By design, sleepers are passive and won't hear sounds until you enter their sleeper volume, because we don't want large sections of a POI being awake and bashing through stuff before you get there. POI designers can group sleeper volumes to help with what you describe, so a debug screenshot using shift+f11 of where you are at would let us see what POI(s) has the issue. We have a ton of POIs, many made before we could group volumes, so there are probably many places where it could be improved.
Originally posted by JimmyIowa: I will partly agree with the OP. It would probably be a good change if the travel distance scaled with the quest tier. So Tier 1 missions were always <500m. Tier 2 < 750m. Up to tier 5 being any distance.This actually is essentially how it is. Ish. At least in my experience. However, If there is no valid structure within range, it will then search a bigger area for an appropriate building to the tier.
Originally posted by JimmyIowa: In my last two 19.x playthrough's I had a motorized vehicle (I usually choose minibike first) by mid week 2. You just have to scavenge a bit for a wrench or two, iron, and some polymers and oil, etc. It honestly isn't that hard.
Originally posted by Orange Madness: I'm a sucker for Shotguns in any video game. The ability to have so much power within close range, high gib rate---for some games---, and capabilities to 1-2 shot entities or players is just a rush of dopamine. However, I have a few issue to bark about with the shotguns in this game.Read more
- Strange Accuracy: Okay, now I understand that shotguns are meant to be inaccurate bullet spread based weapons and aren't sniper rifles, but the shotguns here make no sense with their spread. Three of my favorite shotguns in the game are---in order from greatest to least greatest---Pump, Blunderbuss, and the Auto. Now I can understand that the Blunderbuss is meant to be an early game gun, and it is meant to be trash, but the two guns I'd like to speak about are the Pump and Auto Shotguns. As strange as it is, using Iron Sights with the Pump---choke or no choke---makes it have l...
Merging optimizations to a19.
Very playable. I played it briefly last week to test feral sense. All the normal stuff works fine, just some features like the block shape UI update are in flux.
Stealth still works. Feral sense is basically zombie hearing and seeing x2.5, which is mod-able in xml and may be tweaked before release.
Originally posted by KippenKaasBaas:Originally posted by Seftak: Pretty sure there are "general" Steam moderators and modertors payed directly by the devs to take care of their Steam game forum.
Well, that would explain a lot.
Whatever it is, it seems to be very effective.
This forum is much less of a dumpster fire than some of the other Steam forums.
Low. I just read a Unity is getting DLSS article and it seems to just be the hi def render pipeline getting it, which we are not planning on updating to, since it would be months of rewriting gfx code and shaders.
From what I've seen. A lot different. Much less human.
Originally posted by Mardoin69: Love it!!! Now THIS is the kind of thing to add more challenge into game.....which is a debate in another topic. And, if A20 gets more random zombie's spawning into an area than what's currently happening with A19 then, yeah, would really beef up the challenge.