

06 Dec


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

The 5 preset rune pages have been removed.

Finally. How will this affect new accounts that doesn't have access to editing rune pages but still have access to preset pages?

They'll be able to edit rune pages and use the Recommender right from the start now. The preset pages were there to not have to introduce players to complexity too early on, but now you can just click a button and get a good rune page.


Originally posted by Shitconnect

So I will see enemy border next patch again?

Yeah I believe we fixed that bug.


Originally posted by egrodiel

What’s the point of putting smurfs against eachother? Why not just make it so that a diamond player smurfing on a gold account just gets placed against diamonds, instead of having a 8 minute long queue to find other diamonds that are smurfing in gold?

Why not just make it so that a diamond player smurfing on a gold account just gets placed against diamonds

This is what we're going back to, yes.


Originally posted by 747Dragon

Now just remove losers queue and the game could be decent

There is no loser's queue/winner's queue


Originally posted by shrubs311

Will just mention that "Smurf Queue" was not the goal of these changes, it was to increase perception of match quality, for example folks would ask "Why is this Silver in my Gold game?

I'm a little confused. The goal of the these changes (as in the article posted) is to increase perception of match quality? Won't the "why is silver in my gold game" still be an issue with these changes. Since if the silver player has gold mmr they'll be in gold games? Sorry if I misunderstood what you meant just wanted some clarification, thanks for answering our questions.

EDIT: were you saying that the previous changes to factor visible rank was to increase match perception, and these 2023 changes are you guys making the call that perceived match quality isn't worth it? If so then I understand what you mean now

The change to increase perception of match quality is the one we're reverting, so you're right. We think that's a better state than really long queues and a poor experience for new/returning players.


Originally posted by Piercingforce

Will both of the splits have a similar hard reset like at beginning of season? Or will the midseason one be softer?

Probably softer. We'll be monitoring how far folks climb in Split 1 and basing the reset strength off of that, since this is something new for us.


Originally posted by Jozoz

Rejoice! Thanks for the reply.

Can you add any context on the decision at this time?


Originally posted by DanielDKXD

2 options

  1. Visible rank no longer matters for who you get matched with, so plat3 with dia3 mmr will be in full dia3 lobby
  2. Removing the visible rank in loading screen, which literally doesn't do anything.

It's basically option 1 there. Option 2 isn't planned (it was accidentally in this patch I think, that was a bug that's fixed for next patch).


Originally posted by Jozoz

Wouldn't that also mean Smurf Queue is removed?


"We’re testing in some select regions a Matchmaking upgrade that takes into account players current rank along with the MMR.

This has many benefits including grouping smurfs as some of you have already caught on to."


Yes basically.


Originally posted by KerbleWasTaken

What they mean by this is that currently, the people you are put in matches with is based on your current rank and your current MMR.

Before sometime around August, both were very important. If you were Silver with platinum mmr, you would be placed with other silver players with platinum mmr. This is also known as smurf queue.

After august, they made ranked so that it cared less about your rank, and more about your mmr. Now smurf queue games still exist, but they are less common. If you're in silver with platinum mmr, you can just get thrown into regular platinum games. Or into smurf queue platinum games, it depends on the players in the queue.

Now, according to this post, it doesn't care about your rank at all. I think that the translation of this is that they're removing smurf queue

^ This take is close. Will just mention that "Smurf Queue" was not the goal of these changes, it was to increase perception of match quality, for example folks would ask "Why is this Silver in my Gold game?". They were in your game because they have similar MMR to yours, which could be for any number of reasons:

  • They're a veteran player who started the season later than you did (you've had time to increase your rank while they haven't yet).
  • They're a newer player and this is where they've been seeded, also haven't had time to increase their rank yet.
  • They're a smurf.

However, if we're effectively filtering this population out of your games, they're getting into their own games of returning players/new players/smurfs, with long queue times and a pretty terrible experience. We're making the call that trading off the returning/new player experience for perception of match quality isn't worth it.


Originally posted by Carpet-Heavy

two months of the year are already void due to preseason. a lot of people don't count the first month of the season for peaks and such because the ladder is a mess and hasn't stabilized. some people extend this even further to "early season climb xd" and such.

now we're adding an extra void month after the second reset? I think higher elos should not be reset. they say they want us to always have a goal to chase, and for all the plateaued gold 4s, sure, that comes in the form of rewards. but high elo players tend to care less about borders. we just want to grind a competitive ladder.

No plans to add an extra void month. There should only be a day or two of ranked downtime between the splits.


Originally posted by IamLevels

u/Auberaun since the article is quoting you, how much of this is true?

I wrote the first half of the article it's quoting, so can confirm it is true :)


Originally posted by BlasterTheLight

On a different note, I received the skin but I didn't receive the champ shard. Even though I own Sejuani but I would have thought I would have gotten a permanent champ shard in my inventory.

Edit: I also didn't receive the Series 1 Eternals for Sejuani (Already owned). Again, would have liked to be able to disenchant it.

Rewards this year were direct grants, so that's expected. Agree it's awkward compared to other reward grants which go through the loot system so will see what we can change for next year.


Honor rewards are coming in 12.23


This Clash does use ARAM MMR. Someone else in the thread mentioned restarting your client/remaking your team for an update if it's showing incorrectly?

30 Nov


It takes either 90 continuous seconds of no input or standing on the fountain to trigger a remake, which you're warned about at the 60 second mark with a popup. Can you link or DM me your game so we can look at this? If neither of those things occurred and your game was remade anyway, that's a bug we gotta fix!

22 Nov


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

Except Auberaun said they are looking into increasing or completely removing it in PT.

Above points are valid, it's not great if folks are sitting in practice tool forever because it does take resources, but AFK detection doesn't need to be tuned the same as SR that's trying to prevent competitive integrity from being violated because there's none of that for practice tool.

21 Nov


Originally posted by Excalidorito

Okay but serious question, is naming your allies after jungle camps actually happening or not?

The tweet seems borderline like a shitpost but the idea makes me laugh so much that I actually want it

Yes it is actually happening :D


This was /remake, and not an early surrender because of an AFK player after 3:30, right? If so, can you DM me your summoner name, region, and which game this was so we can look at it.

EDIT: looking into a few that people sent me, they've been post 3:30 surrenders (not remakes) so would count as a win/loss


Originally posted by FreeMystwing

I'm rushing against the clock to take a quick run to the toilet and washing my hands - hoping that people don't load in too fast.

At this stage, this is an issue with the game that needs to be fixed.

I'd recommend you do those things before entering queue