7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

12 Apr

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Fist weapons. Landslide victory. Sniper rifles are a close second.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
My primary is usually bow/crossbow until later stage bloodmoons. Then I'll switch to the m60 and a sledge.

11 Apr

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sellene716: OMG so I have to choose the "none" option in the betas list?
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Because...it's the current stable.. It's not in the list of betas. You will never find the Current stable in the beta list because the beta list is for old versions (EG: A19.3 and before) and for Experimental versions, which there currently is not one of.

Opt out of all betas to reach the Current stable which is A19.4
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hax: I would like to see x5 the zombies bloodmoon.
Assuming you're comparing to the default value of 8, x5 is essentially possible in the game currently- Just set your blood moon count to 32 or 64. You'll get lots of zombies.

However, If you're playing with 64 count hordes and want 5x THAT number of zombies, then I'm afraid that will likely never be possible in the current engine. It just cannot handle huge numbers of active actors like that, Tops out around 150 on exceedingly superior hardware; While for most people even approaching 100 is a huge performance sink. The highest value available in vanilla is 64 for a reason.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
-Vegetation and clutter:
This is a Voxel game. Each item occupies the space of a 1m cube.

-erratic 'aiming':
Sometimes you miss. It's coded into the game's raycast system for weapons and tools. You should have seen what it was like when the system was first implemented.
Also, Minecraft doesn't get anything right in the Structural Integrity regard, because it doesn't have any. Be aware of the stickiness/load capability of an object before you try to attach something to it.

-Unavailable blocks:
You will want to keep an eye on a20 news for this. Yes the dev's have said that, and no the game isn't finished yet. Stop treating it like a finished product.

-No proper creative mode
To add to the comment about the dev tools, you have even more options available when you use the POI and World editor modes. Might should learn how to actually use the tools provided before complaining about them.

-Missing blocks and structures
Again,... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can in fact starve and dehydrate to death. And it functions almost identically to old versions: Your hunger/thirst actually has to reach 0%. Not 66%, Not 33%, 0%.

The amount of hits you need to kill something also depends entirely on where you hit it. If you're smacking a boar on the hind, yeah, you're not gonna do a lot of damage. Land your blows between the brows though, and it'll die fairly quick. Headshots are invaluable damage.

Also the quality and mods of your club aren't as important if you dont actually have ranks in the club perk to bolster it's damage and effects. You're missing out on as much as 50-100+% additional damage and killing potential if you're not perked into the weapon with a high associated main stat.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Crater Creator:
Originally posted by jynx: Depends on how thick your skin is. Toxic players go out of their way to grief new players. That includes people running the servers sometimes. Some servers don't handle resets or really police their players. Other than that you can have fun on multiplayers, you'll just have to try a few to find what you like.

Don't take this the wrong way, but... get some friends! So many people have a wonderful time playing with friends ...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by jynx: Depends on how thick your skin is. Toxic players go out of their way to grief new players. That includes people running the servers sometimes. Some servers don't handle resets or really police their players. Other than that you can have fun on multiplayers, you'll just have to try a few to find what you like.

Don't take this the wrong way, but... get some friends! So many people have a wonderful time playing with friends and/or family. Then you don't have to worry about screening out the baddies, because you've already done that.

Though I guess by the OP's phrasing, they distinguish multiplayer as separate from coop. I don't do PvP in this game... but if I did, I'd still prefer to do i... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
reddogloc, you got a lot wrong here.

Originally posted by reddogloc: ...It was a simple question that didnt get answered...
Your question was answered, in your original thread.

Originally posted by reddogloc: ...because moderators deleted the post.
Moderators did not delete the post.

Originally posted by reddogloc: You cant even post in here without buying the game.
You can post in Questions & Answers, where your question belonged, without buying the game.

Originally posted by reddogloc: ...whats with a...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by dragonkill.1: Last 7 days - map

It is a map where the player has to choose between three pre-made fortresses.

Fortress one: Old Mountain Village
A once very solid fortress of the last surviving lumberjacks, built in the snow biome. It is located right on the side of a mountain and is therefore easy to defend, since no zombies can come from the top. The wall needs some basic repairs, but certainly nothing that an experienced player can't manage.
The disadvantage is that there is a lumberjack town not far away, from where the frost zombies attack the fortress night after night. (If anyone lives there) And there are very few animals and plants to eat.

Fortress Two: King of the Hills
An old knight's fortress located in the grasslands on a hill. Even before the outbreak it was ... let's say dilapidated. A place with a patchy wall, but instead a castle garden, some de...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by reddogloc:
Originally posted by Teresa: Any item with the 3 shapes icon on the upper portion of it, including cobblestone blocks, have access to the shapes menu. Hold down r and choose the shape you want.

As for your previous post, it asked a question about the game, instead of starting a discussion about the game. Hence it was moved from general discussion where you posted it to questions and answers where it belongs.

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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nebula:
Originally posted by Amanoob105: A simple example.
If you needed a load of basic iron and had a bunch of iron items while you could just scrap then on the spot this wastes a certain amount of iron from each. The only way to get the full amount of iron they're worth is to put them in a forge, melt them down and then have the forge smelt the resource back out. All of which takes time and fuel.

If you could just pick up the forge you would be able to save on b...
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10 Apr

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Everything is getting re-worked visually. The current model was just a placeholder thrown in due to the model they had originally purchased being stolen from somewhere else.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BORG: I would however like to see things like Workbench and Science Station to be movable. In harsh server environments it would be nice if that was an option. Sometimes we just like to move things around and maximize our spaces for best efficiency.
All work stations are movable; They just have to be player placed and within range of a landclaim placed by the player that 'owns' the work station. EG: If you place a workbench in your base, all you have to do is place a landclaim somewhere nearby such that the workbench is within range of that landclaim and then go hold E to interact with the workbench and the pickup option should appear. It does not however work with workstations that existed in the world befor... Read more

09 Apr

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The inability to mine mass quantities of brass is a deliberate design decision.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's one of the Kickstarter goals. Planned post release. Use Google, and you'll see this has been asked and answered about once a month for the past several years.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Achievement is working as intended. It's to kill 44 zombies with a .44 magnum; Not 44 players. It actually doesn't specify which you need to kill, iirc; As it's one of the 'Secret' achievements.. It just has a counter for 0-44.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

No special situations other than it being on or off. Like it is night, so those zeds can detect better. If they would hear you banging from 20m now they can at 50m or they would see you at 30m, but now 75m (made up numbers).

Code dealing with what is indoors or out has not changed.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Then why have a forge at all? It would just be a workbench with a different skin at that point. No thanks. The smelting time is the one mechanic that makes the forge unique among stations. It's been dumbed down enough already. We're even losing bricks in A20 because people are so impatient.