7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

25 Apr

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by jamesc70: Or is there somewhere else to get lots of clay?

No, there’s no better place since the ground is lined with clay soil everywhere. But since you’re using the clay to make stone blocks - either flagstone or cobblestone - you could be more efficient by targeting blocks that yield cobblestones. In POIs, you’ll find big boxy blocks wrapped in blue plastic tarp material. Harvest these with your shovel to get cobblestone rocks.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Coffee Addicted☕:
Originally posted by Amanoob105: The two coloured lines right below the toolbelt. Hunger on the left, thirst on the right.
so what's purple color on the top ?
Green is hunger, blue is water, purple is experience towards next level.
You can see hard values in the B character menu in the stats section.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ruffio:
Originally posted by RnRollie: For a lot of people the "dedicated box" is not the issue; you can run the server on a 10 year old laptop if you want to.
The issue can come from your isp / connection. Most ISPs frown upon running a server from home and say so in your contract. If they suspect you running one, they will throttle your line or charge you more or terminate the service.

Besides that, a lot of people have an async connection, like 100 DL / 20 UP. And ...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeah, water is going to be one of the last things the devs really work on. It's a pretty complex system.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by seven:
Originally posted by crmarlow2874: My game level is close to maxing out at 300, my next Blood moon is on day 84 and my xp is at full %. I'm curious, If I have a blood moon at a full 64 zombie count what would an average number be for a full horde night. I know it's a lot because my last three blood moon nights have been at 64. I usually can't keep track of how many I kill.

It really depends on how fast you kill them. If you're mowing them down with an M60, a...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Setting up a dedicated server is pretty basic IF you have the technical knowledge to comprehend it. This is true with setting up pretty much any server. And it really is just as straightforward as downloading the files, configuring the settings, forwarding the ports, and firing it up.

I actually found setting up a Mincecraft server to be more convoluted than setting up a 7 Days server. Though that was Java, not the Win 10 crap.
Oh, looked into a few guides on setting up Realms. It's basically the same as 7 Days. Either use the client for co-op, or set up a server. Difference is that Realms doesn't support any extras like mods or 3rd party managers.

24 Apr

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Johnny Thunder: there's also a 7 days to die wiki with info on just about anything in the game

Fair warning that some stuff on the wiki is out of date- It's user maintained. so take anything you see with a grain of salt, and if it doesn't seem to match up to what you're seeing ingame, this out-of-date-ness is probably why.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by jamesc70: I thought it was like 3 waves, no? I've only been through two so far, but the last one seemed to end at like 2AM after a third wave.
Depends entirely on your game stage and blood moon count. If you have a blood moon count of 64, then yeah, you'll probably run out of zombies in two or three waves, especially earlier in the game. With a count of 8, you gotta go through a lot of waves to reach the same amount of zombies as even just one wave of 64.

Functionally speaking, Zombies basically respawn instantly to replenish the difference between and until has been met.

If Total spawn count is 1000, then you must over the course of the night kill 1000 zombies. Whether that's in waves o... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It has always been basically unending spawns, yes; not really unending, but a number significant enough that it takes awhile to kill them all.

The "Blood Moon Count" setting determines how many zombies are alive at one time attacking the player at any given time during the blood moon.

A setting of 8 means that there will be 8 zombies (per player) attacking your base at any one time during the horde night. If you kill 4 of those, 4 new ones will spawn to replace them.

There IS an upper limit to the spawns that gets higher as your gamestage grows. Typically your first horde will peter out after an hour or two unless you're playing on 150-300% exp gain (More exp means more gamestage can be gained before the first horde.)
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by SQUIID:
Originally posted by Shurenai: That is pretty literally the definition of Griefer, though. To harass or deliberately provoke othjer players to the express end of spoiling their enjoyment of the game.

The definition from Dictionary.com:
an online game player who intentionally spoils the game for other players

So yes, ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, Items made with parts are scrapped into 3 parts for the respective item. So you would get the 3 parts you're missing.

Unfortunately, You get 3 parts back regardless of the quality level- 3 for a Q1, and 3 for a Q5. So it's, best to only scrap lower quality items where possible.

As a side tip, rather than selling Q1 items that are made with item parts, it's actually worth more dukes to scrap them and sell the parts instead.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It will be in your gift inventory as a giftable item (NOT a cd key to be entered). The gift inventory is easily accessible by clicking the little mail icon in the top right corner near where it lists your username, and selecting "X new items in your inventory.", Then from that menu make sure the "Steam" filter is selected, and in the drop down menu a little lower down you will find a "Gifts" option. You should find the giftable copy there, from which you can select the "Send gift..." button on the right hand side to send it to the recipient of your choice.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by MetalMastodon:
Originally posted by ThirdGen: Griefers don't get to play with players, they get to play with other griefers.

I feel that the standard for what is considered a "griefer" now a days has been put wayyyyy too low. Coming from Rust and being called a "griefer" just for KOS or offline raiding..... the term literally has no meaning anymore. It used to be that a griefer meant you were literally harassing someone, not leaving them alone for hours or days on ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Carl Jonhson: and what do you mean "all over again when adding anything"???
This is a somewhat poor analogy, but I'll give it a go:
Paint the walls in your house. Then put a bunch of furniture in the room. Now paint it again, but without moving the furniture AND without getting paint on the furniture.

One of two things is gonna happen: Either you're gonna get paint on the furniture and have to replace it, Or you're going to miss spots that are behind furniture and ultimately have to repaint anyway.

This is, in essence, what happens when you do things in coding. Every time you add or change something in the proverbial house, you have a large chance of screwing up something you've already... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

No plans.

23 Apr

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Also note, that they are quicly approaching the end of Alpha, and are basically feature locked. Anything not already planned to be added is not likely to be added. We're basically down to the wire on Alpha development, and are going to see a much larger focus on optimization and final game balancing in the upcoming patches.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by seven:
Originally posted by The King of All Cosmos: I would love an update, where like Valheim your character would be stored in a separate file from world maps. This way you could continue your progress with the same character between different worlds and between single-player and multiplayer.

This may not be that hard to do. The character data is already separate as far as I know in the .ttp and .ttp.bak files. You can manually move these to a new world map and k...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That’s pretty presumptuous to speak for everyone, Coelhudo. I think with the current theme, they somehow managed to blend the feel of two of the earlier main menu tracks they had.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When it is ready. You'll see it announced.

Direct response from a developer....
Originally posted by faatal: Any dates are just guesses and talk of releasing anything generally means an experimental with stable following some weeks later.