7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

21 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is already a thread about this subject. Please do not create duplicate threads.

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BigRowdy: Of course I always keep my vehicles repaired.

Here is your answer OP. Just this.

20 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes; You have to have a landclaim block nearby, and hold E not press E.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by James: No. It's not possible. Treadmills and escalators dont have an electric connection, or even an animation for them. Right now, they are only there to add ambiance and direction to certain POI.
And materials when disassembled. :)

19 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 小樱: Dedicated servers can only run at 20 fps, can it be increased to 60 fps?

No. FPS for a server is not the same as FPS for your game client. It is intentionally capped at 20. If you were to take it higher you would just be wasting CPU cycles for the same of burning electricity, and it would cause problems with the way the game client functions.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Emma Veleity:
Originally posted by Tahnval: If you buy all that hardware as a present for me I'll cheerfully do some testing and answer your question.

Otherwise, anyone would only be guessing. My guess would be "yes", even at 4K. My guess would also be "silly" because you'd be hard pressed to notice any difference during play between the max settings and the next level down. Or further. Also, your ludicrously overpriced graphics card is ludicrously overpowered for 7DTD and w...
Read more

18 May

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1. It works for us, so might work for release.

2. I don't know

3. Weight? Like install size? I don't know as each platform builds differently. Maybe 20 to 40 GBs.

We have dirt/gravel roads.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to General Discussions, because Questions & Answers is intended for knowledge base how-does-the-game-work type questions with objective answers.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

RWG road pathing changes is a different system than decorations, so no plans for deco changes like that.

16 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shurenai: Have you changed monitors since years ago? Different monitors can have a humongous impact on how dark or bright something appears; The same thing with the same brightness levelon one monitor can be a dark abyss, but on another be bright enough to see easily.
Nah, comparing it to older versions it is a lot brighter. I started reporting it in a19 or so. I remember during early a20 internal testing that bloodmoon night was about the same brightness as sunny noon, except with a red tint. Reported it then as well. Even did so again recently, but at this point I suppose we just cave to "that is the dev's vision". There is one point at night where it gets dark for like three minutes. Other than that it is ... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Major new updates are not compatible with old alphas. So you will have a choice. Keep playing the saved games you’ve invested time in - on the alpha you started them on - or get the new update and start new games on that. Incompatible save files are one of the hazards of playing a game that is, for now, still in alpha development.

One of the differences in leaving alpha, one would hope, would be that saved games are forwards compatible thereafter.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Have you changed monitors since years ago? Different monitors can have a humongous impact on how dark or bright something appears; The same thing with the same brightness levelon one monitor can be a dark abyss, but on another be bright enough to see easily.

15 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The gun part system did not work in conjunction with the weapon mod system as they both utilized the same interface. It basically came down to being one or the other. Since they were getting rid of the upgrade system with the 600-point curve due to abuse on the workbench already, it made sense to get rid of the parts as well. This also helped to trim down the number of items in the game as there were code limitations at the time that were preventing the introduction of new items as the index cap was hit.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Near zero % chance of finding an egg? Are you by chance playing with reduced loot abundance? Due to the way loot abundance functions, certain items get a bit of an unduly harsh effect. Eggs is one of those items.

Loot abundance affects two things for most items; Drop chance(the chance any valid slot in an object might produce loot), and stack size (the quantity of items rolled for a slot; when multiple slots roll the same item, they get stacked together). Single non stackable items are only affected by the Drop Chance side of things, Books are considered single non-stackable despite being stackable; Despite this, an amusing interaction occurs when you raise loot abundance to 200 or 300% in that you'll always find two, or three, copies respectively of a given book when it appears.

And lastly, the rule that makes it feel broken AF for Eggs, is that all decimals are rounded Down, never up. So 1.1 is 1, 1.9 is also 1.

Setting aside the drop chance and speak... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Eriskumma:
Originally posted by Undefined: Step 1: Be a master chef
Step 2: Heat up chili
Step 3: Put chili in hotdog bun
Needs meat.. :)
Came to say this. You don't have a chili dog with those steps, you have a chili bun. Seems like maybe it's harder to cook than you give it credit for ;P

14 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by AlterRred: What armor would be better for Fist+Machine Gun and Pistol+Knife? Cloth?
Ultimately you don't even need armor though if you can dodge 100% of the time, So it depends on how well you can dodge.

Cloth is ideal for mobility; But if you take any hits it will hurt and you'll be prone to injuries. If you can't be confident you wont get hit more than once, maybe twice in a prolonged fight, It's not worth it.

Light armor (leather->military) is still good for mobility and with the armor mods can be almost as good as the cloth armor, but provide better injury resistance and damage reduction.

Heavy armor (iron, steel) is awful for mobility, even with the armor mods. But it's perfect... Read more

13 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Regardless of what mods are equipped to a weapon, it's only affected by it's own weapon bonuses.

A pistol won't be given Rifle boosts just because it has a scope on; Nor will it be given Automatic Weapons boosts just because it has a burst fire or full auto mod on it. It'll only ever be affected by Pistol bonuses.

Same for all other weapons. Rifles only by rifle bonuses, shotguns only by shotgun bonuses, etc.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is a Pinned topic in the Modding section, and details in the Developer Diary, and information on the posted roadmap which was recently in Events and Announcement.

Please take the time to look around before starting a thread so that you don't clutter the forum with duplicated information.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
TFP is doing this console re-release themselves instead of handing it off to a separate publisher like before, pretty expressly to avoid a repeat of that first 'burn'.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by James: It sounds like you may have game files left over from older versions.

For future reference, you have to start with a fully clean game between each major update. This means doing more than just reinstalling the game thru steam.

May* need to start with a fully clean game between each major update. I at least never had to. Bu... Read more