7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

13 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Technically speaking any RWG world is essentially an island map, iirc? As in, all around the edges is a big open area of water that demarcates the 'edges' of the map.

So, What exactly are you after that isn't accomplished by that? Is it just too large so it doesn't 'feel' like an island? Could try making a 2k world instead of 6/8/10k.

12 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, Because it doesn't work that way. The time since last death value has an upper limit that you can reach no matter how many times you die; Dying is only a temporary hit to your game and loot stage.

There is no situation where, when you die, you're permanently locked out of that 5gs/ls you lost. You just need to stay alive for a matching number of days it took you to die that first time; In your example, a 20hr save w/ 1hr days, that'd be 20 days.

Further, Player level alone will eventually get you to the max game and loot stage and keep it locked there even if you die.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No. There will definitely be enough core changes that your A21 game won't be compatible with 1.0. If you think you might enjoy the game to play it through twice you could start now and ignore the experimental version when it releases and wait for the stable version while playing A21. That would give you at least a month's time to explore the game as it is now and then restart once the stable 1.0 comes out at the end of June.

If restarting and playing it through more than once doesn't sound appealing then you might want to shelve it until experimental drops in a few weeks. Experimental will be compatible with stable.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by SpotFord: Don't dire wolves still give you regular meat though?
iirc they do. I'd argue that just means they're in the middle of being infected or resistant to the 'makes you a rotting corpse' aspect of the virus though; The glowing eyes isn't a sign of being radioactive for example; We have actual irradiated zombies that show what that looks like. One way or the other, the glowing eyes trait being shared between the ferals and the direwolves shows some kind of link... Imo the most probable link is that the direwolf is, at least partially, infected.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are a few rare POIs that are tier 1 and have a dog. I think that is a bit much, myself. If you have played the POI before-hand and know exactly where that dog is you can prepare and not have any problem but if you are a new player it is going to be a big challenge with death and quest failure a real threat. Is that bad? It depends on the player. Some will relish it and be pumped that they've found a game that challenges them. Others will hate it.

Safest bet for for new players is to stick to buried supply quests the first few times or the fetch quests since those you can go straight for the supplies and then return to the trader and have less of a chance of running into a dog. I'd steer clear of clear quests until you've geared up a bit. Also make sure you are wearing armor/clothing even if it is just fiber.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tahnval:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Wolves aren't immune to zombification; The direwolves (the big black ones) are zombified and mutated wolves. You can tell by the glowing eyes they have, and that, yknow, direwolves have been extinct for ages.

Mutated, maybe, but they're not zombified. Or if they are it has affected them completely differently so the distinction between wolves and dogs still applies. They have fur, their flesh isn't dead, etc.

They wou...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You don't need to buy the game again as a PC user.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Fist weapons and machine guns.

Fists are a little weak in the first few days, but, as you raise your fist weapon skill and accrue mods for your weapon and the bar brawling skill books, you get to a point where you're dealing like 10 different kinds of debuffs ranging from slows, to stuns, to knockdowns, to ragdolls, to setting em on fire. Swings fast, low stamina cost like knives too so you can always reposition with sprinting and jumps without endangering your fighting ability; Machine gun spray and pray makes quick work of any situation where you accidentally find yourself cornered.

Then you add beer to the mix and start one or two shotting enemies while drunk. It's all kindsa fun.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Wolves aren't immune to zombification; The direwolves (the big black ones) are zombified and mutated wolves. You can tell by the glowing eyes they have, and that, yknow, direwolves have been extinct for ages.

What matters seems to be whether the animal has ingested infected flesh, and potentially how much.

That's why vultures, the carrion eaters, are all infected, while dogs will have attacked/been attacked by their former owners and are all infected, meanwhile wolves/bears will be a mixed bag encountering or avoiding zombies out in the wild.

On the other hand, bunnies, chickens, boars, all completely free of infection; Save for Grace who was artificially experimented on by humans.

11 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, there is not. There will be an A22/1.0 streamer weekend after which that version will likely become available in experimental.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sure, I remember it. Not senile yet. Coming whenever I get to it.

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It was a change in the last alpha. Drinks no longer return an empty jar and the empty jar item itself has been removed from the game. You can find murky water in loot containers which can then be boiled if your campfire has a pot. You can craft dew collectors which produce clean water over time. You can drink murky water directly from a water source. You can purchase water and other drinks at the trader and from working vending machine. It's all a result of the empty jar item not existing any longer preventing you from crafting jars or using them to gather water.

The community has been polarized by this change for the last year so there is plenty of reading material if you want to search for it.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you the type that likes to play for 30 hours or so on a save and then start over and play through again several times before you get bored and take a break with other games? If so then start now and it won't be any big deal. If not, then wait.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Has it been reported as and acknowledged to be a bug and just hasn't been fixed; Or is this something you personally think is a bug because it bothers you and your playstyle, but may be intended design?

Cause gotta say that IMO that doesn't sound like a bug at first blush.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Likely not as the primary issue preventing cloud saves won't have changed with the 1.0.

Simply put, the saves are too large, individually even one save can exceed the maximum allowed size per user of the steam cloud, and each save requires the associated world file too which is itself most of the steam cloud limit.

Cloud backup is not likely to ever happen for 7DTD unless Steam ups the maximum per-individual limit.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Mixed bag, Any mod that expressly changes xml without requiring additional files should be fine to only have on the host; Clients are issued the host's xml settings when someone joins.

Any mod that requires additional files though, such as a UI mod or that adds new models/textures/sounds/whatever would require the client's to download the mod themselves, or they won't have those models/textures/etc.

Without knowing how the mod accomplishes what it does, I couldn't say which way it'd be. When in doubt, have clients get the mod themselves too.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Provided there are still modders interested in modding, yes. 1.0 isn't going to be removing any modding capabilities already built into the game; if anything, those capabilities will be expanded a bit more.

There will likely be a delay between 1.0 and mods updating to be usable on 1.0, though.

10 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tahnval: Walked 2 steps - achievement!...looked at a tree - achievement!...entered a POI - achievement!...Rekt swore at you - achievement! etc.

Or "kill 500 zombie dogs while you're armed with only a twig while naked and drunk and in midair and without taking any damage"

Or my personal favourite, the "we won't even tell you what the requirements are" achievements.

I don't care which of the above they go with. Not my thing.
Yep. There's a fair amount of achievements, not too many, not too little; Not too complex, not too laughably easy. I could maybe see some story/bandit related achievements once implemented, as those are two new systems essentially, but aside from that, what we've ... Read more