The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

18 Mar


This in our radar as well. As it's not as urgent, it might take a little longer. But we feel you... I have to go now... find that last exclamation mark in my inventory...

The team is aware of the issues surrounding skills and are working hard to find a solution. I appreciate everyone's patience on this.

17 Mar

Thank you for letting us know about the issue. I'll make a note to pass along to the team regarding the persistent crashes.
Originally Posted by Dr-KaBoom
In an age where most so called AAA games are put out half baked it is so refreshing to find a game so meticulously crafted. This game deserves applause on almost every level for me. Bravo guys, bravo.
Thanks very much, Dr-KaBoom. We have a lot of work ahead of course, but I'm glad that you've been enjoying it so far.
No need to get into a flamewar about this, everyone. In general, I don't think it hurts to check the brightness/contrast settings on your own monitor for issues that could be related. However, I believe people when they say they have tried manipulating those settings and it didn't work for them.

We've also seen the threads about flashlights/NVGs possibly being helpful. Thanks everyone for your feedback on the level of brightness in-game.
To be honest, this thread's not going to go anywhere constructive as it is right now since it comes across as insulting to PvP players. If you're interested in suggesting potential improvements to the DZ, feel free to do so, but I'm closing up this thread as it's already getting a bit contentious.
The team is aware of this issue and investigating:

Lastly, we are working very hard to address the crashes that are occurring and seem to be related to the Assault Drone being used while agents are in a group, as well as Skills not working properly and immediately being on a 15 second cooldown.
Thanks everyone for keeping us informed of what you're experiencing in-game.

Originally posted by GerinX

Hi. Sorry to bother you, but in response to your comment/answer, does this mean that the stellar team at Massive aren’t working on any feature where we can re-customise our characters?

I would love to rework my character’s face using the sliders and also the skin colour. I would even pay for the privilege. Thank you.

Also, there are some chest armour pieces where the compartments clip through the agent’s forearm. Lastly, there are some gloves that clip through the skin texture of the wrist.

Edit: last paragraph.

From what I know, and this might be outdated info right now, we're currently not working on adding functionalities to the Barber. That being said, and I mentioned that in another comment, we don't see any reason why we wouldn't want to improve something the community want. Just keep in mind that some things take longer than others and obviously we need to prioritize things that are more important right now, e.g. game breaking bugs.


Originally posted by flonarak

First Day of the of the release on tuesday 03.12, it didn't crash once.

Now it crashes every 20 - 45 minutes. I tried downclocking the GPU, overclocking the GPU. I tried various graphical settings and turning DX12 on and off.

Playing the game windowed, windowed (fullscreen), fullscreen. playing around with refresh rate, fps limit, v-sync and nothing helps.

I restricted every software that was running in the background. I did turn on SLI, i turned it off and tried various Nvidia profiles and updated every driver. I reinstalled the game on different SSD and HDD to no avail.

Crashes happen while in missions solo or in a group, they happen in solo freeroam. The game sometime freezes a second as well, looks like it would crash but doesn't.

The crashes happen even in environments that don't have much objects and enemies.

My Specs:

  • Windows 10
  • Intel i7-7820X @3.60GHz
  • 23.7 GB RAM
  • 2x Nvidia G...
Read more

I'll look back into this next week when I am back at work - currently out travelling for a few days. I'm sorry to hear you're suffering from crashes, and thanks for going through troubleshooting steps on your own end.

Have you reached out to customer support? They will be able to connect the right people with your information to move this forward.


Originally posted by TheMightyMush

Hey, I really need your help. I literally cannot get through the first main mission without crashing. I've submitted bug reports every time, but I would really like to be able to talk to a developer about this issue... More than willing to help work on the problem but at this point, the game is unplayable on my machine with a 1080 TI and R7 1700x.

Hi, have you reached out to customer support? I'd love to help you but believe they will be much more efficient in helping you troubleshoot this particular issue as I've never seen it before - so I'll most likely just try normal troubleshooting steps like updating drivers and reinstalling :)

Sorry for your troubles, and hope they get solved!

Closing thread due to trolling.

/ Johan

Originally posted by Crackseed

While I'm not affected by this issue currently, I wanted to make a suggestion here Chris.

I'm not sure if there's technical hurdles that made you choose what can/can't be modified post-creation but given how attached people get to designs + wanting freedom, I'd love to see if you guys could allow us to modify: Face/Head/Eye color selections as part of the Barbershop as well.

It feels weird that only hair/tats are covered in the system especially if you folks make changes down the road that may affect the appearances. It's also would be nice to make adjustments since the lighting/chargen presentation can sometimes result in the in-game look not always lining up when you see it in action.

Just a request to forward if it's not too much trouble :)

Noted. Suggestions like these are definitely on the board, just be aware that some might be a little further out than others. If it's popular and doesn't break the game, I'm assured we'll at least consider it.

If it takes a long time it'll take a long time though and I just want to manage expectations. Especially features that had not been planned can be difficult to get out of the door, as they might require a lot of work.


Originally posted by gojensen

Uh, yea but see... we can't look at the requirements as we don't have the blueprint and it's not available for purchase at the WH vendor (like it used to be the first 3 days...)

I just want an answer at this point from MASSIVE whether this was a bug (i.e. he wasn't supposed to sell them) or if it IS a bug (i.e. he should be selling it) or what the heck is going on.

Kudos to them for dealing with bigger issues, but this wouldn't (hopefully) take that long out of their day to figure out... is Hamish still around the reddit?

edit: or maybe u/ChrisGansler can look into this? (sorry for tagging you, but you were the first MASSIVE poster I found...)

Hey. Just a head's up, I won't always be able to look into all issues, but tagging me might help. Please don't be alarmed if I don't answer or do it late, it's just a matter of me sleeping sometimes. :P

In regards of the Lullaby, here's quick rundown of how this works:

  • You get a low level Lullaby in your stash as a reward for the edition you bought.
  • You receive a blueprint in your stash as a reward for the edition you bought
  • You need to claim any reward before you can use it. So e.g. if you don't claim the blue print, it doesn't show up at the crafting station.
  • The Lullaby requires level 30 to be crafted and another exotic item (not the low level Lullaby) that you'll have to find and consume to craft the level 30 shotgun.

Let me know if that clears things up. A vendor selling it does indeed sound like a bug, but I haven't read that before, so screenshots or something like that would be appreciated.

Thanks everyone for your feedback. These threads are always contentious, so let's remember that this is very much a topic where everyone's going to have their own PoV. I'll pass your thoughts along to the team.
Originally Posted by HazardousKiller
I actually enjoyed them all if I'm being honest it added some variety outside of main missions & activities. That's why I'd love to see them return, they could be the MMO equivalent of a mini dungeon I guess. Any chance of that happening Scottie?
Based on the OP, you'd be free to replay which ever missions you'd like! Lots of players have been suggesting others to go into the DZ for better loot. I personally prefer LZ, but I haven't had a chance to explore to find the best missions to search loot there. As fa... Read more
Originally Posted by HazardousKiller
Exactly. I'm also sure people would appreciate more repeatable content, especially for end game.
Oh? Were there any particular missions you enjoyed in TD2 that you would play over again?

- Scottie

Originally posted by TheSoonerfan444

It's late go to sleep <3

We're in Sweden dude, it's early ;)

We'll let you guys know as soon as we have more info on WT5. Stay tuned.
Originally Posted by W4R_D4DDY
One thing you could do is help me get a hunter mask

They look so badass but those hunters just toy with me at level 18 solo.
The day I defeat a hunter solo is also the day that I will be able to call myself a true deadshot.

- Scottie