7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

20 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

No. Lots of zombie will still need similar CPU/GPU resources.

They are not linked. You can delete farming all day long and it does nothing to help me or any other programmer with working on anything to do with vehicles or most other things for that matter.

14 Jun

11 Jun

09 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Depends who you ask. There is no one date. Just it would be cool by x, but could be y. x and y being very different, like this year vs next year dates. I definitely want x, even if it means delaying features to later alphas, but if a feature is not quite done, but devs want it in, then you slip to get it done.

Yes, it should get fixed before gold. A while ago, I spent a limited amount of time looking for the slowness, but could not tell what was going on.

08 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The water simulation changes how water data is represented and how it flows. The player checking if in water and moving is the same end result with old or new water. The poor movement of the player in water is just a bug as far as I'm concerned with the player code and not water's fault.

07 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 It does not flow constantly like a river. Water can fall, but it does not really work for waterfalls as the water would just drain and no more falling.

2 It depends on the block. A solid block would remove the water. Other blocks would sit in the water.

3 No changes have yet to be done to water rendering, just the simulation. Rendering will probably not be that different.

4 Not that I know of.

5 We have talked about sharks, but not really seriously.

6 Hard to compare, as the old water sim was heavily throttled, so it did not really work well and some of the bugs it had may be from that. The new water will actually do stuff, so you could say performance will be worse than broken gimped water. In any event, it is being designed to not be a resource hog and work within reasonable limits.

04 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Voxels are just cubes of data with the world being full of those cubes. Blocks are voxels, but we call them blocks. Water is no longer a block, it is separate data, so it is no longer a block voxel, but a water voxel.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The water simulation is completely new code. It flows into neighbor blocks that are marked to allow it, like into air blocks. Water is no longer a block. It is a water voxel, which means the water voxel can be in the same place as a block, so you could have water flowing into and past grass, a fence or a pole block.

The game is not a real water simulator. The new water sim is designed to be performant and work in a basic fashion that makes sense for our game play.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, I added block tech that allows some mesh "sides" to be opaque and others transparent, so a window block can have a frame and glass with each being in the chunk's combines meshes, instead of each window being a separate prop, which did make for a lot of draw calls. Allan has made many window blocks using this tech for the POIs.

I still have a few tasks with drops from and how upgrades work with those blocks, but nothing major.

It is just a tractor model used by a tractor block and not a vehicle. You can't drive it.

03 Jun

02 Jun

01 Jun

30 May

27 May

26 May

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
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Dig Deep
Dirty Larry
Evil Knievil
On Top Of The World
The Polar Bare Club