Originally posted by ProxyJames: Still the traders should not occupy more room than there encampment, makes me want to kill them and be done with it, not like doing there missions really nets me anything, I earn more exp messing around exploring and I have yet to buy a single blueprint from them, I think all I really brought is some weapon parts.
Zombies being able to breathe underwater would point to necromantic magic, though, because that's not how biology works.
I prefer whichever one makes sense for the project I'm working on. 7dtd is on Unity for better or worse. Changing to any other engine would be a huge amount of work and I don't like doing things just because, so there would need to be some serious reasons for such a switch.
Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜: I think this is more of a modding question... try the Modding sub-forum. :yay:
Linear Color Space LightingRead more
Alpha 19 has gotten a huge visual upgrade with the switch to Linear Color Space Lighting. We have finally achieved full PBR Physically Based Rendering and all of the art has been adjusted to look better and compatible with it. Normal maps look better, bright lights don’t wash out the scene and so much more. It’s hard to describe why it looks better you’ll have to play it to see for yourself.
Originally posted by FT: Is workshop just a more Steam-y mod section?
If you combine enough of such bonuses like from POI and biomes then you are not in stone age any more. It's that simple.
The trick would be surviving it.
Don't expect the "harder" biomes to be such a walk in the park any more. 😃
You can do the same to them.
Weapon perks and some weapons do cause special effects / debuffs like knockdown, slow, damage over time, cripple or decapitation.
These are the player's critical hits.
Causing the exact same long term effects on zombies is pointless. They will be spawned / despawned as needed for the game to be able to function so we are not tracking a complex one-hour multi-stage buff.
Originally posted by CatPerson: Glad I have 32 RAM then. Did those dev. videos mention how long it might take to generate a 16k RWG map? That's what I'd want to know.The goal will be 1 minute per square kilometer on recommended hardware. So 16 minutes.
But advances for more customization sounds great.
I remember when they were "infinite" - although my brain remembers it become more and more sparse the farther you kept traveling (not to mention that hand-shaking) ... can't imagine that working well with the way the game is now, performance wise I mean.
Originally posted by RapFa: i can only imagine the rig power you will need for a 16k map being one entire big city..Would probably require about 16-20GB RAM at a minimum, a fast SSD, and would work fine on any 7th-gen or newer Intel CPU or 3rd Gen+ Ryzen. You'll still get a little bit of stuttering when moving quickly, that that's not any different than sitting inside of a dense city right now.