7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

01 Aug

Hey Survivors,
7 Days to Die is now on sale for 70% off from August 1st to August 8th for Steam’s Survival Fest Sale.
Play the Survival Game that came first. Navezgane awaits!

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

31 Jul

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Grat Dalton:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: You're quite right that many people want the threat to come from the number of zombies. But if it were simple to crank up the number of zombies (without hurting performance), they would do that.
This game has a massive game budget sales. The limiting factor is Unity & Indie game coding.
- If a AAA publisher funded this type of game genre......

No, I don't think so. Consider ... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Enola Gay: I imagine quite a few of us want to see the classic zombie as a choice. slow, dumb and the threat is in their numbers. Not freakishly intelligent, super fast or super strong.

having zombies with what is essentialy radar and pathing aimbot is ridiculous and ruins the immersion imo.

You're quite right that many people want the threat to come from the number of zombies. But if it were simple to crank up the number of zombies (without hurting performance), they would do that.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 76561197991736942:
Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜: To understand how the 7D2D Ai works you need to know that this also a Tower Defense game, meaning that the zombies will follow the shortest clear path available to you.

If there's no clear path to you, they'll choose the shortest path with less hit points of resistance to break. Putting the bars at the end of the staircase, means you blocked their path to you and digging dirst has become their best alternative.

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30 Jul

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeah, even though iron bars look thin and flimsy you have to look at it by the numbers, because that’s how the AI will look at it. Specifically, how many block hit points do the zombies have to chew through before they get to you, and is that more or less effort than digging from the surface or whatever they do wind up doing? Also, doors are a special case that only use a fraction of their HP value for calculations.

In cases like these, I’ve been curious if it would work to build a solid platform at surface level centered over your base, two blocks high. Then the zombies can’t simply walk until they’re above you and start digging straight down.

P.S. Your last point, to add an ‘exploits on’ mode, seems fanciful to me. When a game officially incorporates an exploit, it’s not an exploit anymore. 🙂
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by The Giving One: But is a bicycle considered a "vehicle" or are we talking about the 4X4, motorcycle, minibike, etc. ?

Google seems to say no, but of course, the Pimps might say yes.

The bicycle is considered a vehicle everywhere else in the game. It would arguably be even stranger if one vehicle still attracted the vultures’ attention while the others didn’t (unless you’re driving the Oscar Mayer weinermobile I suppose :lunar2019crylaughingpig:).
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mithrandir: I've seen that in the changelog for the new EXP.

I wonder if it's for BM too ( I hope not but it's just me ).

Will have to wait for someone who play this EXP to report I guess.
Probably not for BM. I would imagine it's only for regular in-world encounters like driving through the desert/wasteland.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I haven't tried it yet but gosh, I hope so!

29 Jul

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As I see it, proportions are set for gameplay balance, and then maybe one can come up with lore to justify it so it makes sense. The starting point is like, “there needs to plenty of lead in loot,” and the downstream consequences, like “with all these lead weights, fishing must be the most popular sport in landlocked Arizona,” are what they are. I do miss the earlier days when more recipes reflected what you’d intuitively need to make that item, more loot lists reflected what you’d intuitively find in that container, etc. Now things are more standardized: more integrated into comprehensive weapon tiers and whatnot. It’s a two sided coin.
    Hated on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello Everyone!

While Alpha 21's production goes full steam ahead, there are a list of fixes compatible with A20 we did not want you all to wait on any longer!

To participate:

1. right click on the game in steam
2. click on properties
3. click the "betas" tab
4. the drop down menu will have latest_experimental available ← you want THAT
5. select that and wait for the game to download.

Due to Microsoft requirements, custom prefabs can no longer be saved directly to the game folder.
They will be saved to the User Defined Folder (UDF).
This default location is:


To avoid having to re-save each POI one at a time in the prefab editor, all POI's currently located in...

\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Prefabs

...should be manually moved to the UDF.

The UDF can be declared in the game launcher as a c... Read more
    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Everyone!

While Alpha 21's production goes full steam ahead, there is a list of fixes compatible with A20 we did not want you all to wait on any longer!

To participate:

1. right click on the game in steam

2. click on properties

3. click the "betas" tab

4. the drop down menu will have latest_experimental available ← you want THAT

5. select that and wait for the game to download.

Due to Microsoft requirements, custom prefabs can no longer be saved directly to the game folder.
They will be saved to the User Defined Folder (UDF).
This default location is:


To avoid having to re-save each POI one at a time in the prefab editor, all POI's currently located in...

\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days ...

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28 Jul

27 Jul

26 Jul

25 Jul

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Both. I build in and fix up a POI near a town to start with, and then build my own base elsewhere.

I do that "Need to sit down for hours" part while going through my days gathering materials, planning in my head or in a note pad what I'd like to do, the kind of shape I'd want, etc. By a few weeks in I usually have a solid grasp of my intentions and set about making them real.

My biggest suggestion is to think on a macro scale- Not on a block by block scale. Think of the overall shape you want, and later look for shapes that let you achieve it.

EG: If you want a very round building, you'd look for rounded pieces or flat pieces with angles you can make into roundness. Or if you want one with sharp points and endings everywhere, you'd look for shapes that match that.

It helps you filter down the sheer volume of shapes available as you're defacto filtering out anything that doesn't have the right profile- You wouldn't put a cube or a slab at a co... Read more