

13 Mar


Originally posted by SlightBlue

Your team is awesome, thanks for all the great work. Escalation is the most fun I've had in a videogame in years.

Thank you for the kind words!! That you’re enjoying the update is all we can ask for :)))

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Originally posted by Strategyofthemind

/u/a_sites /u/jgolenbo /u/Wrel

Providing an updated list of all the bugs remaining and any new ones found. If there is anything else I can to do to help related to this, let me know.

Thanks ! We’re looking at a new issue with Bastion crafting components/resources getting reset after this mornings server bounce (it may actually be related to new zones getting spun up to accommodate high pops).

If this happened to anyone this morning, can you share:

1) deets 2) screens if u have em 3) server and account login 4) Outfit name

Feel free to message me directly here or on Discord (jgolenbo#0710) if you don’t want to post publicly


Lol FALSE (we’re working to fix this)



First off, our apologies to everyone still experiencing login issues. I promise you we know how frustrating that is, and we're going to keep hammering away at it until this is resolved.

Along with identifying 1) What server you're playing on, and 2) when exactly the login failure occurred, we're looking to find out 3) where exactly in the login flow players are failing.

Is it either:

A) Right at sign-in (when you enter your DB account name/pw, before you access the launcher)


B) After you sign-in and hit the big green PLAY button on the launcher (i.e. you're getting a gray box or getting stuck on a loading screen before accessing a server)

If it's A, it's likely related to a login service issue with our platform team. If it's B, it's a gameplay issue that's bugged.

Right now we're continuing to investigate with both our platform and dev teams and have a coupl...

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Hi all,

Adding to Wrel's post, we're scheduling a hotfix to go out tomorrow (Friday, March 13) at 6AM PDT / 1PM GMT that will include a priority fix restoring cert/ISO rewards from Meltdown Alerts. It will require bouncing servers (a short downtime of <1 hour) which we're performing as early as possible so we beat EU primetime.

Rest of the notes are here: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/march-13-2020-escalation-hotfix-pc.253610/

    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
We are preparing a new PC hotfix for tomorrow (Friday, March 13) which includes a priority fix for Meltdown Alerts (reverting certs/ISO-4 rewards) along with additional fixes and changes. This will require a server bounce (brief downtime) starting at 6:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM GMT. Servers should be down no longer than 1 hour. Patch Notes:
  • VS Flash can equip cosmetics once again.
  • Outfit resource accrual now updates correctly an owned facility is lost.
  • Meltdown alerts once again grant 250 certs and 300 ISO-4 for a victory, and will grant 150 certs and 150 ISO-4 for a loss.
    • UPDATE: VS will receive no A7 for a loss or runner-up in a Meltdown alert. We're currently looking into this issue. (Fight hard, VS!)
  • Mini-map no longer resets its default zoom level when a menu screen is opened.
  • Updated LB00 AP (Lightning Primary Weapon) optic attachment prices to be in line with that of other Lightning optics....
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12 Mar

    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
A PC hotfix is scheduled to go out this afternoon (~4:30PM PDT) with fixes for the Escalation game update. This is client-only and will include a small download, but won't require server downtime or impact gameplay. Patch Notes:
  • Send Message now functions as intended and no longer brings up the Notifications window.
  • Sanctuary now has the proper art on the World Map screen.
  • Fixed broken text strings for the LA7 Buzzard.
  • Fixed two new crashes occurring on Live.
We are working toward another hotfix tomorrow (Friday, March 13) which may require server bounces and a brief downtime, and will update this thread once confirmed.

See the thread u/3punkt1415 posted - this is being tracked for an upcoming hotfix.


Originally posted by Krkonoz

Seems like EU servers have limit around 2,1k players. Miller was basically stuck (related to fisu activity) around 2,1k as well as Cobalt (around 2k)


It's not that the servers have a cap (at least when it comes to login services - overall performance can obviously impacted) it's that we've identified a login issue that needs to be cleaned up on a session-by-session basis. It's just going to take longer on Miller and Cobalt because pop is so high and we can only clean up a certain number of sessions at a name; as primetime passes and more players log out, that will speed up the process, and leave us in a better state throughout today and leading into the weekend.


Hi all - responding here with the comment I dropped in the bug megathread:

We believe we've identified the login issue, and it's *NOT* actually server-specific; it's just affecting a lot more EU players right now with EU pops so high. We're in the process of cleaning out our server logs, but we can only clean so many sessions at a time, so this will likely continue throughout the day (and players will see a steady improvement as more people log in/out) rather than get done in one big swoop.


Originally posted by 3punkt1415

Is there a known issue with the logginservers, because i just can't login, stuck in the char screen for 5 minutes.

Replying back here in case folks missed my comment below:

We believe we've identified the login issue, and it's *NOT* actually server-specific; it's just affecting a lot more EU players right now with EU pops so high. We're in the process of cleaning out our server logs, but we can only clean so many sessions at a time, so this will likely continue throughout the day (and players will see a steady improvement as more people log in/out) rather than get done in one big swoop.


Originally posted by Drakov64

I can't login at all as of now. When clicking the "Login" button on the char select screen, the circle will load indefinitely and never let me in game

EDIT : Either Cobalt or Miller characters if that helps.

Thanks - see the comment I just posted. We're seeing this across the board pop up intermittently, but *mostly* on EU servers (which could be because of pop or time of day). Please let us know what server you're playing on and time it occurred.


Originally posted by 3punkt1415

Is there a known issue with the logginservers, because i just can't login, stuck in the char screen for 5 minutes.

see my comment above - there isn't one single known issue, but we are seeing intermittent login issues across all servers. If it's still occuring for you, please reply to my comment above with the server you're playing on and time it occurred (multiple times, if multiple occurances). The more info we have, the easier and faster we can dig down to the root cause.


SECOND EDIT: We believe we've identified the login issue, and it's *NOT* actually server-specific; it's just affecting a lot more EU players right now with EU pops so high. We're in the process of cleaning out our server logs, but we can only clean so many sessions at a time, so this will likely continue throughout the day (and players will see a steady improvement as more people log in/out) rather than get done in one big swoop.

Thanks for this thread u/Strategyofthemind. We're tracking a LOT of different bug threads right now, but just to keep everyone in the know, most of the main issues identified here are being tracked with our first (technically, second) hotfix that we're looking to get out as soon as possible (before the weekend). It also includes several high-priority...

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Top rated MMO on Steam right now. Free OR paid. Just sayin’.


Originally posted by DrFrostyPhD

Colossal idea

Rhodesian idea? Too highbrow?

11 Mar


Originally posted by nitramlondon

"Facility capture FX have been optimized."

Is that the biolab capture animation that causes a 50% frame rate loss when looking at it ? Mainly on AMD cards.

yes, this and other capture optimizations


Originally posted by IGotASock

... Highest Ranking recently active Outfit member

Whats recently active? The same 180 days that define inactivity?

Yes - that’s the lowest bar. If an Outfit Leader is denoted for inactivity, the next highest ranking officer with the most tenure in the Outfit gets auto-promoted, so long as they are still active.


Originally posted by TheFirstOf28

The tutorial is ... not good, about 4 years out of date, and very hacked together, but just disabling it without having anything to replace it?

Especially now that you expect quite a few new players?

Look, I am not in your position, nor trying to tell you how to do you job, but this choice seems so very strange.

It’s largely about returning players as well - those we don’t want to tutorial-block to jump back in with new characters.

But yes, it’s a temporary measure and we’ll be working on something new to replace it.