7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

08 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is already a thread on this subject. Please do not create duplicate threads.
How do people genuinely feel about the new magazine based system?]/b][/url]
    on News - Thread - Direct

Update 6/20/24 Applications are now closed.


Update 6/16/24 Please check your spam folder for your acceptance email! We have almost 100 applicants who qualify that haven’t gotten back to us with their announcement video. We have re-sent these emails from a thefunpimps.com address.



Hey Survivors!


The devs are making progress ...

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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yep, From your list, the remaining things are
1: Is receiving power and power is sufficient
2: Ammo slots are locked.

If the ammo slots aren't locked, it won't fire.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Gray - downtown

Blue - commercial

Yellow - industrial

Green - residential

Cyan - rural

Darker of those colors if remnant.

FSR AA looks much better. Like TAA, FSR AA uses camera jitter, so it is not quite the same effect in a picture or when standing still.

Is a mod. Here you can see it enabled in the background.

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by James:
Originally posted by Maiex: I dont think you read his post right
Nobody knows what the OP's point was, except for the OP, because they couldn't even be bothered to explain it.

Chances are, they had a rage moment where they felt the need to vent and then quickly hopped on their phone and started this thread.

Probably while cooling their heels in their base waiting for dawn to come if they were playing the entire time..lol

I und... Read more

07 May

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bwixie: > I play "7 Days to Die"
> I survive more than 7 days
> ???? :steamfacepalm:

Somebody died during your 7 days of play. If it wasn't you then thank your stars.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It is intended to be a challenging survival game where you never truly feel safe.

Sadly over the past several years it has kinda getting away from the survival aspects. In comparison to Ark, this is way easier. You just need to learn to take it slow, and play smart.

First thing is focus on the basics. Water, food, and basic resources are your priority. Lean on the ease of use the bow provides and don't worry about using loud guns yet. You can survive the wasteland during the day at level 1 if you just take your time and lean on stealth tatctics.

Keep to the forest, and stay near a town. Make a shelter to use as refuge. For the first horde night, you will probably want to use a T1 POI because it is easy to clear, and won't boost the difficulty much. Also note that if you aren't focusing on leveling, leveling, leveling your first horde isn't going to be that bad. It is when you power level that you really kick yourself in the ass because your hordes will ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Considering that just a week ago it hit a new record for number of concurrent players, that says it is far from dead.

I suppose it has been the standard two weeks since the last time someone started a thread with the same information too.

Game is designed for solo or small-group co-op. Which is pretty much how most people play it.
It is not designed for, and does not support, high population servers.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You uh... You're probably going to hate yourself a lil when I say this, Because you've likely been running all over the place desperate for material... But, Those ore rocks on the surface all rest right above a vein full of the material the rock is of... Find a lead rock, and the 4 terrain blocks under it will be lead too, and then keep on diggin down.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
To elaborate more. In order to remove that limitation, you need to have a dedicated/discreet GPU with a minimum of 4GB VRAM all to itself.

Minimum spec is 8GB RAM and 2GB dedicated VRAM.
Recommended spec, which removes that limitation, is 16GB RAM and 4GB dedicated VRAM.

Sure the Steam deck has 16GB RAM. However it is shared ram. It gets used for both the system and the APU. So not only do you not have a dedicated GPU with its own separate dedicated VRAM, you don't have a dedicated GPU either. It is an APU built onto the CPU chipset. So by basic hardware standards, the Steam Deck does not even meet the minimum hardware requirements for the game.

It will probably be better once 1.0 comes out. Then your Steam Deck will likely have a version with the same configuration/limitations as the Series X and PS5.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeah, it is a physical hardware limitation on the deck.

06 May

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your arms and hands in first person view will match what you’re wearing. That is already finished and ready for the upcoming update. 👍
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Reminds me of buying games pre-release too. I paid the full $40 to pre-order SW Squadrons. Two weeks later it was on sale for half off. Currently it is available for $2.
I have just over 15 hours of gameplay because the interaction in VR annoyed me, and I just haven't felt like jumping into it again.

Same thing with Starfield. Paid the $100 premium edition. It took a bit longer to go on sale, but it dropped to 33% off.
I have 266.4 hours of gameplay there.

Smalland released in EA for $25. (I paid $22.49 (25% off)) Then is "released" as 1.0 for $35. (And I'll be honest, same thing as Ellyon and TFP. 1.0 dropped largely untested, and there are more things being added and changed/"optimized" since.)
I have 101 hours, beat the game, and am not likely to go back unless there is more interesting content added. Even then it is likely to only be a few hours to check out the content. Not a lot of replay-ability there.

Empyrion, since I alway... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Aeri Tyaelaria:
Originally posted by MSgt Peterson: At about 120 hours in, I'd say it's worth about 25$ tops
At 45$, I've seen far more polished games than this, not to mention look better.

Project Zomboid costs less and is subjectively a better simulation of a zombie apocalypse than this. People just don't like it cause it's 2D than 3D. I only got 120 hours in this cause my friend refused to touch PZ due to the 2D graphic's.

I mod this game, and it annoys me to...
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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Cities/towns seem flat. Maybe someday we can improve that, but doubt I will have the time for 1.0.

Stamps also need improvement and more variety.

It is in 1.0. The core vomit projectile(s) are the same. You are seeing artistic improvement.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

No plans for SSAA. Hopefully the CPU main thread load will continue to come down as we make more optimizations.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't know what they did to make the video other than they used the automove camera orbit mode I added.

It is the same block vertex color AO we had years ago, we just turned it back on and tweaked it a bit. Ambient indoor/outdoor was then adjusted to compensate for indoors being darker from AO. Our screen space AO was change to a different system. Contact shadows were added as a postprocessing effect. It seems to mainly fill in light leaks we would have before and make shadows closer to the surface. Our gfx programmer did most of this work, so I don't know all the details.

I did add FSR3, but it is in an experimental state as there are some blurring issues and does not seem to work on OpenGL, so it will not be enabled by default.

I don't think I have mentioned this change before, but city cores are now square with the remaining tiles growing out from that, which makes them less likely to be weird shapes that f...

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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

More changes for RWG coming in 1.0:

RWG highway generation uses a new algorithm.
RWG highway generation allows double connections between towns.
Added RWG big cities can have two gateways per side.
Added RWG big cities generate a highway bypass ring.

This is a 10k, many towns with 30% wasteland. Generated in 1 minute, 12 seconds. Has 4 of the new big cities.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Personally, I don't bother with it until I have a gyro. Then it is just land on the roof, kill the zeds, work through the top two floors and back up to the roof to take off again.

05 May

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We can hope it is part of the "and much much more" description of the 1.0 feature list. I agree that if they decided not to pursue individualized food items to match the inventory icons that they should just remove the current asset and have the sound and motion without any item being held. Lots of games do eating and drinking solely by making the icon disappear from the inventory so it wouldn't even be out of the ordinary for them to do that.

I don't think it was a lie as the original meat we ate looked like a rack of ribs and then it was changed to the food wallet thing as a generic texture and I remember them planning to eventually change it. I think "lie" is probably too strong a word. If they originally planned to do it but then changed their mind that isn't the same thing as saying they would do it when they never planned to. I know that wasn't the case.