7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

07 Aug

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
EAC has always supported Linux. I'm not aware of them ever failing to prioritize it.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Toadwart: It used to be 30 + people in a server, popular servers were full with 50 people playing strong together with no major issues.
Just a note on this.

The game has never supported a player count higher than 8.
It is known that the largest stable player count you can reach is 20, or 30 if you have pretty powerful hardware with an extremely high disk I/O. Above that requires the use of mods that aren't exactly what you would call "legit".

How long it has been in development or comparing it to something rather simple written in Java doesn't change the complexity of this title. It is the complexity of the structural integrity, ai mechanics, and the way data is handled that imposes these limitations.

The game is designed to be for a small group co-op played together with close friends. It isn't designed to be an MMO.
You trying to make it into something el... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Valykry: …I built my first forge easily enough, but there's just not much I seem to be able to do without the tools (bellows, crucible, anvil) and try as I might, I can't find any of them.

On this point specifically, the advanced bellows and anvil don’t allow you to do anything you can’t do without them. They only speed up smelting and forging. It’s possible you’re remembering how they worked in older alphas, or you may have found some out of date information somewhere. They’re nice to have, but you could also run more forges to achieve the same throughput.

06 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You may know this already, but your gamestage is reduced if your character dies. I point this out since it sounds like your main motivation is to allow recovery after a defeat.

Without discounting your idea, perhaps a self-imposed house rule could add the randomness you seek. You could produce a new set of random x/y coordinates every week, and be honor-bound to fight the next horde there.

05 Aug

04 Aug

03 Aug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It should apply. Each book series applies to one specific weapon type; Of which magnums is one of them; And the .44 desert vulture is in fact a magnum class weapon.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Macdallan: That sounds good and might work for an explanation elsewhere but it does not work for the zombies that are in the game.

The zombies in 7 Days to Die are often depicted as at least partially rotten or damaged and they don't bleed to death from that. The other zombie animals, some of which have clearly rotted enough to see their bones, don't die from it either. The zeds and animals don't seem to bleed at all any other source of damage like shotgun blasts, arrows, crossbow bolts, nor from having limbs smashed off with blunt weapons or any other non-sharp weapon. Never mind the complete lack of blunt force trauma and any resulting internal bleeding from blunt damage, all of that doesn't seem to matter t...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Macdallan: You know what's real nonsense? Zombies dying from bleeding.

I'll grant that iconically zombies in media tend to 'not breathe' and 'not bleed' and are 'literal walking corpses'; But there's plenty of representations of them as 'infected', as 'parasitized beings', as a 'brain-altered-human', etc as well; So pretty much anything up and down the spectrum is reasonable here.

On the realistic end of the spectrum, They must have some kind of vascular system supporting em; So they can bleed. And if it can bleed, it can die from blood loss.

Short of literal magical/divine intervention A zombie on the more realistic end of the spectrum which has no functioning vascular system would ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Despite having seen people quite regularly bringing this topic up, No amount of personal testing on the matter has ever had me being able to reproduce it.

I used to think it was an issue of time+interactivity; IE if you haven't hit in in 5 seconds, if it dies, you get no exp; as some games do that to prevent you from making cheesy exp grinders that you dont have to interact with. But that was proven wrong by others (and my own personal testing on the subject after people questioned if that was accurate).

Near as I can tell, you do in fact get exp from it if it dies by bleeding.
And none of the following impacts that:
  • Tested letting the bleed do the majority of the damage.
  • Tested letting the bleed finish the last 140~hp of the zombie from the final manual hit (In excess of 5+ seconds easily, the maximum possible bleed damage to that the last tick kills the zombie.)
  • Tested the zombie being hit by other...
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02 Aug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shurenai: You need to melt materials into the forge. "Sand" is the Forge's internal volume of molten 'Crushed Sand'.

Likewise for Clay. "Clay Soil" is the forge's internal volume of molten 'Clay".
^ This. You need to melt the Clay Soil/Crushed Sand in the forge- The same way you need to melt iron/brass/lead. Right hand side of the interface, Below the fuel slots and above the output slots are the Input slots- Put your Clay Soil/Crushed Sand/Iron/Etc into the input slots to melt them down while the forge is on.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You need to melt materials into the forge. "Sand" is the Forge's internal volume of molten 'Crushed Sand'.

Likewise for Clay. "Clay Soil" is the forge's internal volume of molten 'Clay".
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bandits use player animations (and some zombie anims) and player animations are going through a lot of changes, so it will be different.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TruculentTonka: The fact that they devs are actually creating more biomes (which I heartily endorse) would naturally (:steamfacepalm:) complement such a reorientation.

They are? That's news to me.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think I get what's driving your sentiment, OP. I share your desire for reasons to explore more of the map; for location to matter more. I have long contemplated what a 'nomad mod' would do differently.

I think screamers are the closest thing we have now - a mechanic designed to ramp up the zombie resistance as you get more and more entrenched/involved in one area.

I think my biggest problem with what you propose is that it's all stick and no carrot. Contrast that with what the devs are actually doing. Notably, they're diversifying the biomes, giving some of them greater risks and greater rewards. That way, there's a reason to go there, and a reason to stay away. The player has more interesting choices to make about where to go.

I suspect nudging the player harder and harder with more and tougher zombies to get them to move will feel like the game is just grueling, unbalanced, and trying to beat the player into submission. Perhaps instead, there... Read more

01 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thread cleaned up. As a reminder:
  • Calling a post a wall of text is an unsolicited critique of writing or post quality, which is against the rules.
  • Declaring you’re not going to read a post is meta-forum commentary. Just read a post or don’t. People aren’t here for updates on how you’re using the forum today.
  • Bringing up what someone was called in another thread is not appropriate. Don’t spread drama.
  • Lastly, this post itself is a form of moderation, so read it but do not reply to it.
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by MystaMagoo: still got the 'no trader' thing.....:(
Are you opted in to the latest_exp branch in Betas tab?
Did you create a new world and new save?
Worked fine for me on the above seed/world and found a trader.
Need more details.

Originally posted by Loner: Most likely because the game didn't find any traders on your map in forest biome. To remove this filter you might want to try this https://7daystodiemods.com/no-trader-workaround/
Actually this sho... Read more
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Correct, it when generating a new RWG world using the Advanced Generation Options (or Editing tools preview).
    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just a heads up. Alpha 20.6 Experimental also includes RWG update that allows selecting biome percentages.
That was supposed to be an A21 feature that moved into the A20 branch.

EDIT: Screenshot

The map_info.xml file with generated worlds now also includes all the details about the world creation, every setting: