7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

17 Dec

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'd love a full character customization setup like Bethesda has but we're a small team and have to pick our battles or never ship. The head system is expandable and we might get a little face customization in, we'll see yet. After a few hours though everyone has a full helmet on and you never see your face anyway so I don't see the argument.

Cool, maybe I missed it, but a smiley face to indicate humor with text is a must have usually

I agree, and I myself have spent hours making new characters for certain role plays in other games, but 7 Days was never that game for me. The custom

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I looked into that a while back and there isn't an easy way to speed it up, other than to change the weights and rebalance everything.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You’re being impossibly vague there, OP. Why don’t you elaborate on what you liked that’s changed now, or what little bugs bother you. Or if you just want Alpha 15 optimized and polished, you can play the console version.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The higher your FOV, the more fish eyed it gets. Decreasing FOV should help, but you will see less.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
5 makes one Seed that can be planted. One planted seed will produce an infinite amount of food going forward, being harvestable every 3 days by 'punching' it; If you punch a seedling, you get the seed back.

So, 5 plants for a slow return over an infinite period. Initial investment that pays off big time.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
“Indoors” is the operative word here. A19 adds an eye adaptation feature, but I am convinced there is a bug where it’s configured backwards. Instead of your virtual pupils letting in more light inside and less light outside, they let in less light inside and more light outside. This is not a technical limitation; the effect should work fine if they’d fix what amounts to a sign error.

16 Dec

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

How does crappy sliders that don't really change much compete with a decent amount of properly modeled/textured heads to choose from? We might let you change hair/eye/skin color none of that is even started on yet, but the main thing is proper pbr faces that are professional looking and performant. Uma is ugly and slow, and wastes a giant texture on each player in the game, his armor etc is all baked to a single unique sheet. The new system can share textures and stream them.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is no plans for that, as it could really impact the frame rate, so something like that is best suited as a mod IMO.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nope, but legendary armors might pave the way for legendary guns, how I designed that could work, meaning the legendary bonus is double of what the blue bonus is, or could be a random range from 11-20%. I have a more advanced design I did a while back but it's so good/big I think it should just be saved for 7 Days 2.

Once there are enough mods though you might want to save that mod slot for something better than carry capacity, making the perk still viable.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Iirc explosive damage is not currently viewed as 'Player' damage. The land claim settings should prevent players from mining the blocks themselves with tools like axes/pickaxes, but, no protection from explosives like say, a rocket launcher or thrown pipe bomb/grenade.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Minibikes in A19.2 have a storage basket by default. The storage basket item has been deprecated for several versions, where it used to be used to add an inventory to minibikes.

Hold E to interact with your vehicle and select the storage option from the radial wheel to reach the inventory of the bike.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wandering hordes randomly skim along the edge of where a player is, so maybe you just got (un)lucky and they have not been noticing you?

That would be an interesting thing to bring in closer as their target's GS increases.

15 Dec

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You have a CPU on the lower-end of things with extremely poor multithreading support. You can help your Ryzen CPU by turning SMT/hyperthreading OFF and locking it down to 4 cores. Set the affinity for OBS to use separate cores from the client, and that will help.

Aside from that, you may not be able to hit 60FPS in OBS with that hardware. You can get it in the game client by itself easy, but trying to record is adding more processing than your system is really capable of.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by vgifford: I too am at High day count, High gamestage and see few Stags or Does.

From entitygroups.xml:

So what does this mean? They have a 1% chance of spawning? Maybe a few less Rabbits and Chickens and a few more of the others might be a better formula.

Thank God for Bob's Boars.

When you see probabilities like that, it's like the game is rolling a die with 48 sides labeled rabbit, 1 side labelled stag, 1 side labeled doe, etc. So indeed, it looks like not only may the game be stingy on how often it rolls the die in the first place, but it's also set so that deer are overwhelmingly outnumbered by small game. I don't know if this balance is wh... Read more
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah I think an entry level one is a good idea just to teach ppl they can get some relief on day one if they work for it, but if you want the good stuff you need perks/books/crafting gates.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, one pocket mod to rule them all. There is no concept of clothing any more or armor, just outfits with various stats and mod slots.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

New character stuff is being pushed to Alpha 21, there is too much stuff to change out. TBD on your question.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

You will choose a head for your appearance. We aren't allowing ugly character customization any more.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes because eye wear will probably be a part of the helmet/hat.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 Yes!

2 Nothing much atm other than the weather should change at a consistent rate.

3 The goal of these changes is to make it run faster, look better and not get stuck on ugly conditions. Rain comes and goes in a clean fashion. Snow looks pretty sweet now.