the Shaco one and will be fixed by the micropatch.
They changed the attack range for the jungle pet. Either the bonus XP range was set to the same range as its attack range, or they just changed any range value they saw to the new attack range.
Entirely different cause.
Why did u make tank jgl, who can easily spam gank as well, as consistent in farming as a farming jgl. Aren't jgl matchups mainly balanced around farming and ganking? How does it make sense to give a champion that can spam gank also the possibility to farm when he can't gank. As a jgl, if u pick a certain champion "i wanna spam gank this game" goes through his mind, but for the cost of "this might not work, but i will risk it". Your changes just removed the difference of the champions played in the jgl and there won't be a "i sacrifice my early for mid-late" anymore cuz u cant outscale a rammus that can alternatively farm when a lilia or karthus cant "spam gank", or it will at least be very hard so they will mainly farm their camps, or am i wrong? You can correct me here if so
In general, I'd rather all champions enjoy farming their jungle. I think it's valuable that everyone feels supported by their primary income stream.
This means making resists scale your monster damage appropriately and not disproportionately aiding AD champions in that regard. Some champions are going to be faster than others, sure, but Malphite top doesn't get less XP/min than Tryndamere just because he kills the minions slower. I'd like to bridge that gap in jungle somewhat.
Regardless, the point isn't to make champions early or late game skewed. Maokai is actually a scaling jungler. He just also has sick early ganks. He's actually just OP.
Team is looking into it along with rest of the bugs that were noted by Huzzl3.
Oof that's not great. We'll investigate why this happened and fix it ASAP.
Edit: Found it. I didn't cause it! (sorta). We expect to micropatch it today.
What an awful cake day gift.
Wait is he not casting Valo anymore?
i still cast valo
I always call that the Elementz lol
Me too!!!
Hey Phreak could you pretty please include the full scaling numbers for camps in your rundown video?
I'm pretty sure everything is there in the patch notes aside from scuttle.
thank you for the change. are there any thoughts on changing the requirement to a smaller number but requiring wins instead? for example 3 wins instead of 5 games?
on one hand it might put more pressure on players to win, making them feel annoyed by their enemies. but on the flipside, if players have to win they won't just do 5 games where they half-ass it and don't work with their team
or perhaps both? 3 wins OR 5 games? would love to hear your thoughts
We're watching closely.
Almost all the rank restricted games I've checked have been played in good faith so far. Unless that changes we'll keep it as is.
Something people miss in this conversation is that most of the people who get these restrictions are restricted for text chat. They aren't running it down when they get the punishment, so they don't tend to run it down in normals either.
But even a few people ruining games intentionally is really really bad, and we know its not 0. We need to keep a close eye on how people are playing in order to tell if its small enough to be worth what we think is a more effective penalty.
Fixed a bug that caused Kraken Slayer and Stormrazor to ignore Shen's W - Spirit Refuge.
I'm guessing it blocked the auto attacks, but not the bonus damage?
Yeah so technically Shen W isn't "dodge" and instead relies on tagging damage sources appropriately so he can block them.
When we remade Stormrazor/Kraken Slayer I didn't realize those needed to be specially tagged such that Shen W can block them.
Hired me
Hey everyone! We’re gathered here today to worship our mother Syndra and share some updates we’re making to her new Coven skin.
When we started reading the feedback you all had for Coven Syndra, we realized that the problem wasn’t so much around one or two specific things, but rather we just missed it as a whole on bringing the Coven thematic to life for Syndra, which after looking back, we agree. Through this we also learned a lot more about the expectations you all had for Coven as a thematic, as well.
So we’re going to be doing the following:
1 patch earlier than u/huntedfork said it would be!! yay!!
I got confused and thought the current patch was 13.20.
FYI @ rioters lurking TFT patch link seems to be broken.
Working on this now, thanks!
Funny story: Recently I decided to play a game of League of Legends. I had a good time and queued again with some of the people I met in the game. They invited me to their discord and I obliged. They were all in highschool. I am very...not in high school. We had a good time, but I did feel myself slowly turning into dust as they talked about their lives.
We currently dont believe most players who get ranked restrictions are working off their penalties by forcing fast losses.
I'm thinking "most" players can't be the threshold... would be interesting to see the stats though.
I've lately been trying to get the gaming companies here in Malmö (Sweden) to collaborate around player behaviour issues and solutions... there should be like a big hub or somewhere to share experiences.
Been a problem in gaming since the Warcraft 2 days about 30 years ago. No other issue in gaming has gone unresolved that far.
TBF it's a pretty hard problem.
Riot does do collabs with other companies to talk about this stuff, notably Fair Play Alliance, but each company/game has its own unique challenges that make one size fits all approaches hard.
Maybe controversial, but I don't think "infrequently toxic" players deserve mercy from the punishment system. If you commit arson or murder IRL should you just be let off the hook cause you only did it once?
Throw them in inters queue, I promise you they'll think twice about being toxic next time.
This ones wierd but it has less to do with mercy and more to do with what works.
Excessively punishing someone who wasn't going to reoffend anyway causes more problems than it solves.
Thanks Quickshot for explaining to the deaf what was happening with the crowd
Somebody is sassy.
Read moreSup buddy. Alright first of all lets get into this f**kin--this tier--let's refer to a quote from Caedral former analyst of the year--let's get the quote, 'kay, if we, "I'm not gonna do a generic tierlist like EVERY OTHER ANALYST! NO! I'm not gonna put JDG and GENG the winner's of their regions in the top! Then I'm NOT GONNA put the second and third seed second! And then I'm NOT GONNA put the third seeds third! No, I would NEVER DO THAT! NO! Because I'M NOT GENERIC!"
Right now let's get into the core and actually real tier list. First of all, there's no f**kING UNIVERSE that GENG's making it past the semifals. YOU know that. I know that. YOU YOURSELF said "I can never believe in GENG" because they're gonna CHOKE! WE KNOW THEY'RE GONNA CHOKE! We BOTH know. It doesn't MATTER how f**kING good they are. Chovy's the best player in the world and it doesn't MATTER. You know that he's gonna get in the semifinals against SOMEONE--doesn't matter who it is--and GENG's gonna F...
Well this is my new favourite copy pasta thanks for this <3