Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

05 Oct


An asset wasn't loaded correctly (for a variety of possible reasons). You still received all rewards, no worries that is just a visual issue.


Your game is out of sync with the server. A full restart will sync it correctly and let you SIM those battles.


You can't link your account to two different Apple IDs/GameCenter accounts, so the error is the expected behavior.


We checked on him and he is indeed missing...we flagged it already to the team to bring him back.

02 Oct


Can you PM me the ticket number(s), so that we can have a look and potentially follow up internally, please?

Other than that, Facebook linking is available again in-game, so that would be an option too.

01 Oct


Thanks for the report! We are already aware of it.


Thanks for reporting this! We are already on it.


We are aware of this and have it already flagged as a bug. Thanks for reporting it!


Originally posted by dark_magician07

A 10 second trailer is a hundred times more impressive than the first lot of GLs. Actual chills watching Vader's head turn from Palps to Luke.

I really think the mouse ordered CG to cobble something together for Rey/SLKR before they got any more backlash from the film.

Ah, the weird conspiracy theories never cease to amaze.

I said this plenty often back then, the first batch of GLs was the start of a new production pipeline and the team would get better at it over time. This was proven by the Mando releases, JKL and now this, which is built on that foundation. This is what the iteration process working properly looks like.

30 Sep


Oh by all means, they still haven't filled the vacancy I left. Good luck!

I dont think you’re ready for the literal tons of red tape that come with potentially changing a screenshot for a billion dollar game in an app store that has to go through multiple approval levels of multiple executive offices across multiple companies but hey, you never know.


These took a good deal of research, like you guys say here there is a lot of contradicting information so we had to go straight to the top on order to get them right.


We have flagged this for review now.

28 Sep


This is intended and not a bug (and yes, you are correct, it is indeed a result of the recent turn-meter changes).


We looked into this and the droids are not guaranteed to respawn, they only have a certain chance to do so. Looks like RNG has a say in this.


We are already looking into this.


We have flagged this already as a bug.


The recent iOS 14 update seems to log users out of GameCenter in the process. Logging back into GameCenter with your account should recover your game progress.

25 Sep


Originally posted by b1tb0y1977

Thank you for the clarification. It's not the answer I was hoping for, as I still feel the change has hurt the team, which has operated in this manner since 2017. That said, I do follow the logic in the explanation, and so long as that is consistent in all cases, I can accept that and work around it. Appreciate the timely response. It will help with my GAC planning going forward.


No problem at all, glad it was helpful!