World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

02 Jun


Hello, Captains!

A new DevBlog has been posted here:

Please leave any feedback you have here.

Thank you!



Since modifications are not a mandatory part of the game, they are not included in the list of mandatory tests by the game client before release.
Game modifications in one way or another increase the load on your computer and this will only decrease performance. By installing modifications you accept this fact.


Saudações Capitães,

Estamos tendo um evento no fórum. Para participar, siga as regras abaixo e poste seus resultados no tópico principal.

Comente neste tópico com uma captura de tela mostrando sua combinação preferida de navio e camuflagem (sua "namuflagem"). Crie capturas de tela artísticas usando mapas específicos, fundos, cenas de ação, etc, para concorrer ao grande prêmio. O vencedor do grande prêmio será escolhido pela equipe da Comunidade, enquanto os prêmios secundários serão distribuídos aleatoriamente. A partida deve ter ocorrido entre 2 de junho, às 14:00 UTC (9am CT), e 15 de junho, às 17:00 UTC (12pm CT).


1. Verifique que a captura de tela seja claramente legível
2. A partida deve ter ocorrido entre o prazo indicado acima.
3. Plágio de qualquer tipo não é permitido.
4. Ele deve seguir os parâmetros listados na seção Desafio.

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01 Jun

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have CV players that would like to play a more competitive mode. Ranked is a fairly available mode in which all players can participate .

Having 5 Surface Ships does mean there are less sources of AA, but that also means there are less sources of gun threat. You can use that to your advantage and take positions that allow you more ability to maneuver.

Also, if you are having issues with CVs, there are ships which are more capable in terms of AA which can be chosen. If you'd like suggestions, you can list some of the ships you feel comfortable with in Ranked and I can identify the ones that are the most resilient to CVs.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can't enter the Auction if you already own her.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Missouri gets the Tier 9 Permacamo in the Conversion:


If the player had the old Missouri, the current Combat Mission rolls into the Permanent Economic Bonus to give +40% Credits.

(from the First DevBlog)


She's still a Tier 9 Premium, so Premiums earn extra Credits naturally as she is a Premium ship.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm hoping to be able to give some information on how she's performed in Testing and why we've employed the changes we've employed.

Hopefully I'll have more information to share tomorrow. It might be generic in nature, but it'd still be nice to know why we're doing what we're doing.


Captains! We recently had a stream with a very special guest, Chuck Myers. It looked like you the community really enjoyed hearing him talk about historic things so we gave Ahskanse and Boggzy a day off and we brought Chuck Myers back to talk about the 80th anniversary of the Midway! Join us, make sure Quiz kit is linked correctly for a chance to win a Hornet or a Kaga. We will see you today at 17:00 Central on the official channel.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You mean the Azur Lane Bismark Commander? There is no restriction on duplicate commanders, so it is possible to receive multiple Commanders.

There are packs which include a variety of ships and Commanders if you would prefer to deliberately collection a wider variety.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Amazon Prime offers rewards for a large variety of games. We are part of that, but there are dozens or more other games which similarly partner with Twitch and Amazon Prime for simple marketing reasons. A player can pick up a variety of Prime rewards each month depending on how diverse their gaming catalogue is.

As many people already have Amazon Prime, it's a small reward for doing so. For those that don't have it, it's a thing to consider.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

This topic has a pretty significant derail which is diving into awkward Stats-Shaming adjacent territories.

To avoid this going further down a rabbit-hole, I'm going to call it here and lock the thread.


For those that want to learn more of @ArIskandir's exploits in the G.K., I'm sure he'll make another thread.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm looking into this to see if I can learn more about what's going on.


Saudações Capitães,

Estamos tendo um evento mensal no fórum. Para participar, siga as regras abaixo e poste seus resultados no tópico principal.

Comente neste tópico com uma captura de tela pós-jogo detalhando a quantidade de barretas "Acertos no alvo" que você recebeu jogando com um encouraçado/cruzador/contratorpedeiro/porta-aviões. O desafio pode ser concluído em qualquer tipo de batalha. Para porta-aviões, a barreta "Acertos no alvo" que contará para este concurso será a "Acertos de bombas". A barreta "Acertos de torpedos" NÃO entrará na contagem final. Se a sua captura de tela não mostra o navio usado, inclua uma segunda captura mostrando o navio. A partida deve ter ocorrido entre 1 de junho, às 14:00 UTC (9am CT), e 30 de junho, às 17:00 UTC (12pm CT). Exemplo:

1. Verifique que a captura de tela seja claramente legível
2. A partida deve ter ocorrido entre o prazo indicado a...

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Saludos Capitanes,
Estamos teniendo un evento mensual en el foro. Para participar sigue las reglas de abajo y publica tus resultados en el tema principal. Desafío:
Responde a este hilo con una captura de pantalla del resultado de la batalla, detallando la cantidad de cintas "Impactos en el objetivo" obtenidas al jugar con un acorazado/crucero/destructor/portaaviones. Esto puede ser completado en cualquier tipo de batalla. En el caso de los portaaviones, en lugar de la cinta "Impactos en el objetivo", se tomará en cuenta la cinta "Impactos de bomba" para este concurso. La cinta "Impactos de bomba" NO será agregada al conteo total. Si tu captura de pantalla no muestra el barco usado, incluye una segunda captura de pantalla mostrando el barco usado. La partida debe haber ocurrido entre el 1 de junio a las 14:00 UTC (9am CT) y el 30 de junio a las 17:00 UTC (12pm CT). Ejemplo:

1. Asegúrese de que la captura de pantalla es ...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, Captains!

A new DevBlog has been posted here:

Please leave any feedback you have here.

Thank you!


Hello, maybe we'll add it later.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Send in a Customer Support Ticket. They can help as well.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

"Those who have more than one flag with economic bonuses (except the KotS one) will get a level 2 bonus."

So having two flags with bonuses would convert to the Level 2, yes.

31 May


Greetings Captains,

I just wanted to let you know that due to me taking a mini vacation, there will not be a new entry in the New Player Captain's Log today, 5/31. I haven't had a sufficient amount of time to play the game and thus I won't have much to share.

However, I did want to create a thread just in case any other new players (or experienced players, for that matter) wanted a space to be able to discuss their weekly experiences, ask questions or just have some lighthearted discussions!

Can't wait to be back with y'all next week! Until then, fair winds and following seas!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Never a bad choice to send Customer Support a Ticket to inquire further.