7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

27 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by God Bless The Dead: The stamina in 7 days is pretty bad tbh, I'm guessing our player character were heavy smokers before the apocalyptic. that's why we can only run about the length of 3 houses before passing out.
Sprint, Not run. There is a difference. Your character is always jogging/running, the casual speed you likely think of as a walk in game is a actually a jogging/running pace. The normal walking speed of an adult is in the ballpark of 1-1.5~meters per second. In game, one second is around 3.2~ meters of travel, ish.

RE: the length of three houses, At level 1 the basic 100 stamina bar lets you Sprint 145 meters over the course of about 22.5 seconds, a speed of around 6.4~m/s, Double the spee... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your guess as to how it functions is incorrect. Putting skill points into skills raises your chance to find the associated magazines, and to find more of them when you find them, but doesn't lower the chance of finding others.

The Salvage Operations skill raises your chance to find the salvage tools magazines
The Miner 69er skill raises your chance to find the harvesting tools magazines
The Deep Cuts skill raises your chance to find the blades magazines
and so on.

And iirc once you've finished maxing a given crafting skill out (IE, Blades), The bonus chance to find granted by the skill is removed so that you'll find other magazines instead.

How many you've read of a given magazine has to bearing whatsoever on your chances to find that type of magazine or any other magazine; So you can freely read them all.

Edit: edited book to magazine; Magazines and books in game do two different things, Magazines are crafting skill associated, boo... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Features being worked on right up to an experimental is the norm.

Experimental was shooting for end of May and earlier dates before that.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShadedMJ: Question generally aimed at Shurenai : Even after 1.0, are there going to be changes after that requiring a new save? I know other games that go 1.0 but then still have updates like they did prior to 1.0.
1.0 itself Will require a restart. However It's my understanding that the tentative plan/hope seems to be that post 1.0, updates will be compatible and will not Require a restart; But will likely still encourage a restart anyway because that is, in general, best practice. We'll see how it pans out though, something may still necessitate a restart post 1.0.

26 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you dont want to start new after the update, just wait. It'll be a month or so, ish. Maybe a little less.. Keep an eye out for the 1.0/A22 Streamer Weekend event announcement; The public experimental will be released on the monday that follows that event.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Eating actually exhibits a result of your body consuming energy to process that food- And in turn, generating heat. If your goal is to stay cool, IE, not hyperthermic, Eating would actually be detrimental, not beneficial. (Edit: Provided you had eaten recently enough to have a store of glycogen and other stuff as addressed below; and you would want to gain those things by eating lightly, not a hearty meal)

Your anecdotal example is you suffering a case of hyperthermia -and- a case of more extreme hunger which results in a lack of a lot of needed things in your blood, most notably glycogen, which can leave you feeling more easily tired and prone to the ill effects of other issues your body is experiencing.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Once the new console version comes out, afaik it will have crossplay. At the least, it is intended TO have crossplay, So even if it's not there right out the gate, it should be there sooner than later.

25 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ragequit Inc.: It has been *speculated* that the helipads within the traders' might become some sort of fast travel. Keyword 'speculated'. I don't think the Pimps have neither confirmed or denied it.

As for a jet, I don't think that's likely, since world-loading already struggles on lower end machines.
I'm pretty sure they denied fast travel, but the official forum is down atm, so I cannot validate that. Most likely it would be quest-related.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
What you're experiencing isn't a bug to be fixed, specifically; It's the game having difficulty/impossibility loading the world around you. It loads the 100~m area around you on load in from the menu, and then fails to load further as you travel.


Follow this, except for deleting your saves/worlds. It should hopefully help.

Also dep... Read more

24 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Is it the motion blur perhaps? Might also try lowering the mouse sensitivity; It might be too high and leading to 'jumpy' movement.

23 May

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

In any release, features are often still in development right up to experimental. Even some feature changes during experimental.

I started adding the new minibike model yesterday. That is a feature change as it shows mods added to it, but was not a high priority to me compared to many other tasks, so it has waited until now.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you already own the current console version, There'll be a discount for the new version.. No info currently on how big of a discount, TFP is negotiating/in talks with Microsoft and Sony about it still.

Given that TFP have phrased it as a 'Discount', though, it's unlikely to be a 100% off dealie, so yes, you'll have to buy the new console version.

Some info on the 'Why' of it:
... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Tasks are coming along, but multiple features are still in development and quite a few bugs to fix.

Console date was defined as July when 1.0 was announced.

22 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShatteredPumpkin:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: The game has become more demanding over the years as it has been built up. If your hardware is not up to par, or you have software causing a problem, it will get increasingly worse.
oh so i guess we need super Nasa computers that nobody can pay for to run the game huh? i know a few people and probably tons of other strangers with High end systems that still have tons of issues with this game xD dont blame users syst...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Combat Manuel:
Originally posted by ElDudorino: You have 1000 hours in the game and wonder how people endure it? Uhh...

Anyway, i don't know about the 5900x specifically but AMD processors tend to have kinda poor per-core performance, which is why they sold the younguns the lie that core count is everything. So if you're having issues I would assume it's due to that.

Personally I haven't noticed performance issues in 7DtD except for one occasion where I was raiding ...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It can work. IF you have the hardware to support it. Which you do.
Basically, you are splitting the main processing workload between two cores instead of one.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just a note first that I'm jut a forum moderator not a dev (dont wanna cause confusion)

I think it's likely that post 1.0 the saves will be persistent, I can think of ways that, with all the new systems and functions they've built into world gen, poi placement, quests, events, etc, they could ostensibly implement the coming post 1.0 features without necessitating a restart; Plus they're pretty much done doing deep revamps of the world generator, the character data structure, etc; So there's no longer a(s ma)ny things that could lead to a necessitated restart as has been the case in most of the alphas going back.

There's also the possibility that they'll finally allow you to bring a save forward into the new version compatibly, you just may be missing out on certain features that would have required a new save; Allowing you to experience Most of the changes with your existing save, just not all of em.

I can't say 100% for sure as things may pan out diff... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Provided you are using the appropriate tool for the material (IE, pickaxe/auger for stone, axe for wood, shovel for dirt) Every given block of material gives a specific amount of resource regardless of how hard or soft you hit it or how fast or slow you harvest it.

If a block of iron has 1000 hp and gives, for example, 100 iron, You will get 100 iron per block regardless of whether you do it in 1000 hits of 1, or 1 hit of 1000, or anything in between. You will get exactly the same material per block mined with a pickaxe or with an augur.

You might get more material harvest per period of time with one tool over another, as explained above; But the material per block harvested is identical with the appropriate tool type.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Uhh... How much lower? What is the health you're expecting him to have? What is his player level and his current health?

21 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
:conwayheadscratch: If you'd read the thread you found you likely would have found the answer to your question...

But, The TL;DR of it is, Because Steam doesn't offer cross-platform server support, and Epic does. There are some other services that offer cross-platform support, but TFP determined that among the options, Epic was the best and most robust option.