The gun part system did not work in conjunction with the weapon mod system as they both utilized the same interface. It basically came down to being one or the other. Since they were getting rid of the upgrade system with the 600-point curve due to abuse on the workbench already, it made sense to get rid of the parts as well. This also helped to trim down the number of items in the game as there were code limitations at the time that were preventing the introduction of new items as the index cap was hit.
Near zero % chance of finding an egg? Are you by chance playing with reduced loot abundance? Due to the way loot abundance functions, certain items get a bit of an unduly harsh effect. Eggs is one of those items.
Loot abundance affects two things for most items; Drop chance(the chance any valid slot in an object might produce loot), and stack size (the quantity of items rolled for a slot; when multiple slots roll the same item, they get stacked together). Single non stackable items are only affected by the Drop Chance side of things, Books are considered single non-stackable despite being stackable; Despite this, an amusing interaction occurs when you raise loot abundance to 200 or 300% in that you'll always find two, or three, copies respectively of a given book when it appears.
And lastly, the rule that makes it feel broken AF for Eggs, is that all decimals are rounded Down, never up. So 1.1 is 1, 1.9 is also 1.
Setting aside the drop chance and speak...
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