Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

15 Nov


Hey, just going to respond to this one.

We are going to be addressing this by upping the combat level required to receive the following as a slayer assignment within the twisted league:

  • Ankou
  • Banshee
  • Blue Dragon

Right now they're being assigned when they're far too difficult to kill and whilst we did do a fair bit of balancing for the league, and some of these creatures "can" be killed with ranged / magic in a safe spot, we'll be hotfixing them shortly.

If you are below the combat level required to be assigned these as a slayer task after the hotfix has gone live, you will be able to skip your task for free and it won't impact your streak.

Edit: For some further clarity on this:
Ankou assignments now require 65 combat.
Banshee assignments now require 65 combat.
Blue dragon assignments now require 80 combat.


Originally posted by ThomasonRS

How will the re-colour slayer helm work? If someone wants it but doesn't play twisted leagues can they still get the slayer helm?

The "Twisted Horns" which you attach to a slayer helm to make the item will be tradeable but the slayer helm will not be. So you can just buy it from the GE if you are a non-iron


Guessing 70% Endless Endurance 20% Abyssal Accumulator and 10% Dark Altar Devotion.


My guess:

Abyssal Accumulator: 30%

Endless Endurance: 50%

Dark Altar Devotion: 20%

Stick yours as comments! We'll reveal the breakdown in choices next Q&A stream when the data team have had chance to dive into it :)


My guesses before the update were: 65% Endless Endurance 25% Abyssal Accumulator and 10% Dark Altar Devotion


Originally posted by haildoge69

memes are cool but will the other two relics get something extra? As useful as they are, infinite stina is a must have in a place with limited teleports

One thing we're going to be looking at is how many teach each relic, that's going to be fascinating!

We do want it to be a hard choice - and I currently feel like this first one still is to be honest.


The team did an absolutely stellar job! So many people pulled together to make this happen, and it has definitely paid off.

We really tried to make sure the core interfaces to Leagues we're slick, they're the backbone of the mode after all. They look and feel awesome, the process of unlocking a relic feels epic etc.

Thanks for the feedback everyone :D


Originally posted by Gensmaki

A good majority of people were bashing league a week ago saying it's a waste of dev time. Idk what this sub thinks sometimes.

Honestly, it's hard to explain what Leagues is too - many have said themselves they didn't think much of the idea before hand, but after playing it they now get it.

Similar when we first pitched the idea to the team internally, many were skeptical til seeing the design really come together!

So happy with how its been received :)


Originally posted by AReally_Cool_Hat

Sorry to make you answer every dumb question but what if I have two accounts with memberships? Can I do twisted leagues on both accounts? And then can I also go back and freely play the main game on them or are they locked into the twisted league?

You can play both accounts in the Twisted League and go back and forth to the main game as you please

14 Nov


The redesign is so good. Sonic 1 on the Mega drive was the first game I ever really played and I still love all of the 2d sonic games so much :).

Epic content mate


This meme was brought to you by the endurance gang


Being in areas which random events take place in (including pillory cells) are not considered leaving the "twisted league area" if that makes sense