7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

21 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This one?

Have a laser pointer on your weapon?
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Rocco:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: Probably! A screenshot or two would be helpful here, including where you intend to be. In general, they’re going to take the path of least resistance, so you’ll want to shore up everything other than your intended entrance to the point that it’s the easiest path for them to take.

Do pressure plates count as the "resistance" you talk about? I have a clear path to my bunker, like a tunnel with pressure plates and dart tra...
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My default settings these days are really comfortable to play with. Nomad/permadeath, but set your days to 20 minutes, horde every night, max XP to speed things up. Choose your difficulty and run speed, then have some fun using a different place every night for hordes.

The bad decisions you make are the best ones.

20 Nov

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have an updated A19.3 version for you guys!

Have a fun weekend everyone!

A19.3 b5 contains:


Challenge notes can now be read from slot 9 & 10

Using admin/whitelist/ban on users with special characters in their name breaks the serveradmin.xml

Weighted Head can no longer go into Machete/Knife/Bone Knife

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I put a chest on the street, roughly aligned with the entrance. The primary purpose is to have a place to dump items while doing a quest in that POI, but it also marks that I've been in there. Once I'm using vehicles, I'll pretty much always approach a POI from the road, even though I'll head to the intended entry point from there.

When I make a mine shaft, I build a couple wooden blocks above the surface. I attach the ladder to one side, a torch to another side for visibility, and I put a big sign on a third side to label which resources are in the mine. You could do something similar for POIs.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's always the rooftop gardens that get people. As De Espirit mentions, gardens will gain weight as the crops grow, causing structures that were previously stable to collapse. If you aren't 100% on gauging SI, don't bother with the rooftop garden; it isn't worth the aggravation. Detached gardens are perfectly safe in A19 anyway.

I may not be visualizing your building accurately, but general advice would be to double check that your support column is solid with no open space, including any cavities under the ground.
Instead of a thick 2x3 column, consider if you could incorporate one or more interior walls to divide the space. If at least one wall can go from basement to roof, it should give you great structural integrity, even with a few doorways.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Either way. I just tried it, and I was able to turn on creative mode by typing cm in console, even on a game with Cheat Mode turned off. So turning Cheat Mode on in the settings does the same thing.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Have you tried Creative Mode? It’s like what you want, but through a graphical user interface instead of through the console. Enable it with cm in console, then close the console and press u.
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

The vehicles in 7D do count as water transport.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

#1 is the Depth of Field option.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

You'll have to create your own with a trigger.

Personally I don't see great value in dying over and over until I get a good roll. (run speed can be measured and is arguably the single best stat)

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ming: Sorry to say, but this sounds like a problem with some files in your install. And or you have remnants of mods hiding in there breaking things. If it was a wide spread issue we would see posts about it all the time. You are literally the first person I have seen post about this.
He's not the first- But the thing everyone i've seen with this issue has in common is that they modified item stack sizes to be vastly above the norm, which causes issues with the data storage. Namely that the game has a certain amount of byte space assigned to tracking items within each respective container; and making huge stacks and shoving them into chests will cause the byte usage to overflow what it has assigned, which cau... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You won't have to start a new game. You'll be able to set your game to stay on A19 for as long as you want to play your A19 game. This has been the case for 10 alphas now.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zergit: Now, you don't even need a base. You just spawn, do the beginner quests, take quests from traders while giving yourself loot/trader perks, so you can amass so much money you don't need to worry about gear because you can just buy the best of everything, you buy every vehicle, and then go building a structure because you're sick of looting, then realise 7 days has one of the most lacklustre building simulators out there.
This only works because the traders are currently ignoring loot progression. That's not going to be the case for much longer.

Remember, this game is still in development, and core things like this are still subject to change.

19 Nov

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Probably! A screenshot or two would be helpful here, including where you intend to be. In general, they’re going to take the path of least resistance, so you’ll want to shore up everything other than your intended entrance to the point that it’s the easiest path for them to take.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kyle: I’d like to point out that just because loot was random in the past doesn’t mean the devs have ever intended to leave it that way. It is far easier to get player feedback on all the game’s items by allowing access to every item.

Leaving it random with assigned tables was also much less work than assigning tier groups in those loot tables as well. Those would need to be changed for every update that added a new tool/gun. It was simpler to leave it random for most of development.

They have decided it is time to focus on the loot progression, which means it is time for the system to be introduced. I wouldn’t expect random loot to ever come back. I do hope they change the pacing to please as many peop...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The nailgun doesn't have a quality level. It shows '1' in the crafting menu, but when crafted it shows a "-" instead. It's the best building/upgrading tool.. and also has mild ranged self defense.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Rebar skips a step. Rebar upgrades directly into Reinforced Concrete after it dries; But for any other method you have to first let it dry once, then upgrade the concrete, then let it dry again to get reinforced concrete. Even directly crafting wet concrete only makes Concrete after it dries, and not reinforced concrete.

It's all about material expenditure and time spent upgrading. Sure, You can use wooden frames- But then you're spending a bunch of wood, a bunch of cobblestone rocks, and then a bunch of concrete not once but twice to reach reinforced concrete. On the other hand, rebar frames cost a bit of metal, and upgrade once with concrete to make reinforced concrete. One is considerably shorter, and much less stress.

Both wooden frames and rebar frames can be used to plan out a base. But one of the two is considerably less time spent upgrading, and less material used overall.. But also, iirc the rebar frames have more shape options as well, so there's that ... Read more