7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

29 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
More specific details are needed, but you've probably got a pretty weak CPU since it's a laptop.
Other games aren't 3D Voxel games will fully destructible terrain, structural integrity calculations on every block, or a complex AI. Other games only really care that you have a decent GPU. 7 Days will tax your entire package.

If you can give much more specific details on your hardware, we can give you better information.

Also note that you're at the Min Spec for RAM, so you're going to want to shut down most other software and background applications before you fire up the client.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There weren't any changes to difficulty in the client. Just a few bug fixes and stability optimization.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This sounds like a video driver issue, but there is nowhere near enough information to diagnose it.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you like to watch the pot boil, you can press F1 when the game is responsive to open the console and see more information on what it’s doing.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Caramel Digestives: im stuck again on the "socket data generation". nothing seems to be happening haha. it has loaded the water, tress etc and the rest then gets stuck on socket data generation.
As Ming stated, it will take some time. Just because it appears stuck, doesn't mean it's not busy working in the background. Clicking in the window may even prompt Windows to give a message saying the application is not responding. It's still working though, you just need to wait for it.

On a system that meets the Recommended hardware requirements, average map generation is about 20-25 minutes for an 8k sized map. If the system is only just meeting the minimum requirements, it will take about 45... Read more

28 Nov

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Blitz4: Thanks Shurenai. Loving the game. I'm sure once I get to end game, learn what can be done and how to do it, then everything will click.

I remember when the game had the minecraft-style crafting recipes. I used to ask my friends, videos or wiki's to teach me how to craft stuff.

I just tried searching the wiki's and there isn't one complete wiki on all of the craftable items or schematics currently in A19. I'm sure that will change once the game's released. Is there a way to view all craftable items and schematics via some xml search?

Sure: that’s in Config/recipes.xml and Config/items.xml, respectively.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That particular CPU has poor multi-threaded performance. So much so that there is a thread around here that was posted in the past 2-3 months illustrating how locking the game client to 2-4 cores on that system resulted in a drastic improvement in performance.

Most AMD processers before the 3rd and 4th gen have similar issues.

Additional performance improvements to note.
1. If you OS is on a slow platter drive, so is your save data. You will experience hitches when it's loading world data if your world is on a slow drive. Move your saves to the SSD.

2. This isn't a 144FPS game. Lock it in to 60FPS. This will help to create a buffer that will prevent framerate dips.

3. Don't play at a resolution higher than 1080p. Your system cannot handle it, and due to the nature of Voxels, even high-end systems will experience dips.

4. As has been stated, Optimization comes in Beta. If you cannot handle games still in development, then you need ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Blitz4:
Originally posted by Shurenai: There is indeed a thing just for this. Top left of the item icon is a mini icon, looks like a book...If it's open, you've read it previously. If it's closed, you haven't read it before.

Re-reading schematics currently gives an exp boost- but it's not really large enough to warrant reading over selling currently, which will hopefully change eventually.
Thanks. I thought it was an oversight on my part and was going to move on...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There's not really a solution to this beyond simply raising the total zombie count in the server settings. The game tops out at comfortably managing 64 zombies. Total. Server wide. Good servers can push this as high as 120, 200 tops if it's got truly excellent hardware.

This number is then divided among players- 16 apiece to 8 players is 128, So if you have the count set to 80, then there are 48 missing zombies, which results in only 10~ zombies to each player. Add more players, and the spawns get sparser and sparser as the server has to split it's total zombie count into more places.

The game is built and intended for 1-8 player coop at the top end, with a skew towards 3-6- any server running more than 8 players is playing in a field beyond what the game is intended for.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is indeed a thing just for this. Top left of the item icon is a mini icon, looks like a book...If it's open, you've read it previously. If it's closed, you haven't read it before.

Re-reading schematics currently gives an exp boost- but it's not really large enough to warrant reading over selling currently, which will hopefully change eventually.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In the vanilla game, the answer is 'No'. You cannot disable the hunger/thirst mechanics. That said, with modding it may be possible- but if so, I wouldn't know where to begin. You'd be best off hitting the main forums and asking around there- Though you'd have to make an account there to do so.

Specifically you'd be looking through the Mods section to see if something exists already; Or into the Discussion and Requests section to ask if it's even possible.

There is also a modding forum here on steam along the right side when looking at the main discussion page; But it's nowhere near as active as the main forum.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A screenshot of the area in question would greatly help. It seems likely that there is actually something in the location like paper on the ground, or a very thin plate that you don't recognize as such; But without seeing it we can't tell if that is the case or not.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Achille12345:
Originally posted by Shurenai: As to targeting the pillar, There was no intelligence behind it- They just attacked the nearest thing to you that they could reach- Which was the pillar beneath you. Intelligence would have been to find a way up to your location without breaking anything. That the pillar in question happened to be load bearing is another issue entirely that the AI would barely account for in that specific situation.

If they could see me ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There's a thousand different interpretations of zombie lore. Smart, dumb, slow, fast, blood hound nose, cant smell a thing, blind, not, sharp ears, deaf, Memory of an elephant, Memory of a goldfish...

They're the exact kind of zombies they are. They have a very strong will to get to your location if they saw you or to get to the location of any sound you made that they heard- But thats where there memory stops. The moment they reach your spot and you aren't there, they'll just go back to wandering.

As to targeting the pillar, There was no intelligence behind it- They just attacked the nearest thing to you that they could reach- Which was the pillar beneath you. Intelligence would have been to find a way up to your location without breaking anything. That the pillar in question happened to be load bearing is another issue entirely that the AI would barely account for in that specific situation.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sarharhs Chocboc:
Originally posted by RasaNova: They will respawn, but over time and not while you're in it. In other words, if you clear a room and then walk out of it, zombies will no longer appear and attack you from the room you just cleared.

thank you, thats what i meant, i understand spawning over time but i remember them just spawning in rooms i cleared a minute before and i hated it :P might download it again and give it a shot, i loved this game
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by aY227: Auger + mastery in The Art of Mining Books - oh my oh my - it's a zombie spawner basically.

Every "click" on auger is +1% (so hold the button, don't click it all the time - sorry if you knew this)
One block of ore is about 6%

But it's not that bad in vanilla - if I remember correctly raising heatmap to 100% doesn't guarantee screamer spawn (or did they change it?)

Also this: ...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Drive-by mining: you probably have gas and a good vehicle by now. Do a rotation where you mine with the auger for a minute at one mining site, and then drive to the next site before the first site gets too hot. You'll leave before the screamers arrive, or if not, you'll leave the screamer horde in the dust.
  • Stealth mining: wear a stealthy outfit while mining. It won't stop the screamers from coming, but they only scream if they see you. Keep an ear out for the first sign of a screamer, and pick them off before they see you.
  • Active defenses: if you're going to have a big, conspicuous mining operation, you need to protect it. Install traps, even powered traps, at the entrance/perimeter to obliterate anything that comes to investigate what you're doing.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by D.A.R.K.:
Originally posted by crmarlow2874: I have maxed out all my attributes and my skill points keep building up so I want to know, can I stop all skill points/xp from growing or can I get rid of my excess skill points?
This is because some perks changed how many levels there are in each. In A18.4 (if I'm not wrong) we would reach 299 and still missing 1 point to be full perk, but in A19.2 some perks aren't up to 5 leves anymore, some are 3 like Living Off the Land, and some are 4 like Adventurer. Because of that you keep getting more and more perk points without perk to spend.
Close- In A18.4 you would reach level 300 which provided 299... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeah, we all run into this problem of how to make the best opening in a wall from which to shoot. Though the arrow slit shape is specifically designed for this purpose, there are lots of options to get different sight lines, including ones that span multiple blocks. I've tried all sorts of shapes, and I've seen even more possibilities in others' videos. It's fun to experiment! :lunar2019coolpig: