

05 Jan


Originally posted by Ok-End5088

There is 0 reason for the grasp runepage on voli top to switch my summoner spell to smite

This is being fixed in 13.1.

29 Dec


Originally posted by Naerlyn

If this is supposed to be a comment about how many words Bel'veth has on the wiki, the Details section of Illaoi's E alone contains 15% more words than Bel'veth's entire kit. 45% if you then also include the ability.

I see folks also use the wiki as their source of info for learning what a new champ does from scratch, which it's not the best at since it has way more detail than is really needed to get going. The client is a better resource for this since that's what we write those short descriptions and include videos for. Once you have the basic grasp of what a character does, the wiki is great for hunting down the details if you want to get into optimizing playing as and against. For all that Bel'Veth passive text, the client description is

Bel'veth gains permanent attack speed stacks after taking down large minions and monsters and champions. She also gains temporary bonus attack speed after using an ability.

and that's enough detail to grasp it. If you're now interested in "how do I optimally cycle my abilities to keep passive uptime", or "how does Riot numerically tune infinitely scaling attack speed" you can read the wiki version.


14 Dec


Originally posted by Grillla

Please, I'm begging you to revert the changes to the ARAM map. They are horrible, unbalanced and destroyed the last mode I enjoyed playing in this game.

Narrow paths, fog of war and death timers that made the gamemode a coinflip past the 15 min mark. ARAM was fine before, people enjoyed it and I am passionate about the mode so please consider changing it again.

I'm not on the Modes team but I can promise that the team is closely examining data and player feedback. There's certainly some amount of balance tuning to do that should help, the double whammy of preseason itemization changes + large systemic ARAM changes coming together are probably making things more coinflippy than they will be in a month from now.

13 Dec


Originally posted by Nicky-Santoro

The change is a huge benefit. Thank you for this.

Just out of curiosity, were fixed pick orders ever considered? e.g., top always picks last? Or at least symmetry between teams e.g., both tops pick 3rd? Curious if so the pros and cons you came up with.

Yeah, primary reason against was that it'd be redundant to enforce a specific pick order if we give players the tools (order swapping) to sort it out amongst themselves anyway. Will be interesting to see the data we get back on draft behavior though!


Originally posted by Nicky-Santoro

That’s after the fact though.

What I’m getting at is I don’t want someone to accept or decline misunderstanding we’re swapping pick order not lanes

The tooltip says pick order so you should be fine.


Originally posted by Nicky-Santoro

Haven’t been requested to swap yet, but is it clear that youre asking for a draft order swap and not lane swap? This isn’t clear when I request and see the pop up message

Yeah, the tooltip tells the other player that you're requesting a pick order swap specifically.

Even if it didn't, it should be reasonably clear what occurred when you swap draft positions and the roles on your player card didn't change.


Illaoi was idle for 90 continuous seconds before 3 minutes (from around ~1 min when she paths back to her mid tower after invading).


Originally posted by hello297

The issue with that way is that it's not readily visible who can and can't trade.

You have eto hover over them to even see if they're able to trade, which is not best for UX.

This is the issue we ran into when we first tried the solution proposed above.


Originally posted by Vinyl_DjPon3

Any reason not to simply change the champ swap icon back? What was the issue with the old button (and why does the client insist on telling me that trading champs is a "new feature")?

We wanted separate visual language for order swapping and champ swapping so that there'd never be confusion around which one you're opting to do by pressing a button. Contextually clicking the champion's face as the object you want to swap is intuitive, but we missed a bit on the visual clarity. The tutorial tooltip is calling out that "hey, there's a new way of doing this thing you've had muscle memory of for the last X years" to make it less likely that the first time you see this, you're unable to do the thing you want to do (trade champs) and have to dodge. We're removing that tooltip around 13.2 entirely unless we make bigger changes that would warrant it again


Originally posted by Vinyl_DjPon3

What's weird to me is that in normal games you can see the champion names, but in aram you only see the account name.

We're adding this in 13.1 and exploring visual changes to champ swapping too, those might have to come later if they pan out.

12 Dec


Originally posted by VaporaDark

The solution to smurf queue has increased the presence of duos in master+

It can't have, because the "solution" hasn't been put into effect yet.

Previously if a smurf was gold with a hidden mmr of diamond, then he'd get placed into games somewhere in-between those two ranks.

And they still do. The change hasn't happened yet.

Having that said, it's undeniable that it is causing an increase in duos appearing in master+ games.

That sounds extremely unlikely, because the change has not yet happened. It's not going through until 13.1.

But how is riot's change causing any of this?

It's not, because you are not yet experiencing the change.

In short, players placed into master+ games can now have a drastically lower visible rank and therefore still duo queue.

No they ca...

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I should correct myself here, the matchmaking changes did actually ship in 12.23, that's my mistake.

What you're saying about duoing being restricted by MMR since midway through this year is accurate and that should still be active right now.

07 Dec


Originally posted by danielloking_

However, if we're effectively filtering this population out of your games, they're getting into their own games of returning players/new players/smurfs, with long queue times and a pretty terrible experience. We're making the call that trading off the returning/new player experience for perception of match quality isn't worth it.

I guess you'll probably have your inbox spammed by now, but I'm still taking the shot to ask you.

Is there a worry that the existing League population will decrease over time with this change in place? As you said, this change will make the experience for returning/new players worse and it could turn away those people. Or do you think that improving the experience of the existing player base will keep more people into League than you would gain in the first place?

Don't get me wrong, on average I play like 50-70 ranked games per season, get to plat with a high WR and rest because I can't invest the time t...

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I think we're doing the opposite of whatever you think we are haha. These changes should improve things for returning/newer players.

06 Dec


Originally posted by General_Pepper_3258

Omg thank you Smurf q had good intentions but was a horrible implementation screwing lots of normal players.

When does this go live?



Originally posted by gazow

why not just call them the assigned roles... top mid adc...

Because when people role swap it could be confusing if their name in chat is actually different from the role they're playing.


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

Are you going to turn off the game for multiple times a year now? It's already a joke ranked gets turned off for almost 2 months nov-jan already

No, it should be a few days tops between Split 1 and Split 2. Current plan is similar to how we end the season now, ranked turns off the night before the patch and the next split starts with the deploy of the new patch a day or two later.


Originally posted by I_am_avacado

thank you so much for reverting this, one of the best decisions riots made in 10 years, on par with chemtech drake removal, rengar/leblanc reverts absolutely deserve 300% praise for this.

but why was it even denied there was a smurf queue in the first place? like everyone knew it, it was proven , we knew that if you didnt play your games in first 2 months of season your in smurf queue for 50 games, we knew that new accounts get put in smurf queue but why did for the best part of 2 years every single public comment from riot completely reject the notion this was a thing? why not be more open and honest about this before it was implemented?

If you can link me to old comments I might be able to clarify? I think where there might be some confusion is that people frequently refer to "smurf queue" as a system that detects smurfs and matchmakes them differently, which was never the case and did not exist. A frequent complaint related to this is "I'm not a smurf, why do you think I'm a smurf and put me in smurf queue?", which is asking the wrong question because we're not assessing whether you're a smurf, it's just an effect of the disconnect between MMR and LP that is most common in late season starters, newer players, and smurfs.


Originally posted by DiffMeHarderStepJG

God I would love this. There’s very few people with those skins anyway. I think they should do like they did with Championship Riven and make new versions with new names and make it a ranked points thing where you get a token for every win and you can buy a Victorious skin from 5+ years ago with 500 tokens

Eg. Victorious Elise 2024 for 500 ranked wins

Obviously the idea could be tweaked for viability

u/auberaun 👀

Have talked about this, could consider it in the future but no plans for it now.


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

Good to know, I would also want to know if the favorite option in champ select has been fixed to not reset after closing the client. It probably is but not fully sure based on the wording.

Not entirely sure what you mean. It will default to "Sort by Favorite" now, and if you change that it should remember what you changed it to between champ selects.


Originally posted by BurrStreetX

Ally 1 -> Ally 5 have been renamed to Gromp, Murk Wolf, Raptor, Krug, and Scuttle Crab for improved clarity around who is speaking in champion select chat.

I love this so much. Whoevers idea this was, please come forth

hi. I think it was either phlox or me