In terms of animation, yes, but mechanically the planes are divvied into "The planes that will be attacking if you attack something" (ie: the first squad) and "The remaining planes" (ie: the rest of the squads). The "rest of" planes can currently be thought of as a form of "armor" in that they take the Continuous Damage first in order to allow the attacking planes through.
The proposed test allows Continuous AA to pick planes in any of the squads, including the "attacking squad". If a plane is shot down in the current "attacking squad", then the squad remains unreplenished and will attack with less than a full number. In the above example of 3x3x3 plane setup, loss of a plane in the first squad would result in a 2x3x3 lineup. Attacking would result in 2 planes shooting ordinance before leaving to go back to the carrier.