7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

14 Oct

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's days. Says so in the description inside the config file.

07 Aug

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moderation Team Roland
Crater Creator
Red Eagle LXIX

List is in no particular order

21 Jul

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ðavз:
Originally posted by MystaMagoo:
Which VR unit have you tried?
VR is the dogs,racing games are on another level now and shooters are just so immersive.
i havent used any.. i follow a few youtubers that play vr games and it just looks broken to me.. there are cool things about it and often very funny to watch but i wouldnt want to experience it myself based on what i see
Watching it played, and actually playing it are like night and day. Even ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I believe it's planned for after the game releases.

09 Jul

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you posting about...

...meeting up with other players? Post in the Meeting Room.

...a server you have or seek? Post in the ... Read more

01 Jul

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The developers don't endorse 3rd party utilities or apps that work with 7 Days to Die but neither do they hunt them down and close them down. Sphereii's mod launcher is a godsend for those who want to try out mods but feel timid about downloading and installing them themselves. There are server admin bots that help the multiplayer experience with 7 Days to Die. There are web based mapping utilities that keep track of your world as it is uncovered. Heck, there's probably at least one mobile app designed to work with 7 Days. Just as the developers don't endorse but also don't try to shut down these 3rd party utilities, they'll treat this build planning utility the same.

Crater Creator has already stated that since the utility is related to the game, is of interest to people who like to build in this game, and is contained within its own thread and not being reposted in threads all over the forum-- it is appropriate to allow it. It's not spam.

I don't think this ... Read more

30 Jun

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
FYI, a link to a 7 Days to Die-related app, contained to its own thread, is not spam. There’s also no need to announce when you report someone; it tends to antagonize more than anything, and we don’t need that.

Thanks for sharing, donkong.

21 Jun

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmm. So you guys aren’t after railroad crossings and train yards; you just want something to facilitate ore processing? Then perhaps a conveyor belt block would do it.

Each one would occupy one block. You could orient it N/E/S/W. It wouldn’t be expected to handle curves or inclines. It would work with the existing electricity system. It could also be really fun to incorporate into zombie traps. You’d need special code to move a storage chest or other block along it, and performance may be an issue when you have a hundred of these in a tunnel. But other than that, I think it’s feasible.

20 Jun

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Unfortunately a voxel engine is poorly suited for rails. The rails wouldn't all be straight - you'd want turns and inclines as well. In order to not look ridiculous, those turns and inclines would need to be gentle, over a long distance, which doesn't line up with the rest of a voxel world split into cubic meter increments.

21 May

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is a clear reminder to report posts you think are trolling or fanboying instead of responding.
This is a clear reminder violations of the Steam Discussion forum rules, or this specific Game's forums rules will not be tolerated.

Thank you.

To those who do the right thing reporting such posts instead of interacting or providing vigilante justice commentary I would like to offer my thanks.

Together we can make this a better place for all to interact as a community.

29 Mar

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Soubi: And if I wanted to add someone with a custom URL, like mine (SoubixLoveless) do I just put that instead of the numbers. Or would the ID64 be better?
You need to get their SteamID in ID64 format, the name is not correct for the config file.
The easiest way is to indirectly exercise the public Steam API by using 3rd party sites to do the lookup for you. (Enhanced Steam Browser Addon also displays the numeric SteamID64)

... Read more

24 Jan

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It also depends on what device and the drivers you use for that audio device.
I keep voice chat disabled for the same reason. On some systems, the interaction is performance detrimental. Most commonly when the audio device is USB based, but not exclusively. Just depends on how the driver responds.

11 Dec

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nobody:
Originally posted by Shurenai: If they are NOT within this file, the command is not usable.

Commands not specified in this file will have a default permission level of 0!
That's..Very strange then, Because me and my friends were having trouble using a number of commands prior to including them within the file, despite all being admin w/ level 0 permission.. Guess thats just some oddity we ran into then, or maybe a relic from an older versio... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think debug mode is not listed within the admin permissions file by default, and as such it wont let you use it?

Your serveradmin.xml should look similar to this, Some of the commands above are ones i had to manually add to the file (Namely SE, ST, DM, TP, and Tele, i think) If they are NOT within this file, the command is not usable.

If you don't have access to the file you should be able to add commands in game by using the cp add command, in this case "cp add debugmenu 0"

10 Nov

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by GhostGaming: anyone know how to fix this spamming the console with, "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"???
Probably have to go back to A15 when that worked.

08 Nov

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The fake miss made sense at the time. Not anymore when arrows veer sometimes, drop over time, and have flight characteristics. All the things that add to legitimate misses that were not possible or happening when it was put in.

06 Nov

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by akroma.chan: It's not a bug... It's a feature.
Some versions before they decided bow was op because it couldn't miss when aimed correctly, so they introduced a rng when shooting making the arrow "deviate" from it trajectory.
It's crappy, it could have been set by several different changes, they choose this way and will probably never change (since MM don't seem to even play his game, or understand how we play it).
I died or almost died a few times because of this "oups you arrow didn't hit the dog at 50cm from you but hit the rock behind it". It is frustrating but, well, it's not broken.
Just a correction:
In Alpha 14.3 a chance to miss was added that I lovingly call "fake miss" because at th... Read more

22 Sep

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Start game
build stuff
press F1
type 'st 01 07 00' without quotes
press enter
press esc

bingo, Day 1 7:00

07 Jun

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kunovega: For anyone else who stumbles on this topic and is trying to copy their save games:

When you launch the game from steam library, it asks if you want to show the game launcher

Start the launcher, not the game. Switch to the tools tab

You can now open game folder or open savegame folder directly, no searching through file explorer or using search box to find them

Or if you need a video, here's how to transfer a character to a new world:
Read more

10 Oct

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, the ability to get achievements remains intact for that world.
As long as cheats are disabled when you actively try for the achievement, having previously enabled them does not seem to cause an issue.

Example a quick way to get the Player Killing achievements without killing another human.
Note: I can personally verify this works.
New game with cheats disabled.
F1 (to open console)
F1 (to close console)
U (open cheat menu)
Search for pipe bombs
Fill Belt with pipe bombs
Close cheat menu
press H
press space to fly up above the ground out of reachable distance for anything on ground.
Face a little bit in front and toward the ground of current position.
F6 (to open spawn menu)
Click the Spawn 25 box.
Press banditmelee twice
F6/ESC (to Close spawn menu)
F1 (to open console)
F1 (to close console)
NOTE: you should still be flying, and bandits still spawning or nearly ful... Read more