
Outriders Dev Tracker

20 Apr


Originally posted by TheRealACuddlyBunny

I read this post as "We aren't seeing issues on our end" and clearly by all the posts... It cannot be just the players...

As stated in the post - it's not that we're denying that there are issues. But we need more info to go on in order to properly investigate.


Originally posted by bradstockmon

Do i have to make space in my stash for this to work? It is almost full.

The items will be first placed onto the affected character. As long as there is space there you should be okay, but clearing a bit of space in your stash wont hurt, just in case.


Originally posted by imtronburgundy

I've had 3 characters encounter the "Group A" bug. Can I expect them all the have the same results? Will my stash be an issue here? I want to be prepared as much as possible to ensure no more issues. Thanks for the update, it's greatly appreciated! I know we're all anxious to get back to our locked characters.

All three character should be restored individually. Your stash shouldn't be an issue here, but if you're at all concerned, it may be worth creating a fourth character as a mule just in case.


Originally posted by Turbulent-Strategy-6

Are all the mods we got prior to getting wiped safe as well? Or will we have to re earn them?

According to our checks, mods should have been unaffected by any wipes since they are not part of an inventory as such.


Originally posted by keyboardcowby

I’m sure this has been asked many times, but how high on the priority list are connection issues. I was playing with friends last night and was kicked from the squad a dozen times or more in roughly a three hour window. It was very frustrating.

Have just replied on this matter here.


Edit - THURSDAY: Just a note to say thank you to everyone who has replied here and/or DM'd me with details. I am continuing to gather reports to identify patterns that may be helpful to our team in investigating these issues.

I also want to reiterate that this reply is not us refuting that some players are experiencing problems with co-op. Rather, this reply is intended to explain the kind of information we need in order to better understand and resolve the issues you are facing.

OP below

Thanks for kicking this thread off, I'm really sorry that you're continuing to encounter these frustrations with the co-op connectivity.

As a bit of background for how we've typically dealt with connectivity issues to date:

Whenever I noticed a large number of reports around connectivity issues for the game I immediately checked in with the online team to see if we are encountering any connectivity problems. If they were not already aware (and they are a...

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Originally posted by SpringDowntown468

Nothing to say about the shit connection and game crashes? You are doing it wrong. I have a 300/300Mb internet and I have ZERO success to play the matchmaking games.

How is possible that you don't see the problem here?

I will be momentarily responding in this thread here about this.

Edit - direct link.


Originally posted by Becks1719

One of my characters got wiped twice locked on the second time. Will I get all the legendarys back from both wipes?

Based on the way we're going about this (see the further details), you should be.


Originally posted by gravewurm

What about items lost in the stash?

Stash items should also be accounted for.


Originally posted by EthicalSkeptic

Well that was straight and to the point. Got this out of the way in a hurry after 4 days of silence and on to the next I suppose.

You can tell because there isn't a sign off message "Good luck there Outriders!" or "Stay safe on Enoch!"

They're over it. lmfao.

Writes 2000+ words to explain everything.

Is accused of being over it :(


Originally posted by MightBpanda420

removed just like my invetory... double dang


Originally posted by ProspekOfficial



Originally posted by VictorioT95


Edit: I originally got the notification and said [post deleted], hence my reaction, it was a bit ironic...


Originally posted by toxicenvy210

Why was it removed


Originally posted by gugieworld

Yeah what was that!


Originally posted by Ungrounded_Plans

That was fast!?


Originally posted by WarLord_GR



Originally posted by Curious_Chard7507

Maybe he is changing the post, calm down.( i say with alot of nerves) Been watching this page for the last 2 weeks like every hour for this post.

Yep - Because I subthread these mega threads, I need to set up an OP, temporarily remove it to edit in the comments and links, then approve it.



We would also at this time like to share some more news around the status of Outriders on Stadia.

Stadia has followed a different development timeline than other platforms. This is also why the Stadia version has certain unique features, such as Stadia’s Stream Connect, but also doesn’t necessarily face the same bugs and issues that other platforms may.

It was our intention to converge these development builds shortly after the Outriders launch, in order to provide Stadia players with the same experience and access to the same cross-play matchmaking pool.

Unfortunately, the launch weekend issues we faced, as well as the recent inventory wipe bug, have consumed much of our focus that would otherwise have been spent bringing Stadia in line with the other platforms.

As these other priority issues will very soon have been addressed, we will once again proceed with bringing the Stadia version up to date. We hope to r...

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