7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

05 May

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I would also suggest you play a bit yourself to familiarize yourself with the mechanics. Its good for one person to have some experience with the first few days. Also, expect a bit of a hike to meet up with each other. As soon as you both spawn in, press tab, and then go to the team screen to send invites to become allies so you're player icons show in the compass and on the map and then get together as soon as possible. Once you are together you can complete your opening quest and find the closest trader.

Have fun! We all envy you and your partner at the beginning of your journey with this game...lol
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They specifically stated that all features, bandits included, that were intended for the finished version of the base game will continue to be free updates.

7 Days Blood Moons is only superficially similar to the old Horde Mode of 7 Days to Die. In actual gameplay practice it is pretty different which will become more and more apparent once Blood Moons actually releases to Early Access and people can start playing it.

I still hope that Horde Mode will return to 7 Days to Die. I don't think it would compete against Illogika's upcoming spin-off game at all.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think it is one of the best coop pve games on the market. Working together with a friend or family member to create your base, split up crafting specialties, doing quests together, and surviving blood moon hordes together create a feeling so much more than simply playing a co-op game together. It engenders a real sense of camaraderie between you.

I play with my brother and my mother who both live in different states than me so it is always a great time of togetherness for us.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It was called Horde Mode and it is unclear whether it will be back. I hope so. Their road map fine print says "and so much more" and I really hope they include it even though it isn't a named feature.

The new spin off game by Illogika, 7 Days Blood Moons, is similar to how Horde Mode played but not exact so I think they could still revive Horde Mode for this game and it wouldn't really compete with that other game.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Bandits are slated for spring/summer of next year. The link above shows the timeline of several other features as well. They are calling this next release 1.0 as the end of their Alpha phase and exit from Steam's Early Access program but the full version won't be complete until the end of 2025.

They did add bandits briefly for A16 but shortly after release disabled them although their code was still available for modders to use. Since then they have redone bandits from scratch and started on AI and character models and creating hooks for them to work with certain POIs. The 3rd person view animations th... Read more

04 May

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by simon: OP underestimates some people. Not every one is as shallow as he thinks. Maybe The FunPimps think that most people who would buy the game already have and any one else will only be attracted if they can see past the things that most people cant and see that game play is king.

Also $45 is not the same as $60. Its nearly a third less.

Just to add to this, AAA game titles haven't been $60 ($59.99) for a few years now. They are at a minimum $69.99 and often $79.99. Prices in all areas of society have quickly been rising the last few years since 2020 and while $30 was once viewed as the fair price for an indie title it is easily within the scope of inflation that today that price is now $44.9... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don't think it is anything to worry about. If the market responds well then the game will stay at $45 and TFP will have picked the right number and be justified in what they did. If the market doesn't then the price will drop until it hits the right price and remain there.

There are gamers like me who only buy games on sale or after a year or two when the regular price drops. There are other gamers who don't even think about spending $45 on a game. $45 is nothing to them and anything that can provide even an hour or two of entertainment or a single fun weekend with some friends is easily worth such a price tag.

TFP believes that this next update is going to be a significant improvement to the game and that people who have thought about buying 7 Days to Die for years will finally pull the trigger. For sure, some will balk at the $45 price tag but others won't and still others won't even think twice about picking up five copies for friends so they can all play ... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think it stems from a time when there were console users actively flooding every announcement with requests and demands regarding the old console edition no matter the topic of the announcement. Maybe once the new console edition releases they will reinstate comments. I don’t know for sure though.

You can still give a thumbs up or down to express feedback that way and post in the forum questions that are likely to get seen and discussed without pages of “When is the console update!?!?” burying your on-topic question.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
DerFinneAT states very good reasons for why TFP would have the comments turned off.

The discussion at large here leans heavily toward violating the rule of meta-forum commentary by discussing TFP's actions locking the comments as the talking point of the thread. As such I am going to close it down.

If you sit and think about it, you will realize the reality. They know that there are going to be a flood of comments and questions regarding the 1.0 release, and by shutting off the comments on the video, and leaving the discussions open on the forum that has more than one person moderating it, they are able to provide a better experience.

There really is no more reasonable discussion to be had here, so I will close this topic.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You might want to take a stab at reading the Pinned posts and news announcements for 1.0.
You might also want to get some education on the difference between a fully 3D Voxel game with structural integrity calculations and advanced zombie AI dealing with an ever-changing environment, and all of the other games you are using to set unreal expectations.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
My understanding is that it depends on if the server has the "Persistent Profiles" setting enabled.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is already a thread that details exactly what's changing in 1.0, that we know of. It's open to posting and it's pinned so people can see it. Please don't clutter the forum by creating... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by hitman_2:
Originally posted by DerFinneAT:
I feel totally milked from the one time payment I had to make within those 10 years.

Either there are some sever difficulties in language, or some just aren't able to make a point when criticizing something, and have to resort to parroting some phrases to sound like they have a point.
Thats the problem most likely, the lack of funding. Only that "one time purchase" and thats it. Nothing more was added that could ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Socipat: There was suppose to be an actual story to progress through.
My two cents, there is no story. The developers never knew where they were going with the game. Now they need an excuse to drop this game so they can work on their new game.
Even when there is a story, That's not going to be the be-all-end-all.

The story will be a goal to accomplish.. But not THE goal. It's still a sandbox game- Like Minecraft, the game won't 'end' when you complete the story, It just goes on.
Originally posted by ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
At the end of the day, It's not a realistic survival game. It's a Survival Sandbox game. That means that You have some pretty hefty responsibility to define the rules of play that you engage with in order to have a good time- If you just sit in the sandbox and expect the sand to jump into the shape of a castle, or a dragon, or whatever, You're gonna have a bad time.

Death is meaningless- Unless you enforce a play rule of total loss or permadeath as Mithrandir says. Trader quests are repetetive IF you allow yourself to just run them over and over repetitiously; Some users simply never speak to a trader at all, others like myself limit them to one a day at most.

It's your sandbox. You wield a great deal of power to align the rules in a way that you have fun with. They won't just align themselves for you, it's not a linear story game where all the rules are spelled out and set up ahead of time and you just walk down the linear path to glory.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think they already made some changes to the mountain lion anims since then.

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dragon_Dude1: 10 years later and the game still runs worse than GTA5 in 8k 560Hz on my samsung smart fridge

There's your problem right there. You should only have at most one of them installed on your smart fridge at a time.


    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Q: Is the current A21 version of the game as well as recollections of A20 and A19 a good representation of the 1.0 update?

A: No. Listing off features and characteristics of current and past versions that are outdated since the dev team has been working towards 1.0 this past year is inaccurate. The best time to judge whether 1.0 meets your own personal expectations is once you've been able to play the experimental build and see what progress has been made.

Q: Is the UI considered to be in final form?
A: No. Despite the 1.0 tag there are plans to overhaul the UI post launch. There has been no communication from TFP claiming that they believe the current UI is consdered finished. Therefore, the 1.0 tag isn't a statement that it is.

Q: Is the game being released as 1.0 their idea of a finished game?
A: No. They have not tried in any way to pass off the game as a finished product. They have clearly stated that it needs more work but that they are a... Read more

03 May

The Fun Pimps is proud to present our 1.0 Gameplay Trailer. 7 Days to Die is an epic post-apocalyptic survival horror game set in the voxel world of Navezgane. This trailer showcases how far the game has come and how the 1.0 version looks today.

7 Days to Die will launch into 1.0 this June on Steam, with a follow up launch on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S shortly afterward in July. We will have definite release dates soon, so stay tuned! Be sure to buy the Alpha 21 version on Steam while the game remains at the Early Access Price of $24.99. When 1.0 Launches, the price will increase to $44.99

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.