7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

18 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I lowered the height as short zombies would just walk under it and it was reported as a bug. Zombie controller collider height was shortened, so they stack better, which also made more of them miss the wire. In a typical case, I would not be putting a wire high above the ground where enemies walk under it, but lowering it even more may make other issues, so it landed where it is now.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unity does, but it seems to only be for the HDRP, which we do not use. Graphics effects are generally done in shader code, not c# or c++.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dynamic res automatic is only useful in some cases. It was added as an experiment, but I don't use it.

FSR support was put on hold as plant shaders have to be changed to support motion vectors otherwise they blur badly as they animate. Entities animating also have blur issues.

Thanks for the info.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It probably should. As a creep around at night stealth player, I am thinking zeds should be more attracted to light like a beacon in the night. Having to hide campfires from sight would be fun as I feel like i should have to do that, yet it does not matter currently.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

And additionally, the game is NOT done. It is NOT balanced as a whole. This remains an ALPHA. Wasteland, snow and desert will possibly be gated by survival gear, so you won't just be running off on day one to those biomes and if you do, it will be harsh.

My daughter and I started a new game last night on our internal b318 version and we are planning on heading to the snow biome once we get our bikes. Will it be hard and we die more? Probably. Will it be unbalanced and change our progression? Maybe. Will I learn something about a different way to play that might be helpful in discussing what we want to do and future changes we make? Sure and hopefully we have some fun along the way.

People seem to also have forgotten or don't know that during an experimental we do a variety of balance changes as we continue our playtesting until we reach a point we consider solid for the stable release. This is normal game developmen...

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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is not how it works. Different people work on different parts of the game. Water (drinking) and learn by looting are primarily worked on by designers. Bandits are primarily worked on by artists and 2 programmers, who also worked on hundred of other tasks over that time frame, which pushed bandits being ready for release into a future alpha.

16 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is around 50% random. We found that the great majority of the time we all just took the 9 magazines making the other choices pointless. I did a quest for testing today, did not get the magazines as a choice and was like, wow I have to think about what I want.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

That was addressed at their play style, which actually needs more of all loot. As an example, if I had 3 people hanging out at base and not wanting to loot, so I was the sole looter supporting them, then I would certainly turn up loot abundance to feed them all the items they want. Granted I now have a transport issue, but I would not be going so far as nearby loot containers would have x2. If it was me, I'd tell them to do their own looting and not have to change abundance.

Hardly temporary as you would be playing the whole game like that.

Sometimes data changes break things. It can be worked around. My daughter's game is on day 42. She used the giveselfxp console command to get her level back up and used the creative menu to get magazines back to approximately where she was.

15 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'd turn up Loot Abundance.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, zombie and animal reach is too long, but player reach is also too long. Changing all of these would require a complete rebalance and would feel very different to everyone, so it has been like that for many years as many of us think it is fine. In b317 I reduced the overall zombie reach by 3% to see if that feels different without ruining balance and made a short zombie hand item so they can have a separate Range value and that has about 20% less reach. Network latency also makes this worse.

I don't think we changed it and seems the same to me. I prefer agility and use the bow quite a bit.

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Survivors!
We have b317 for you with plenty of adjustments and fixes.

Here is how you can access the A21 b317 Experimental build:

Right click on the game in steam

Click on properties

Click the “betas” tab

The drop down menu will have latest_experimental available

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

This. It's just not that great of a mod. Coffee esp blackstrap coffee is my go to drink, not only does it give me stamina I need to combat zombies, ride my bike for weeks at a time, it increases ore harvest so it's 10000x better than the water purifier mod IMO, but takes constant effort to keep a supply of it.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

If anything we had it backwards all those years using murky water for anything other than brewing a poison just seems wrong. Now, you use your clean water to craft with, it makes more sense and it's impossible to boil too much and be screwed. Like wtf can't I make glue with this perfectly good drinking water?

Yeah but you won't get any bug fixes that RNG might get in between versions.

Didn't think we needed to? Every game with a shrinking crosshair over the years does it this way, I thought it was common shooter knowledge. Did you never notice the crosshair shrink as you aimed? You didn't think anything of it? You can aim at a wall and see impacts and tell the rays do not hit dead center but somewhere inside the crosshair.

It's a dew collector not a rain collector. Still though, we didn't want to rely on weather since it's so random. Also we don't really track chunks that are unloaded and doing t...

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    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

The birdnest crash/explosion sound annoyed me a bit so I turned that off.

I can't be arsed to do a "release" for a mod of that size so if you want it, you're welcome to it. =P


    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bug confirmed.
For a workaround right now shift left click the door into you backpack, that will stop the spam.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

They always have a destination when spawned, but when they reach it, they wander around and then despawn. If they did get a destination in the air, then would be under it and jumping, but the destination should be on the ground.

Possibly. What and when entity network data is sent has been optimized. Data is sent less often when farther away. More when close. Player outfits and anims are being redone for A22, which they are already working on.

14 Jun

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sounds like you should just turn down the difficulty until you are adjusted to the new networking. We are tuning it so you don't get hit from a crawler 10 feet away, but it won't get significantly easier. Tougher zeds are stronger now, maybe you need to look at the poi and biome difficulty. If you see a lot of skulls you aren't ready for it, go to the forest biome and level up and do the tier 1s and 2s until you get better gear or a higher level.

There seems to be some bugs with getting multiple crits from one hit or bleed has no cooldown we are looking into.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is beyond epic!

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ideally we could have a black border around text so it reads over any background.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Vocal minority like usual. Some people hate changes, but will come back later and say it was a good change and they were knee jerking. Water is supposed to be a rare commodity in an apocalypse, not all you can drink buffet on day 1.