7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

26 Nov

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by barracuda922: i dont mean the old cash, i mean the money you get when you sell stuff
The money you get when you sell stuff is an actual item called Duke Tokens; And can be moved to other inventories. It looks like yellow/golden/brass casino tokens.

It does also display in the top right how much you have on your person though, as you may have more than one stack worth.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There’s an animal tracking skill that makes spotting animals easier. I would say hunting and looting are good short term solutions for food, while farming and advanced cooking are good long term solutions for food.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ming: If you equip glass and right click you get an amazing buff. Trust me, I'm a nurse.

No, no I'm not. But do it anyways.
I'm not saying don't do this, But I would ehm.. 'Suggest' putting all your equipment in a safe place before doing so.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The pathing distance limit is horizontal. They can only path about 40m out. Farther and they just go in a straight line to the edge of the path grid.
I dug to bedrock in Navezgane and BM day 7 spawns came above me and started digging down. They do a lot of moving and stumbling in addition to digging, so it can take them a while if you don't have a ton of zombies.

That is code, so would be me, but doubt it will change anytime soon. I tend to forget that is even a feature.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by GrimPixls: Thank you so much, this was actually really helpful. I was looking around for information and couldn't really find anything that makes sense. You're the best!
Glad I could help. :)
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Rules are simple, first, since you already own the game, you won't be able to buy the two pack. The first copy of the two pack goes to the purchaser; and if the prospective purchaser owns the game, it won't let you buy.

The second copy goes to the gift inventory and can be kept or given at a later date, iirc?

So you'd have to, for example, buy some steam wallet for your friend (or a prepaid card or something) and have him buy the two pack; as the purchaser he would get the first copy, and the second copy would be there to be given away when a third comes along.

25 Nov

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Don't forget about the timer relay. You could introduce a delay after the trigger to give the zombies time to get in the perfect spot. Seems like exactly what a min-maxer would enjoy tweaking. :steamhappy:
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TheChoccoBiccy09:
Originally posted by Shurenai: We're talking maybe 5 dozen posts from different people tops who haven't caught onto it, out of a hundred thousand people on average (Out of 10,000,000+ owners of the game, even.) 0.06% of the population has this problem. Not even a tenth of a percent. Even less if you count every owner of the game.

And the majority of the people that have had this issue have been people with THOUSANDS of hours in the game already; Who come f...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by aY227:
Originally posted by TheChoccoBiccy09: I’m thinking that because this topic has come up so many times the devs should put in a tip or something to help players or make it more identifiable, like having a Red Cross for unread books and a green tick for read books


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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

None of that has been done yet, so it remains to be seen how it will work.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Biggest tip is don't leave the area you spawn at until you've finished the tutorial quests. The area around where you spawn (Somewhere between 50-100~ blocks in every direction) is completely devoid of zombies at the start, and remains so for about 10 ingame hours at maximum; However it won't prevent sleeper zombies from spawning in a structure if one happens to be nearby.

So if you stay in that smallish area and outside of any nearby structures, you'll have plenty of time to do the tutorial quests which set you up with melee weapon, a ranged weapon, clothes and such.

Next tip would be that you do NOT need to immediately visit the trader; But if you can do so safely, it's probably worth it as quest rewards can be very beneficial if a bit difficult to accomplish for a newbie. If nothing else, the traders area can be looted and may have some useful stuff, and is 100% zombie free on the interior (Just make sure to close the door when you enter, or zombies can foll... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, Only one or the other. But it can only be crafted in a workbench iirc; Looking at the recipe from any other crafting interface will just show you the skills required.

You can see what station a recipe needs to be crafted at in the left crafting list; On the right hand side of the list if there's an icon it must be crafted in a specific station; If it looks like a workbench, it must be at a workbench, etc.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’ll move this to Questions since there’s an objective built-in solution, no mod required.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think you should put a flat block at the base of the ladder. Or if the zombies are in the trench, extend the ladder down to the bottom of the trench. While zombies theoretically should be able to jump short gaps and navigate odd shapes at the base of the ladder, this would give them the easiest time trying to climb onto it.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In single player, if you log out of the game, then the quest will reset and be ready to begin again when you log in again. I assume this works in multiplayer, too. So instead of restarting your dedicated server, the client doing the quest could log out of the server and log in again. Hopefully that would be more convenient.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, they do not.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sounds like you (or someone else if multiplayer) recently did a quest at that location; There's a cooldown on repeating quests at a POI. Either way, if you just wait a few hours to half a day it should allow you to start the quest...Sometimes reconnecting if SP will reset the cooldown too.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'd love to share, but NDA. Maybe they'll bring it up in tomorrows stream.