League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Oct


Originally posted by Dasrufken

The journey the boys took to get here is actually insane. From 9th in winter to 2nd place at the end of the season and now worlds.

And of course, none of us ever doubted them for a second...


Originally posted by hpp3

Is this supposed to be power-neutral on support Zyra? This seems to be a nerf on Zyra's main role to support a fringe playstyle. Losing 40 base on E seems really harsh.

The nice thing about closing role gaps is that if Zyra Support is bad, we can pretty easily just buff it, whereas if we wanted to buff mid/jg Zyra right now we couldn't in good conscience.

I expect the changes to be roughly neutral. Early lane is strictly buffed due to AP ratios buffed and E not losing damage until level 4+, while Q is always better.

Y'all gotta stop picking the max level of abilities and saying, "Oh I lost this" as though the preceding levels or other abilities have no impact.

That's not to say Zyra couldn't lose win rate here, it's certainly possible.


Originally posted by Advacus

Very interesting to do this rebalancing on multiple support mages at once. Does anyone have any more context from the balance team on what their end goal is here?

Obviously they have spoken about Seraphine but I hadn’t heard anything about Brand or Zyra being lumped into this. But with that being said neither of the above changes will likely do too much to either of them.

It’s nice to see Zyra with a bit more scaling, ever since her rework she has been slowly pushed into being more and more dependent on snowballing to be effective in mid/high elo. I don’t think this will really significantly move the needle, but a little is nice.

Seraphine: Bring Bot and Support closer together in power level so that we can tune one without breaking balance thresholds on the other. Mid Seraphine has a 0.25% pick rate and if she becomes non-viable, that's acceptable collateral damage since it has less than half the pick rate of Jungle Teemo for example. As a side benefit, further delineate the outputs of AP Seraphine vs. Enchanter Seraphine builds.

Brand: See if we can make him a viable jungler. Changes are relatively low scope and were low time investment.

Zyra: Make good on the Zyra jungle buffs from earlier this year. The real hopeful upside is shifting her ability rank and gold scaling to make Mid and Jungle better for her, while keeping Support at a relatively equal power level. Much like Seraphine, if we can close the gaps, that's good.


Originally posted by FrankTheBoxMonster

Today's story time is brought to us by Zyra P cooldown:

Zyra P's cooldown is not actually implemented as a normal cooldown like "go on cooldown for 12 seconds" but instead as "number of 0.25s ticks". This is defined as 50 ticks at level 1, then -1 tick per level. With 0.25s ticks, this should come out to 12.5s-8.25s total cooldown.

Except, due to server framerate, a 0.25s tick is actually a 0.264s tick. This means the effective cooldown actually becomes 13.2s-8.712s. Despite this, the spell still calculates itself as if it's using 0.25s ticks.

But also, the server actually waits an additional 0.25s tick (really 0.264s tick) afterwards before actually spawning the next seed. This brings the real effective cooldown up to 13.464s-8.976s.

In order to account for this, the game does a bit of fudging for the visuals. The icon cooldown indicator simply adds a flat 0.75s to the intended value to get it to match up better. This is mostly accurate, comi...

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Yeah I didn't bother trying to rescript Zyra passive. Maybe one day.

Accurate all the same.

16 Oct


Damn that's like 8D chess ngl.


Originally posted by Zonko91

BE becoming less and less relevant. What's the point for giving it after every game then?

Its actually something we are pretty aware of.

TL;DR: Its good for new players to unlock champions, but its effectiveness as a motivator tapers off pretty strongly with account age. Essence emporium functions as a reasonably effective sink for it (way to use it) but isn't a strong long-term solve IMO and we'd like to find other ways of making it more meaningful.


Originally posted by TsyChun

that's what happens when you have a champ with 90% of the power budget in the ult, also having an ap ratio that isn't used because tank malph is good while ap malph is only usefull when the ult is up and think "what if we added a champ that can steal spells. wait, no, just steal the ultimates. and to steal the condition is a point and click with 100000 range."

Just lost to Sylas?


Statistically its Malphite versus Sylas. It's actually 3 of the 4 worst matchups in the game: Malphite v Sylas Top Malphite v Sylas Mid Malphite v Sylas Jungle


Originally posted by minimite1

adc main who complained about adc being weak for years joins the balance team

Damn you're really upvoted for this?

I'm the guy who came into "Sneaky gets oneshot by face checking a Kassadin" and telling the ADC players they're delusional for thinking he shouldn't die there.

Like c'mon y'all, you're not even trying anymore.

15 Oct


Originally posted by SicrosEye

As much as Phreak deserves criticism for being ADC biased when balancing he is not a programmer - these bugs are definitely not his fault.

So TECHNICALLY they are. I didn’t do many of the script changes on K’Sante’s update but the project is still ultimately my responsibility.

I got some help from Milio’s designer on Friday looking into some things and fixing this bug in particular.


Originally posted by fear_the_wild

anyone know if the swiss stage draw is after the games today? or when is it?

They will be after yes


Originally posted by Javonetor

forget about /u/endercasts , it's time for enderhosts

the rebrand

14 Oct


Originally posted by haven4ever

Even Quickshot calls it 'commanding'... Is this the ol' G2 casting era?

Please listen to the full context and not one singular word. We spent nearly 8 minutes clearly outlining all the challenges faced, the dragon, and look perspective matters. They had control the entire game and when they lost control it's because of BDS choosing a play which cost them. They commanded the flow, positive and negative.


Originally posted by EgoSumV

Seriously though, it really seemed like you didn't know that K'sante passive scaled his entire auto attack's damage.

I know it amps everything on the mark.


Originally posted by UltraScept

i dont know if anyone responded to you about the base form tap W, but what I did was hit E W W as fast as i humanly could, and so far it seems highly replicable. i'm able to do it almost 100% of the time, and i'm sure a player mechanically better than me would be able to not only get that same consistency but also utilize it in real games.

for proof, here's me hitting it over 30 times in a row after around 20 minutes of practice: https://streamable.com/6983pw?src=player-page-share

the third dash can be performed more quickly by using Q at the end (which is the spaceglide combo OP posted). in most of these i didn't use the Q at the end though since I kept forgetting.

I appreciate it, thank you :)


Originally posted by Hyoudou

Well... hopefully the Skarner VGU will come before 2029.

I can confidently say it will 😊

13 Oct


Originally posted by Nalardemon

Do i smell an oppertunity for negotiations? 👀

there are a lot of bugs you could fix while you are at it

Hit me with it.

I went into /ksantemains after we went to PBE but a bunch of them looked like they were Live bugs so it was hard to parse what was new.


Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

It's terrible for gameplay clarity and he's not native to SR, he's from Ixtal so if anything he should be a more vibrant green.

We will make sure that there is good game clarity on Skarner! What we shown is the WIP.


Originally posted by Nalardemon

would love to see rioters react to this tbh


How do you get base form tap W to work? I've only tried for a couple minutes but no amount of mashing buttons or mouse clicks is getting me there.

All-Out W is trivial but base form is stumping me.

Also some of these combos are cool AF. If you wanna W-R to cancel the dash go for it. I don't intend to fix that.