Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

30 Jan


This is the best thing.

Just don’t equip a great axe...


Originally posted by Wiggers_in_Paris

i just wanna summon some skeletons like Diablo 2

Same. Think we’ll need to make a prototype and let players have a play with it on a tournament world though. Even then, it’s so alien to OSRS that I fear it won’t pass :/


Originally posted by GlassesBro

What are the odds this could be considered/revisited nowadays? Just curious u/Mod_West

It needs a lot of reworking as the design is quite dated (and some of the concepts are quite OP) but the plan has always been to pair it with a later Kourend quest. We mentioned briefly at RuneFest a quest called ‘A Kingdom Divided’, which is the quest that will tie the 5 house quests together. The new spells would work quite well as a reward while also giving us a chance to condense the ensouled head spells.

Hopefully soonish, but development is still unlikely to start until later in the year, providing plans don’t change. Hoping for time to rework some of the cities too as there are still major issues with the layout of some areas of Kourend.

29 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's likely due to legal reasons. But I agree, people wouldn't need to speculate if it was more transparent.

Then again, players have been attributing the old gmaul glitch with Reach ever since he went even though Ash has spoken about its cause multiple times. Controlling misinformation is easier said than done unfortunately ):


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Thanks for your perspective on the subject. "More desperate than malicious" is probably one of the most informative bits yet still so vague. But seeing as he didn't share what it was in this interview, I doubt the community will ever know exactly what it was. It is probably a stretch to consider him a secret hero or such, but given all we know it is hard to still try to simply consider him a villain.

For sure :) It was also kind of stupid, which is how he was caught which Mat touched upon during his interview. Other rogue team members were far sneakier and certainly acted with malice.


Originally posted by Forlux

/u/JagexAcorn, could you tell us why the update was on Wednesday? :-)

Hi there! We have a company wide event tomorrow where everyone will have a chance to level up various skills such as learning new coding practices, presentation skills, or even graphic design. We wanted to ensure we had full coverage from the OSRS team so we moved it a day earlier to be able to monitor the update.


Originally posted by GB-GOD




I'll pass this on to the support team. If you can DM me on Reddit of the friends you said were also in the same position and their mute appeal was denied I can pass those on too :).


Originally posted by KOWguy

The past couple of days I have been working on diaries and quests, and I was able to tap the entity lookup followed by tapping a quest in the quest guide, or any diary set in the diary page. Now this is no longer working.

That may be a RuneLite plugin if you've been using desktop? As we didn't implement that functionality.


Hey this doesn't seem to be an issue? The entity look up should only work for objects, locations (like scenery) and NPCs. On mobile it would require a long tap to bring up the guide or wiki options for the diaries and quests, on the specific diary / quest.


I've had the developers check and they said the only pet you insured that they can see is Venenatis. If Vorki is still in your house, I'd recommend you insure that one too just in case.


Originally posted by CaptaineAli

The Newspost alert message was the same as last weeks and linked to the wiki integration update from last week.

It's updated now the system for link changing was going slow so I gave it a refresh and it should work now :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


This change was implemented as per question 24 in this poll from November:



Beat me to posting the link :p you are a quick one!


Originally posted by rudyv8

u/JagexGambit any news on this for this weeks update?

Yep! We discussed it and it's intentionally been left out. The cane is considered an extra item and not part of the set. We raised and acknowledged arguments for both sides (some players buying T3 GE sets may be disappointed when they don't get a cane too), but it's also tricky now that GE sets without canes exist in the game.


Originally posted by -Maxy-

/u/Shaunyowns thank you for doing these interviews.

It's really nice to see (despite not having a chance to sit down and listen just yet!) longer format interviews that can cover so much content beyond the core game.

Glad you’re enjoying them! I wanted to do these for my own general fascination and thought it was worth doing them!


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

I remember years back I saw a tweet from him that the update he got fired over was him trying to fix something or something of the sort. Since then, I always suspected it wasn't something malicious.

If I had to guess, I think he might have tried to remove AFK Training; in another tweet, he said before he left he changed his stance and was against it. Now the OSRS Team did eventually decide to do this, but it was delayed for a long time over "data"; they were worried that if they made the change, enough players would quit that it would hurt the game. So if he went and made that change without the company approving it because it could hurt their profit, I could see that playing out as things did. As for the "before it could impact the game's economy" part, after AFK Training was removed, prices did shift for a lot of items because of it...

Or it could have been something completely different. Maybe even a blowpipe nerf... Who knows. But he certainly isn't the villain ...

Read more

I’m not going to say what he did, but it sounds like it was more desperate than malicious - certainly damaging to the game and an incredible abuse of power. Now, does that make him a bad guy? Of course not, people make mistakes and it’s clear he regretted what he did.

He was before my time, so everything I’ve heard is from others (MatK, JohnC and Ash) and from what I saw of him on the Q&As. Now, his work on the other hand - as many have said - was sloppy, but that’s to be expected from someone without a programming education (And, from what I heard from his trainer, a disregard for learning). As many could tell from the interview and countless Q&As, he certainly loved working on the game and was very passionate which is commendable given how abrasive the community can be at times.

Anyway, like him or hate him, just don’t carelessly spread rumours :P